Thursday, December 1, 2011

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I hung 2 new bird feeders, each with a specific food, some for finches and some for cardinals. the birds have stopped coming since the squirrels have destroyed the previous feeder. that was about a week ago

on a snowy day yesterday i hung the new feeders and waited for the colorful birds which did not show up. instead, Nemi and Nemo, 2 of the squirrels that reside in the tiny forest behind the house decided to attack.
they climbed the tree and looked at the feeders from various angles, climbed up and down, moved from branch to branch while we are watching them and after 10 minutes or so, they found a way. 

Nemi, climbed down the plastic wire and chewed off the wire, dropping the feeder to the ground and a nice brunch reward. I retaliated by reconnecting the feeder to a metal wire and went on for the day. an hour later (my days are short recently) i came back and they chewed off the other plastic cable for the other feeder. so now i need another steel cable, but i am sure the squirrels will find a way.

so far squirrels 2, man 0

attached are some recent photos , recent hikes, onion related gadgets and the squirrels 

You are invited to view gil.even's photo album: 2011-12-01
Nov 8, 2011
by gil.even
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