Wednesday, January 23, 2013

on pee, review and the cold

while waiting for final final results of the elections, i am busying myself with issues of true importance. pee
work meetings are usually 1 hour longs some times more, and some times back to back, requiring a clear bladder before the 1st one, but this week i am in fitchburg in training and the sessions are 30 minutes long with 5 minutes breaks which is just enough, but right away another meeting should i go or not? a really important question, what will happen if i don't go,  true, only 30 minutes to the next break, but habits are hard to ignore. other then these completely irrelevant thoughts, the training on agile is very interesting.
but this week i believe is the coldest I have even felt, it reach -20 Celsius, and wind! without wind its mile torture, but the wind makes it unbearable, i need to find my bank robber ski mask, it would be perfect right now.
new semester has begun and i am taking a marketing course, this group has nothing but group work, so naturally I want a good group. each person introduces him/ her self at the beginning on the class, then the teacher gives each of us a random number that is our group number. during the introduction one guy speaks so softly that i can't hear a things, I don't want him in my group, since you need to present, it helps when people speak up, so randomly , not surprisingly, we are grouped together.  the next week, more people come in, who skipped the 1st class, one guy says he will always come to class 30 minutes late at least, I don't want this guy in my group, who wants the guy who skips class! so of course he is in my group. this week we have more additions, naturally i will not want the person that i have worked on in a previous course and kept ignoring the group and came unprepared to the presentation, so she is in my group as well. not looking forward for group work. so far, for the 1st project, I am doing half the work, I submit it for review and the guy who skips class replys, its great, no comments. now, you read my blogs, i have spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and god only knows what else, it is not perfect!  that is crap review... this course will ruin my average...
ok , enough nonesense for one night
cheers from frozen Wisconsin

Sunday, January 13, 2013

on the the importance of air

I didn't really give much thought to how late i may be when the plane left Israel an hour and a half later, Still on a shwarma high. some hours later with several non quality movies watched the air PA announced that some flights might be late, that was all i needed, to be late on new years eve after promising Alla that i had already confirmed with the pilot well in advance and checked the weather and all is well (that is my regular irrelevant promise). they told us that passengers on some flights were already re-routed- other might make it and several more, mine included, to check at the agents on the ground- so now I have to wait till landing to find out if I am stuck in the airport for another year!. I decide to take action, i asked the guy who brings the food (not sure what is they politically correct name these days) to ask the passengers to remain seated while those in a rush can pass, no luck, i ask to move to a more front line sit, no luck. action failed. so i try to ask my fellow passengers to move a head of them. my row was 32, the guy next to me allow me to jump over and ...that it, no one is budging, some say that they are on short connections as well, great, the back of a big plane with short connection, and customs, what are the chances. I finally leave the plane and begin running with an overloaded back pack and a very heavy luggage and a stomach full of shwarma, neither aspect is good for airport running, lucky i am in snickers and short pants (it was warm on the plane). airport running is not easy, and i run passed people , stop for air and run again, stop, run ,stop run . i reach the luggage area before customs and... wait,, the suitcase is not there, few minutes pass and i converse with fellow rushers, they all have short connections- mine is 25 minutes away, before customs and before my suitcase has arrived. bags come out, not mine, not mine, looks like mine, but not mine. then the ramp that brings the suitcase stop, but you see some cases (not mine), I am getting restless, the worker guy calls another guy, few minutes pass and the other guy comes, presses a button and suitcases flow again, too bad not mine... its 8:09 (flight at 8:25) that my suit case arrives and I finally head towards customs, lucky this is not new york, shorter lines, every one in front has short connections, the guy in front of me when we reach the front of the line goes to the booth, and I turn to the booth next to it (without being called), mistake! the light is off on this booth, he makes me wait, come on, come on, i think i look like a smuggler with my nerves at this point, finally the passport check, finger prints, OK let's move it, I noted that i have dairy products on the customs form, this brings a line of questioning from the agent, what kind of cheese, I specify this is store bought cheese, not from a farm or something like that, I say it is soft cheese, not hard cheese, this info pacifies her, not sure why hard cheese or soft cheese matters but finally , i pass the passport counter. next, the guy who collects the customs form, while in line, i hear him asking for passengers to prepare the form, so i put it in my passport for easy reach, and he stops me and explains that he needs the form out of the passport, 7 more seconds gone! I hand him the form and move to another security point, this line is long and doesn't move fast , its already 8:20. as I get closer to the metal detector- the agents go on a break! and close one of the lanes, while everyone on this line is about to miss their flight! blame Canada! i can't miss the flight, 2 minutes later a resource full agent calls the rest to reopen a lane and i quickly line jump to pass through- and now once passed security I run again. i could never sprint for distance, that always made me cough and whiz (similar but not asthma) , it only happens on sprints and when i push heavy things, now i sprint with my heavy suitcases and feel like my lung will collapse, I make it to the gate over 10 minutes late and... the plane is here!! later i found that they delayed some flights , but this one was just regularly delayed. I was barely able to speak and took several minutes to get my breath in order and 2 days for my lungs to feel normal again, but I made the flight, I would probably have made it if i had walked without rushing at all. i quickly moved out of my short pants to longs pants and coat, the snow storm that hit Cleveland few days prior left piles over knee high at my house, lucky we got the service that clears the drive way, but there is no service that clears the path to the bird feeder...
I purchased so much treats for Alla (hence to suitcase overweight) and the pile of candy on the floor was impressive , we even have a photo, and Alla is enjoying them for the last 2 weeks, but supplies are running low.
last week we took the nephews and went tubing. the problem with tubing is the weather. you need icy conditions to have maximum speed, but icy conditions means a freezing face, not fun. if its warmer, your face is not freezing but the ice melts and the tube lanes are slow. the counter lady warned us that lanes might be slow, but we chanced it, took tubes, went up the gang way and tubed down, so slow... you don't even make it down and have to walk part of the way, but we tried to have fun anyway, by we I mean me, Michael (age 8) didn't enjoy it and after 2 runs decided it was enough, its hard to argue with kids,Ariel had more fun but we didn't stay long, we need to try a day of freezing cold weather. but on the way there, we noticed cars stop ahead of us. a deer was running on the road but not to cross it, but on the road itself, Alla stopped the car and watched the deer run at us limping, and hits the car! we were totally stopped, did he not see us? of doesn't like Mazda's? the limping deer limped away and we saw no damage on the car, I didn't get the deer's plates.
a few days later we took the same kids to watch shrek the musical. the plot is much like the movie, with much more songs, its funny in a different way, lord farquad is great and Fiona funny, shrek needs improving, but over all lots of laughs for both of us and the kids. and this is not parenting training session, they simply had birthdays. happy birthday (month overdue).
heat wave someone said, where , when? on the weekend, rumor said the temperatures will reach the 60s, amazing, 60s in Cleveland is only seen when the cavs play. what to do on such a day, go hiking? go biking? , but few days later Alla's boss asks her to switch (he probably heard of the sunny day as well) and a painter has to come to the house which means some one has to paint it, which means, no! i have to stay home on the best day of winter noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
usually doing nothing and watching movies is an activity I like, but not on such a day. the painter comes, he is a smoker. some people , i cant say why, reek of cigarettes , I really can't be near them, but on such a day i decide to open all the windows and air the house and avoid the guys scent ( he is a nice guy and a good painter) just smokes too much. now that the heat wave has melted most of the snow, i can reach my feeder and replenish it and with open windows you can hear so many different birds sounds which is really nice, usually i see the birds but don't hear them. So i sit all day, watch movies , listen to birds and imagine what i would do if i could leave the house. the guy leaves shortly before sunset, day lost.
today how ever was not as warm, 50+ but war enough- the day begins with tennis (indoors- since the outdoor courts are wet and don't have nets!), then while Alla is stuck with the painter on day 2, I go biking. 19 miles with a biking group, the organizer said there are no hills, only one incline, well for me, hill are relative, anything over flat ground is a hill for me- and the road we go has nothing but uphill no matter which direction you go. in the first part, I ride fast but remain in last position way after the rest of the group, some one else rides with me, but i know he is there to keep me company, he can ride faster, on the break I notice the tires are not properly filled, which makes my slow pace , ever slower. now after pumping, its better and i manage to keep up and even pass a guy (ignore the fact that he had a flat and had to pull over). on the way we pass the Everett covered bridge (like Madison county), not sure what is the purpose of this bridge but it looks nice. I see a great blue heron overlooking a pond, a hawk and white geese. with aching legs we reach the ends after over 2 hours of hard pace biking (well hard pace for me). an hour later I play tennis once more, this will probably be the most active day for me this winter and i will feel the results tomorrow!
speaking of tennis, I invented a new pair of tennis shoes. it started in Israel. i walked a long hike with high tops, not made for walking, and the right foot was rubbed below the ankle, so i cant wear that shoe, but i dare not play on without high tops on my left ankle- so had no choice but to use both types, high tops on the left, regular shoe on the right, so far its kind of working, no one yet has asked me about on the tennis courts.
today, Alla is choosing colors for the baby room. OMG , she spends hours on color selection, blue and gray, no stripes, mural, no blue and gray again...hours gone by, I went biking over 3 hours (with the drive) then tennis and she is still on selection, baby better like the colors!! - i think we have a selection now- but i don't want to say till its 100.1% decided and painted.
I joined a fitness group, hosted by someone from work- last month they had a squat challenge , start with 5 a day and increase by 5 a day till you do 100 a day by month end, not a difficult challenge, I was doing it for 3 weeks till it was time to fly to Israel. the problem is where to do it in the airport, its weird activity to do in public. In Toronto airport i went to the family bathroom. I don't plan on squatting in the men's room! but the family restroom is private. for the first and second day I did the challenge in the garden while taking the dog for a lish less walk, then I dropped it for the rest of the month. new month and new challenge, much harder- lots of abs and chest work, even got some wights to do it at home, takes 30 minutes to complete, on top of other activities, it is a commitment, i am so far able to keep, which reminds me, i have not done so today!
cheers from the mat in front of the TV

Monday, January 7, 2013

on wet things and one broken table

I owe you a debt from last time. I entered the parking lot with the guy who said, "don't worry mister, it will all be OK" and forgot to mention the way out... well not a big story, there was no one on the way out, i just exited, it is possible this was a free parking lot, but not likely, not with a guard at the gate, but no worries, i paid exactly what they asked me.
a better story is what happen to my sister at the pestigal (annual Hanukkah shows for kids with all the kids celebrities) she went with my nieces and nephew, during the show, little eilon, age 4 had a voluntary accident (who wants to go all the way to the bathroom in the middle of the show?), but he was sitting on my sisters lap!. she asked him if he went and he just said yes, and probably kept staring at the show. after he was changed he refused to sit again on her lap, why? well. he said, she is wet!
last Tuesday we went for an afternoon in jerusalem. the city is renovated with a light train and several more buildings and looks good, and the old town always looks great. we entered from the jaffa gate and toured the market listening to some old town stories from my dead, we toured the main christian church- i always forget its name and the western wall followed by a trip to the machane yehuda for a nice meal of Pargiot (chicklet). there are no photos of the old city this time, camera was left at home.
Wednesday was an unplanned day, we went to the Israel museum in tel aviv for an exhibit of winning photography from all around the globe in the past year with many powerful tragic photos, then we ate yummi fish (denis) at the marina. the attraction this day was sailing. My mom is taking a yacht sailing course, this week was a practice sail from herzelia to Tel aviv and back. this is my first sail on a true sailing yacht, I was enjoying my self, taking photos of captain mom steering, connecting ropes etc.. the small ship bounces up and down and a non stormy sea, its very easy to fall overboard. now she can't say, hey don't do that, its dangerous, I have a counter argument!. 4 hour sailing with lots of turns and twist and no sea sickness and great views of Tel Aviv. when we returned to the marina, we saw lots of ambulances , fire department and police and people with robes walking out and later found out that a spa burnt down near-by with 1 smoke inhaling death.
on Thursday we headed north for a 3 day spa hotel. this is not my usual hangout, but my friends went and I joined them. on the way after a hike of about 45 meters I enjoyed a Shwarma, so good. we got stuck in traffic after cop delay for a ticket (lucky i wasn't driving); from a left single lane turning to a 2 lane road, first go the the left, then the right!. it took us almost 4 hours to get there, to zfat. i tried to buy some schnapps but i can't find it here. we brought an almost empty bottle of apple schnapps from home which felt strong to me. the hotel looked nice with lots of tea spots, located on the mountain with nice views- this is the start of a 3 day food fest, not that the proceeding days were any less (or the days after....) in between there were lots of laughs, pool hot tub, Turkish bath, sauna and interesting workshops on diet, reiki, chakras, meridiens, meditation. i especially liked the chackras workshop, after learning about the 7 chakras and as we meditated, i fell a sleep. i guess i am one with my chakras. we also played tennis for a few hours and ran a bit to not nearly enough to offset the food. on one morning we had fresh juice, well, we had fresh fruit and a a juicer, amazing oranges,  great sweet potatoes (not in the juice) and jachnoon on Saturday.
 on the way back after the 3 spa days we stopped at the choclatino - since we desperately needed more calories- the white chocolate drink was sublime. unfortunately i tasted someone Else's drink that had just a bit of coffee in in, ruined my taste buds. on the way back with some but less traffic we played- guess the 80 games- song and performer . playing this game with Amit feels like soccer with messi. he knows them all. so we began changing the rules. he and only he gets points deducted for mistakes and we were very partial to the correctness - for example -the song - the winner takes it all by Abba- for us it would be enough to say- the winner, or takes it all, but he would have to say the whole thing exactly- no forgiveness. after all that, we still got creamed by the man who probably knows all band member of cream, but still fun.
later that night we sat with the family and debated a bit of politics, elections are coming. beer as you know is the source and solution to all of life's problem (H. Simpson)- and when my mom handed shai (the friend, not the brother) a beer, something went wrong in the beer pass (this was before drinking it) and it fell on the big glass Coffey table, breaking it into 2 pieces (1 large , one smaller) causing it to fall on my leg. no damages to limbs, but the table is dead. shai took the blame, though it wasnt his fault and now my mom has the fun joy of table shopping.
on Sunday morning we went on a walk from tel Baruch beach in northern tel aviv to Jaffa on the south side - around 10-11 k easy walks on the board walks and small parts of the Israel trail. we saw hand full of birds, blooming cactus and lots of people with too much time to kill sitting at cafe's and complaining about the economy. we got some gifts at the flee market and some old vinyl records and before we had to leave, we tried a shwarma, the best of the trip so far and according to the unaffiliated cab driver, the best in jafa, can't say i disagree. Friends came over in the evening for a good-bye night and next morning was time to head back to the airport.
a too short vacation of Tzfatit cheese, shwarma friends and family ended.
some photos are attached below
You are invited to view Gil Even's photo album: 2012-12-30 israel
cheers from somewhere near flo, more on that next time