Wednesday, February 26, 2014

on first steps

Since i cant run long distance any more, one surgery is enough, i was looking for a replacement.
last year i decided to try a triathlon - well the small one, not the crazy iron man stuff. more of a mercury man level thing.
it took me a year just to get started. recently I've signed up for an event and started practicing. swimming, swimming and bike, bike and run and yesterday i tried all three combined.
this event is not distance base, but time based. 10 minutes swim, 30 on bike and 20 min running, just do what you can in this time, so it fits all levels. on yesterday's practice - i Swem faster than usual, since its only 10 minutes, almost made 400 meters, i broke my record of 9 miles on 30 minutes on the bike and the running was so difficult. my legs were heavy, i though i wouldn't last a minutes, but slowly i made it, around 2.5 k , slower then my recent 5k speed, but i am just happy i finished it. the real race is on Sunday, but i know it can be done!
that happened yesterday and was very exciting for me, but that was nothing compared with what i found at home today.
Mattanchuk took his 1st steps :::)  how awesome!!!, he did 2 steps, and i caught him, a minute later he did four, then six then 10, a natural. and just to get my heart rate pumping more. he finally stood, by himself, without holding on to anything. all in the course of 1 hour!!!! i am thrilled.
i wonder what comes next
happy Wednesday

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

on Buckwheat

Alla tells me that buckwheat is tasty. just add butter, milk, sugar, salt and bread. sounds good i say. but just might be better without the buckwheat.
we started giving buckwheat to mattanchuk and i am laughing my (well, what is a nice word to say instead of Ass, rear end, boring, hiney, too Al Bundy, but- not funny, well no better words, sorry) ass off.
these little bucks are now scattered in a wider area then a meteor hit can spread debrea.
he takes a bite or two, then decides he wants to drive the spoon, grabs it from the wrong end and the content spread every where. so i try to give it to him directly from the bowl. he takes a sip and i feel very proud, then he puts his hand inside, grabs some bucks and drops to the floor.
he also takes the spoon and drops it to the floor. he create mayhem in such a cute way that i cant stop laughing.
the joys of parenting.