With elections coming up everywhere I wanted to share my political beliefs
It is not widely known that I belong to a movement called the power seekers
Our numbers grow each day
Our motto is POWER
You can easily recognize us in airports and public places as we demonstrate our relativeness
we are usually found on the floor, or next to the walls- or with a lap top in our hands desperately looking for an outlet to power up.
Our search is easy in some airport but difficult in others- some places have welcomed us and set places for charging phones and lap tops- others like Newark where I am now sitting on the floor next to a post enjoying an outlet- I found one before but it was disconnected- this one is working fine. So obviously I have a lot of time now…
You’ve seen me in Purim of last year’s- I enjoy finding unique outfits- and for me originality is better than a good looking costume- with that I was looking forward for my first Halloween
I was driving yesterday from Cleveland to Erie (where alla goes to school) , and driving east while the sun sets highlights the colors of the trees and I was admiring the entire road (October is the month to visit the north east). I reached Erie and watched the little kids trick or treating- going house to house and begging for candy- the houses are all decorated with pumpkins, spider webs, ghosts, ghouls, and other suppose to be scary figures.
And later we went to a costume shop to find something for a Halloween party- since I was supposed to be in Israel by now I didn’t have time to plan, Alla goes to pharmacy schools and we work with pharmacists so I looked for something in that area.
We considered Rx, or Ace inhibitor (buy a hat from ace and add no or a big X) and then the light bulb turned on- drug to drug interaction!
The results is in the attachment – unfortunately the results is not as good as the idea- I have pink, blue and green color in my hair but it doesn’t show (rip off cheap merchandise) – so I shaved parts of my face (alla said it is a result of some disease) and added some green color and make up, see attach
The idea for Halloween and Purim as well where it comes to female costumes is this- less is better, lower even more
Every princess, queen of the night, elf, Lilith, fairy, bunny , witch and Marylyn Monroe costume comes with a very very short skirt. I was surprised by the amount of time (money) invested in these costumes
There was a guy dressed in a box looked like a gift – with a message – from god to woman
A girl with panties and a tight shirt – and somebody outfit to appear looking naked
Another girl with panties and a bra – with yellow crime scenes ribbons wrapped around her- she was supposed to be a crime scene
A ghost buster
A girl dressed like a teen age mutant ninja turtle (with the shell)
The Mario brothers, various demon and ghosts from all types, harry potter was dating a Hermione
And some guy who thinks he looks anything like drug to drug interactions
So I did what I always do- took lots of photos
This week I was in Texas- and I tried to write something mid week about not everything being bigger and better in Texas and suffered from a bloggers block
I was in a small town and asked some people where would one go to see animals, or where is there a nice park- they both looked at me like deer in spot light- finally pointed me to some pond
I asked them about the national grassland which was an hour away- they didn’t even know what I was talking about
A lot of driving this week as well- this state is way too big- but the road at this time of year is boring – fields and fields that not even the setting sun makes any better
And another little town in mid Texas where things were interesting
2 weeks ago the staff bought me a cake- a whole cake- this is their way of tipping I guess) but here a pharmacist actually baked him a cake- baking is more impressive than buying
And a good one too- apparently the ladies here like ibu- though he (and they) are married- don’t worry- we (try) to be professionals and avoid such things, but he was trying to avoid one specific nurse which came on her day off to see him...
The very same pharmacists makes bags- she takes jeans hand bags and add her personal touches and hands them out- and refuses to get paid- my next destination was Dallas for my new born niece so I though a bag would be a nice gift for my 7 year old niece.
So I leave the hospital for a short 4.5 hours drive to Dallas, and a stop on the way to buy a gift for my nephew (it is against the low to bring a gift for one of them and not the other) and I stop at Wal-Mart and get some flying remote chopper.
I enter the house and the kids jump on me and the dog as well- Daniel sees the chopper and immediately turns his attention to that- that’s ok- I would too
And then my niece says – you didn’t bring me any clothing right?- I say oh no to myself and pull out the bags (which are very nice) and get the “face” –
So now the games begin- though she took the bags she was trying also to get me to buy her some toy as well- she knows I am a pushover
the reason why she didn’t get a toy is because I arrived late night only to leave the next morning- no time for more shopping but had arranged for me to ship her something
Later we played some taki
She wins the 1st game and I win the rest- so after a while when she loses she starts to cheat and starts taking from the pile the +2 cards- although she cheats- she is not good at it- I cheat in return and just get the card that makes you swap cards with each other- so she start giving me the +2 cards and I swap decks with a smile- that pisses her off and game was over
So after everything- she got to bags and a toy (to be delivered) and managed to look unhappy- so am I smarter than a 7 year old?
The younger niece – neta- is 7 days old- she just sits there and does nothing…
Daniel is still busy with the chopper
Max The dog jump all over me- and wants to play –we do and then I tell him to seat down- he does not listen- he knows I am a pushover too (he listens to everyone else)
The week before I was in Washington state and the hospital with the better view than any other site I visited- overlooking the vast hood river on the one bank and forests all around- this river is a world premier site for wind surfing- but not enough time for that- we managed an hour drive in the forest looking for wild life- no luck this time- but have some great photos
Today I drove back to Cleveland- enjoyed what appear to be the last days of fall- and right now at the airport in new York (still with power J )
With still 2 hours before my flight back
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