Wednesday, December 31, 2008

how to avoid getting snow in your car

‘Boonies’ means middle of nowhere

It’s a new term for me, most of this trip was in the boonies

So we stop by a little boonie motel and ask the price- it’s not cheap enough- so we want to leave, we can’t- snowed in. we just stopped for less than a minute! So we go out and start shoveling snow from under the car- we still had a hard time leaving- but managed.

We found a small place which got a nice review. Dinner is at Sidney- an Australian restaurant filled with signs like ‘koalas next 10 miles ’ ,don’t swim

harks and other such signs , I have been to Sidney this time of year before- I don’t remember the snow- on  a cloudy ausy day, I was at a nice beach watching a surfing contest, I was there for an hour and a half, didn’t even see the sun, and got burned bad- couldn’t sleep on my back for a week-so this wasn’t Sidney, but they had good beef noodle soup.

So we ask around what there is to do in the town, the closest cinema is 30 miles away so we go for the main attraction- bowling

Michigan is already on my top 3 states list along with Utah, and Colorado- but they have 1 major flaw- still allow smoking

So we begin to bowl, and Alla is as competitive as I am, even in games we don’t play very well. So game on.

As always, names of local legendary bowlers are marked on each lane- and my 3 games did not even reach 300 combined. I will let you guess who won. At one point after Alla hits her usual 9- the machine breaks- so a guy jumps from a near lane- to assist- still not working so the guy runs behind the pins, the machine looks fine tome- I don’t notice that only 9 pins are set and bowl, soon as the bowl is half way- the pin scooper thing goes down and my bowl hits it, and I feel like the locals are watching a silly city guy who can’t even bowl. That guy turned out to be an employee, though he was playing next to us the whole time.

I became a bit sick after the previous day’s cold feet on the snowmobile- so this time we needed good winter boots for the dog sledding.

I am a bad shopper and a worse shoe shopper- nothing fits right. So this is the origin

Imagine flashback music…

It’s 1991, my first trip abroad to Florida for my cousins wedding. We stop by a shoe store

And my uncle gives me a pair of shoes to try, they are kind of tight, but he says- take them, they are on sale. I keep resisting and so does he.

Those were girls shoes, woman somehow like narrower shoes, I don’t. I manage to avoid my shoeish fate, but always having problem finding a feeting pair. But the problem remained- we still needed good shoes

Alla asks miss boonie on locations of shoe stores , and she says she has an old pair of shoes. Wonderfully the sizes match. She brings a pair of winter shoes- who look like new- expect for holes on the top of the shoe – for an 8 year old shoe- they were pristine.

Her husband(Mr, boonie) comes with a silicon sealer, and with the last drops  of the tube, seals every hole, does a good job, and seals the tiniest of holes.

So for 45$ a night for 2, + winter shoes (who cost more then 45$)-not a bad deal.

So Alla is set, now we still have to deal with the problematic one. Stores are closed, and Alla , now aware of the possibilities of free shoes- asks the dog sled guy for shoes for me- and I get his spare shoes- so shoe problem is over- these are strong comfy shoes- but I bet in the store they would be narrow, uncomfortable, pressing, suffocating, hurting and other reasons for not buying shoes.


How to avoid getting snow in your car is an old questions since Mr ford drove his car up here.

At first you walk in the snow and get in the car- so snow comes in- so you learn to hit your shoes- one against the other- before you come in

Now you have a suitcase- which drags snow- so you try to clean that too- but it’s cold so you do it quickly- and snow in your car

You open the trunk to get bags in, it snows, so snow in your car

You forget to wipe the snow of the trunk exterior as you open it- and get lots of snow in your car

I would tell you how to avoid it but I don’t know- my car is full of snow.








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