Saturday, June 27, 2009

who brings the baby stork for the stork itself when she is pregnanat? andsome monkies photos

I don't know; I am transformed between writing good and bad review on the transformers movie.
On the one hand, very cool affects, the right amount of jeans and an interesting storyline.
On the other wheel, they changed Meghatron, you can't recognize the voice of star scream (major point deduction) and lots of unrecognized bots. The last movie was closer to the original. This one, they gave a big budget to a non fan. And the result is not up to code.
I think this movie is a commercial for Chevrolet; all the bots were chevi's. I had a chevi , it was green and cute, but it did nothing when they stole the symbol off it.
Well I guess I have decided on a bad review.
But movies are going from down to up.
I just sat the movie "UP" which is a Disney movie.
Like in previous movies of this kind it had a short preview movie with storks. The cutest short movie ever. Not hilariously funny but simply cute.
I was already in a good mood. The movie itself is slower than the usual cartoon. There are funny parts, but the movie is more touching than funny. I do not recall a cartoon of this quality in recent years, simply a very good tale.

The previous previous Monday was our last full day. It stated and alla was doing something (lousy memory). After work we met along with my mom at mikve Israel. The ancient agricultural school. We have a connection with a wedding planner who hosts events there. Though I was about to settle on a location, this was something special.
I think I wrote on this place, but if not...
It's a outer garden of an old synagogue. With lots of trees, and distinct trees. Old fycus trees, palms and more types. There were 'duchifats' and green 'drara' parrots . all that with the streep of ancient palms makes this place ideal. Love at first palm. With the hupa between 4 tall palms.
From there we went for my grandma for a good bye dinner. 2 friends of Alla joined as well and later some of my friends came as well, and it came to be a nice unexpected party with an expected(but futile) numbers exchange between Mr contemplator Herman and world traveler Odell. In the morning my dad took us with a shoko in sakit to the airport. We returned the rented phone and Alla forgot her phone at my house (she is picking my bad habits).
We made our 1st (and only so far) wedding purchase with 2 bottles of Chevas and checked out of Israel.
A short uneventful trip.

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