The below is a summary of last years events in erie, pensilvania
Names have not been changed, to protect the integrity of random people.
It all began last summar as Alla’s former room mate Tanya decided to quit school and head home to baltimore (tanya is at nursing school at the moment I think).
Tanya leaving a lot of stuff behind and very generously gave it all to Alla (a bed room set, lamps, and various other home devices)
In moves Emilia the bufffalo (sorry I do not have a last name, but she is from buffalo , new york and my appologies for kind and gentle buffalos everywhere)
I guess this was a life lesson for Alla. Problem began from day one as Emilia did not sign her co renter agreement, paying her rent late, every single month after repeated requests.
I think I wrote about this incident- a neighbour came over to ask her to move her car which was blocking his, she closed the door in his face and shouted loud to her boyfriend , with the guy on the other side listening, that “there is an a_s hole wanting something”. I was there and was shocked by such an uncalled for bitchy behaviour. That was enough for me to understand who she was.
Lucky I didn’t see her much, she usualy studies at night and sleeps by day.
Emilia brought in a whole kitchen set, likes to cook, allowing alla to use it, which is normal and did purchase things like cleaning supplies and paper towels. Alla offering to pay her share throguhout the year was answered with no.
If you ever tried to buy lunch for alla you know she does not like people paying for her! As opposed to me, if you want to pay, please go ahead and don’t forget the tip.
Things went ok throughout the year as Alla turns more and more cheeks, with the yer approching its end and knowing that she would move out soon, gave her strength to indure the cheeky buffalo
Emilia kept being a pain by throwing parties on Alla semester finals (they are in the same school but different programs), putting her things in alla’s part of the fridge, putting her stuff on allas things at the basement, no respect for private space or property.
Alla was the legal tennent, the only legal one, it didn’t bother emilia having her boyfriend move in without asking, or paying anything extra ofcourse.
I don’t know anything about the guy except that his bathroom hygeene is not the best- since this guy is in med school, you expect a better hygeene- I just hope he wont become a detist.
The year was ending and someone had to take over the appartment, alla went above and beyond to remind Emilia that she has to pay up to the land lord to insure her stay for the next year. The landlord gave up and started looking for new tenants and alla still chased and reminded emilia to pay. She waited for the very last minute and few reminders and finaly signed and is taking over. I feel sorry for the land lord, but they own several places, so they know not to take s__t from anyone.
Ok now its time to start chaning ownership of various bills- electric, gas, you think some of it was done by now, well you think wrong- only a week till alla moves out…
Alla waits till all the bills arrive before asking amilia for the rent+ her share of the bills. A mistake in the renting world. Last month rent is still over due…
With all this alla actualy offered to leave behind tanya’s bed room set (bed, matress, a big dresser mirror etc, since there is no room for another set at my place), emilia + boyfiend reluctntly agreed (after asking, is the bed comftorble and other questions, not even saying thank you)
Things escelated in the last month.
In the beginning they bought tanya’s old washer and drier and agreed to split it later.
With the end in sight amilia actualy said that since she paid for kitchen supplies through the year, she doesn’t have to pay alla back for the washer drier. Alla who bought some things herselves, decides to let things slide and focus on upcoming finals and reluctently agreed.
Where did things went overboard?
I guess Alla finaly got fet up and a week before the move with over 700$ still unpayed, decided to act and put her bed to sell on craiglist.
Emilia, seing the message retaliated that she will not pay the 500$ owed rent.
Now we have a legal question- does she legaly owe having never signed a contract, my vast legal expertiese (1 contract law class in israel, says yes, since she does live here and payed for previous months). And what about the bed? Does asking if they want it coutn as passing a possesion- I am borderline on this.
I guess we have some rights- we can switch locks, we can sue, we can report the ilegal substance in her room (she has the equipement – bong, no actual drugs, as far as we can tell).
Alla is pissed, this happening during finals week on an extensive program anyway and does not need this.
Emilia with a dirty mouth curses alla more then once and now want to see all bills till now to check on alla. That is no problem, alla is super strict with accouns (unlike me…). Alla has bills of things she payed for the house, I think we will be asking that part in return. I don’t believe she has records of things she bought and even if she did, no way it reaches 200$ (half of the washer and drier).
Lucky alla has a security deposit of 300$+ and she can sell the bed for 300$ - so she will not lose everything.
So tommorow alla will give her the bills balance and if she doesn’t pay up, the bed is sold (I think we should sell it anyway) and we are taking one of the devices, disher or driver- a nicer revenge would be to take the washer, since the drier by itself is meaningless, but we agreed to take the drier, take the lights from the house lamps, window shades from the windoes (all came from tanya) , the microwave- even stuff we don’t need (we have them), since enough is enough.
Oh forgot, she took one of the lapms that tania left to her room, now claiming as hers. Lucky for us, tanya dislaikes emilia more than us, I think she will fly from baltimore just to verify all her possessions are taken out of the place.
Next week will be interesting, we already checked where we can file for a small claim. We have to decide about the bed, how to take the drier, when to strip the house of every small thing, and should we actualy do all that, or will we be surprised and receive a check, I don’t know.
I find my self using words I don’t normaly use, and quite often when her name comes up, for her actions and the timing and the nerve. She is a bully and I am fed up, though only suffering indirectly
I suggested leaving the bed but peeing on it before we go… she just gets on my nerves, being mean to alla who was accomodating to her all year.
Me using language is something alla does not like, I try to keep it down, but I need to vent, I guess this is venting.
Ok enough for that, moving on to other events.
2 weeks ago I started retraining- getting my behind of the couch, I have a half marathon in december and another 1000$ or so to raise.
Coming back from some place in the east, we went for a jog/walk on erie beach (lake erie), alla who has been here for 2 years, has not been on the beach,we walked fast on the sand andon the jogging path and jog some of it for 45 minutes and the leg was fine, I was thrilled, next day I went for a little 2k jog in an arranged event in a part of the national park here in clevelnd that I never been before, the brandywine falls are nice. Half the way was down the steep hill, then across the river and running up. I stopped half way up, not in shape for that. Next day was a volley ball game at lakewoodpark (west side), I played for maybe 5 minutes, didn’t feel a thing, then moved a side to fetch a ball and cr_p. something felt wrong in my leg. Itwasnt as bad as before, but it wasn’t good either. I return part of the tissue that is holding my torn muscle, so now I am back in therpay. I though I wasfine, but I guess I am conpencating with other muscles and the other leg to prevent straining this one. Now I must focus on straining the leg and be carefull. I was supposed to do a 6 hours oreienteering at midnight yesterday, and I would have loved that,but my leg feels weird and I gave it up, also gave up a long hike today. I hate being unable to do stuff.
I went to a softball meet up- and wanted to try it for once. I was surprised by the level on intensity and preperation. This was a friendly game, they had signs for team names, a reffearee, big scoring charts, they were strict about the rules, and seemed to play well (I am no expert having neverr seen the game- this was softball not baseball). All I know is that I have a perfect record having never struck out, I passed on playing, feeling sprinting would injure me again. This was also at lakewood park, the n2d time in a week I walked out feeling down.
I have to be carefull now- I can hike ( I think) , and I don’t want to injure myself more before alaska, since half the trip we plan to hike.
I returned from the house of alla and satan yesterday with Inna’s van full of stuff and loaded it up today herewith help from Genady (alla’s bother in law).
Here are instructions on how to carry a table.
First you have to prepare a door stopper or you get stuck with a a door that wants to close for somecrasy reason, who knew doors had wants…
Then, it would be better to avoid hitting you head agains the door knob as you place the stopper on the door, its pain full, don’t do that.
You can carry a table with one person in front and one in the back, with baby steps, so you don’t hit your legs with the table, please try harder because that is pain full as well.
so now try with a person from each side. One side you can carry from the middle , the other side you can only carry along the edges, so you carry it unevenly, inthisstates it can easy hit your leg, and ofcourse it hurts!!]
So now you got it, lift the table from the botton and hold it up, don’t left the ski shoes in the table of the shelf fall off,
Try not to hit the fire hidrent on the side of the wall,its not recommended.
Remember to use moving companies, they steaf you on something but it is relatively pain free.
Ok time to work again, must organise some of the things I uploaded today to their final storage place,
3 tables in one living room? Not including a drier? Anyboday want to buy one?
My desired wedding place in israel (mikve israel) cannot yet gurrantee a place, but if everything works out we will close this week on the Saba well on june 9th
You are all invited of course
Oh- we saw the ‘the ugly truth’ the other day which is a good romantic comedy 8.3 on the ‘27 dresses’ scale and found a good place in erie, which is great that we are discovering them now, when alla is about to leave.
I think alla’s next roomate is nicer…
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