One last thing on the trip
On the flight back I was wearing my favorite flying T-shirt – that reads "Snakes on A Plane" the movie was awful but I like the shirt. So as we go on the plane the shirt is noticed by the stewardess. But the guy behind me as we are boarding has a T-shirt with a photo of a real snake (my T-Shirt just had the logo). So we got our picture taken together of course with the real evidence that there are indeed snakes on the plane.
Then after needing to switch seats (our flights were booked separately, so I had to ask politely\bully some passenger to move, I thought I was asking, Alla said I was a bit to firm,,, well, never mind, we got to sit together next to the snakes guy. The guy, a kid actually , 17 I would guess, spend a summer in Alaska as a deck hand on a fishing vessel and had experiences of his own, so we exchanged tales and had a pleasant flight.
A few days later, back in Ctown, we went to an evening of culture. The Columbus philharmonic which is a well known philharmonic (never heard of it before myself) had a show at the blossom open theatre. It's a big stage with covered seating and behind lots of grass for people to sit. So we brought blankets and food.
The event tonight as I was told was the philharmonic playing cartoon music. So I had no choice but to come. In truth, it was better than expected. On big screen they displayed old Warner brothers cartoon (bugs bunny, Duffy, mip mip the road runner and the wily coyote and even the Flintstones), but the music was played by the philharmonic. Now that is why I call Classic.
We went to another cultural event . MOCA cleveland, MOCA (I dislike the drink btw) is the museum of contemporary arts; we went to the opening night to a display of israely art. Other then 1 photo which was cools (lots of lines that looks like 3D) I didn't get the Art piece. I guess everyone has there own notion of what art is. Since this was opening night, there were photographers there, so check out my face book page for a link to MOCA which has our photos.
The photos which we sent a few days ago were of the marriage license, not the marriage, I am still single (but it will change soon☺)
It was a spontaneous decision, we went with the morning traffic down town to the Probate court. The court is an impressive building, built in a European style. We walked in , passed security, and made it to the probate court room after another couple who needed star bucks to get married. We gave our details to the clerk and then we had to be sworn in (raise our hands and stuff) , and that's it, we are now licensed to be married.
Last week was a perfect September day in cleveland. I went to Wendy park to play beach volleyball. After a rainy summer, this September is great, sunny and dry. At the park they held a biking event, and over 50 bikers were paddling up and down and falling over obstacles. Wendy park is on the lake, and lots of sails were there enjoying windsurfing, we played volleyball for 3 hours and tons of kites flew by. There was a kiting event as well; and you don't see kites like they used too, they are more complex now, build with layers and hi-tech materials, I need to find the photos (not taken by me).
My leg is still not well , so I felt great being able to play (with my leg brace). With the Cleveland browns(they lost) in the nearby stadium, it felt that the entire city was out enjoying the day.
Now it's form filling season, green card applications, work visa extensions and such. Paper work is not my favorite thing but we need to complete it.
I am continuing my 20k training and yesterday passed the 5.5 miles mark- with running and walking, slow progress but progress none the less. I am becoming active again with Gym and after a long time, played tennis. The level wasn't great, the rust was obvious and I was holding my sprints back, but I won 9-7. Need to return to my former self, but if I won't be careful I may reinjure myself, so I am being careful.
Yesterday I went to a fire walking event. I didn't know what it was.
It was a seminar of overcoming your fears. They used similar techniques and wording like the landmark forum if you know what it is. This technique of mass healing works. For me anyways. The instructor showed few things, to walk on glass, bend arrows with the soft tissue of the neck, bend still with the neck and bread wooden boards. The only things I was anxious about is the walk on broken glass, so when he asked for volunteers, I jumped.
They spread broken glass on the floor and demonstrated how to walk on it (slowly, one step at a time, and shift your feet if you step on something sharp). So, with Enigma's 'return to innocence' playing ( I stepped on the broken glass and 5-6 steps later I was on the other side. My biggest fear is public speaking, I get so nervous every single time. Even after speaking on the stand in a suit and tie in front of 50 people last year, I still feel it. So I was suppose to relate the glass breaking to my fear and "invent" an affirmation to undo the fear. Not very creative but "I know what I am doing" was recited by me as I went through the glass. I was the 2nd of 4 volunteers to walk on the glass and it felt great. After wards other people broke boards, some made it on first attempt, one girl needed 5 but they all got it. Then people attached pointed arrows to their necks, if you strike with the arrow you will get hurt, but if you just hold it tight and push against it, the frail wood will break, this was easier for all who done it. Then they did the same thing with a still pole (same kind used for construction) which hurt a bit for some but most made it (only 1 could not). All these stuff, even the glass are easy (once you have done it) but before it is scary. On the glass I was fearing cuts which will prevent me from running for a while, but my feet are perfectly fine and uncut.
Then came the fire walk. They had 2 fires going from logs of woods, it burnet for a couple of hours till its reached 1200f then they broke up the coals and made a path of fire. We were all in a big circle around it, and I was positioning myself to be the 1st (since it is scarier), then they started the walk from the other corner of the circle, so I quickly rushed to the other side and was 7th or so to cross. It was weird, and easy. The fire didn't feel hot at all. No one got burnt and almost everyone (close to a 100 people) made it. I had to redo it and walked 4 times over the coals.
was it a mind changing experience, I don't think so, not to me anyway.
I think the real life changing experience is coming up this November, when we get married! Both my parents will be here. So fun weekend expected.
This is a civil marriage for the green card, we are still doing the real ceremony in Israel on June 9th.
Till then, remember, don't try it at home.
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