Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the road runner

We are addicted to weed.

I have this addiction for years, and I introduced Alla to this stuff and she is now hooked too

So we sit on the couch on a Saturday night watching season 5 when a loud noise is ringing in our ears. We wonder if we have a fire alarm in the apartment (we don’t) the loud sound continues, I step out to the hall and- it is a fire alarm, the emergency lights are on and the noise is everywhere. People are steeping out of their apartments. I go out with my shoes off alla comes out as well and the whole floor tries to figure out if this is a drill or what is actually going on, then I walk by the elevator, where the main vent is located, and I smell smoke!.

By then alla had my sandals, and I quickly shout to the corridor that this is a real fire

And mip mip, alla runs down the stairs in record breaking speed, I am not kidding, she went down 4 floors in 10 seconds.

I was still straggling with my sandals (new teva one’s not like the old style, not easy to put on). I get to the stairs in a normal fast speed and get stuck behind a family that had a handy kept and they were going down slowly. Apparently Alla ran into them earlier (17 seconds before) and made a costanza and passed by them.

We get down to the 1st floor which is somewhat filled with smoke and go out. There was a fire in one of the 1st floor apartments, something was burned in the kitchen, there was still a smell of smoke for a few hours later. The fire department came over, and it was a nice experience for a Saturday night.


While we waited for the smoke to clear, we decided to do something and go for a pizza. So we walked in the plaza while waiting for the pizza to be ready, and we stumbled on block buster and took a movie.

While we walked back , we passed by the fire department , and they had a call and a fire truck comes out sirens flashing.

(at this time, the fire at our house was out, but we didn’t know that for sure) and we both had the same thought.

But the truck went 150 meters and stopped on the side. Not sure if it was an accident, but it was a bit funny for the truck to drive so close, they could have ran faster and got there. So with unanswered questions, we took our pizza and returned to our smoky home (1st floor with smoke, 5th only with the smell) and enjoyed a movie.


In the last month I started and completed a nice tiger puzzle. Only 500 pieces but the tiger colors are not easy to do so it was fun. After it was done I left it on the carpet and the wind blew up my tiger. Half the puzzle was turned upside down. Took me another hour to undo the wind damage, took me two weeks to go to the store to get a frame, took us several tries to hang it on the wall, but in the end the tiger is on our wall, hiding in the grass.


Last week alla finished her rotations and after this week she will be graduating from pharmacy school, which is a huge relief.


We went to see robin hood over the weekend (be careful, spoiler alert). I very much liked the previous robin hood movie with Kevin Costner and I had high expectations. They did not come true. The whole movie is a prequel to the regular story, I think there will be another movie next year. They say it’s a darker version, I think it’s boring, the battle scenes are not that crucial for the character buildup. It’s not a bad entertainment but could and should have been better. When we went the next day to block buster, I tried to find the original movie (original being probably the 5th version of this story) and they didn’t have it. They did have the postman (a bad movie) but not the older robin hood.


My opinion on action movies, is if you want to have a good movie, you must have a good bad guy. If the bad guy is lame, the movie is lame. The hero is always the hero, but the bad guy makes the movie.


In 6 days we leave for Israel…

Till then we will – dress up In a suit, go to Toronto, finish a season of heroes, finish a season of lost, film alla’s graduation ceremony,  and go see a great show (the turtles , the monkeys, grass roots and Buckingham’s)  all 60’s bands all in one evening, each with 1 song which I love. Will be fun!


Cheers and see you on the other side of the ocean.


Oh this week we had our 2 year anniversary and 1 year engaged anniversary J







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