“Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too”
the above lines are from a song by Sting
I am returning to the debate on eating in Russian, as I progress with my studies
So he Ect (eats) she Ect, they Edat (also eat) but I EM (eat)- how can a verb change from ect,edat to Em??? , no it doesn’t make sense. I need to find the Russian equivalent of Avshalom kor
After few weeks of constant good results on the scale, had my 1st set back last Saturday, but no one’s fault but mine, the holidays, travel and most important things, lack of self discipline took their toll, and though only ½ ponds more, still it’s time for action, not even a full yom kipur feast helped (or maybe it did , and the elevation would have been more without it?), who knows.
Hoping by next scaling to be back on track.
We have been doing a new activity lately, house hunting, and perhaps its finally over. Each house we see (and not immediate hate) has a name based on obvious features so after seeing the
Yellow house, lake house, inna house, the next to inna house (none of these house is the house of Inna), old lady house, smelly house, 1941 house and cripple house, we are trying to get the apple house- I will tell you all about it once we get it, we made an offer and waiting for the sellers.
I went to some events recently
The 1st was the taste of Cleveland- an annual event , in which various restaurant open food booth and have you try items that are cheap in the restaurant for more…
In the past, in Israel I would go to these events for the food, here I go for the music. This time it was train.
I freely admit that I didn’t even know there was a band called train, and did not research you-tube before going to the show, but it was a free show which was highly promoted, so I figured it can’t hurt. So for the 1st time since coming here, I took the train down town to see train. Since this is a food fair, I tried some but not over did it (I was a good boy that week), I only tried 2 dishes which were ok and enjoyed free haven das. There was some unknown warm up band with nice songs that I didn’t know, and still don’t know the songs (or the name of the band) after the show. A few hours later , the train finally arrived and its was a great show. I don’t think they have enough songs to push a whole main attraction, so they made every song as long as possible. The singer went to the audience, brought dancers from the crowd to the stage, caused the crowed to sing back to him, and do all the tricks bands do, ALL of them, he did in in an elegant way though, I discovered that I actually knew 2 songs and enjoyed singing along.
Next morning, the annual air show occurred (all these events were on labor day). The day before I was told about some hill that you can sit and see the show for free. So I went to this hill and witnessed 2 hours of the show. in the beginning 2 world war 1 style by planes did impressive tricks, loops, side loops, up loops, down loops, cork screw sideways, downwards, upward, and even cork screw while appear to not move at all.
The only problem with the free tickets I had (since I was on a hill overlooking the place) is trees, usually I like trees but in this case they were in the way and I couldn’t see the runway. But the sounds was unmistakable, the roar of engines was very loud, something fast was coming…and a few seconds later a Jet of some kind (I would guess F something- like all American jets) flew over and turned just in front of us (turn top gun style) he showed off for a while and flew somewhere else. They had some parachutes shows and later some world war 2 single wing planes doing more tricks, after that the entire hamula was having a labor day cookout.
Lots of good food , very good ribs. I cooked my usually chilly Gili and a 2nd dish of apples with honey (it was 2 days before rosh hashana). I know my chilly is good, just never though its worth getting hugs.
Not kidding, I was hugged because of it, which was very odd.], I don’t think its that good, nor that any dish is worth hugging for, or maybe we should change and hug good people who cook? Since a hug is a better thanks then saying, hey good food.. strange idea, may not work in restaurants.
Rosh hashana came and I made my traditional chicken soup, never had a cooking tradition, I do now…
Last weekend we also went to Cuyahoga falls for a Octoberfast, yes I understand its still September, but I don’t schedule these events. So we went to try some German food. Amongst the german dishes you could find some authentic dishes like the Greek Gyro, Italian sausage, cream puffs, French fries, oh I think they had some German food as well, we tried to stick to german, since that was the purpose of octoberfast. The problem was the rain, it poured and we had short pants and no umbrellas. In one of the festival tents they had some very gay germans (I mean happy germans, I have no clue of their orientations) dressed in authentic clothes dancing unique dances, never seen this type of dancing, its not that far from irish dancing but has more slapping of your on tight, it was quite entertaining, we didn’t stay long on account of the rain.
This weekend we went to the art museum, and we did not know about a festival (have I told you this city has tons of festivals), this was the chalk festival.
It’s a very interesting form of art since whatever you do vanishes in the very common rain, I guess it like sand castle and ice sculptures, so we walked by and lots of people are painting with chalk on the floors surrounding the Greek status. At first we were surprised by how they manage to find so many chalk artists, then we found that you can be an artist too.
Let’s go back way too many years ago to my 1st art class on 4th grade. With teacher rachel F. I never knew this teacher before, but from my brother, I heard that her name was something else. Being very naïve I had no reason to mistrust the name ( I am still naïve am I may still fall for such tricks). So 1st lesson comes and we draw train tracks heading to the horizon. I finish the drawing and go to Rachel’s table, hand her the photo for grading and say “tzif tzif , here is my painting” – for those who don’t understand Hebrew, this means something like tweaty bird.
Rachel answers with a very high pitched voice “I thought I saw a pussycat”, kidding, she actually says in a high pitched voice “my name is not tiz tiz, its rachel” . I finished that class with a low score, not because of this event, but because I can’t draw.
Back to very recent past, it was time for my 2nd attempt in artistic career. We purchased some chalk and received our dedicated square of pavement and started chalking. It’s kind of a nice activity, but I quickly found that I am just bad in dimensions and sizes of eyes and those kinds of things that make art look like the thing they look like (stolen from h. Simpson).
So I drew something.
Later that day we had dinner with the family and I showed the result. The 1st comment was “did you drew this dog?” in astonishment tones. I would be great if I had only drew a dog, since I haven’t, my new international artistic career is once more over before It began.
Too see the amazing drawings, go here http://picasaweb.google.com/gil.even/20100919ChalkFestival?feat=email#
Photos from the apple house ( no we don’t have it yet, but we have a counter offer, negotiation continues)
have a happy sukut
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