Wednesday, April 20, 2011

on Grubs, Man Vs Tree and other outdoors discoveries

“You have grubs”, told us a Jason, who is a Gardner, the only grub I heard of in the past were an indication of food as in (“give me some grub”), but now it takes a whole new meaning.

So this jason dude explain about grubs, then comes another Jason (popular name for gardeners , oh sorry landscape artists) and tells us that grubs(some insect) are asleep now and they would only come out a month from now, so who is lying Jason or Jason?

Spring is here finally but it brings new unexpected chores, starting from lots of leaves raking, trees removal and shopping.


Leaves raking is an activity that breaks the boundaries of science as we know it today. You have a raker and a certain area with leaves. You rake,  fill several bags with leaves and then look back at the yard, and the number of the leaves remains exactly the same! Einstein cannot explain it. We had some patches with tons of leaves , now most( a quarter) are in piles soon to be picked up.


So again we had several service people each saying different things on the same back yard, different solutions and contradiction of the other so we remain clueless in garden science.

So what we did was take down the tree that fell from the snows, taking down a tree is not as easy as I thought it would be. For a change I would like to describe my battle vs the tree in a D&D way


Assuming I was in a fantasy world (some would say I always am, they may be right) then I would have the following abilities (in D&D abilities usually range from low of 3 to high of 18 where human average is 10)

Strength , above average, but not by much , 12; endurance , definitely below average 8; dexterity , I had a good side step but I can’t hit a target to save my life, so 9; Intelligence, probably my best feature, 15, or 16; wisdom (life intelligent if you will) on the low side of average, 10 ; charisma , always assumed I was a leader behind the scenes, the center stage is not my thing, but I do impact so 13.

If I was a fantasy character, I a guess a wizard of some kind would fit me, definitely not any fighter of any kind.


Ok , sorry if the above freaked you out, back to the tree.


The battle began before the vacation.

I summoned the elements to hit my nemesis, winter responded and pounded my foe with heavy snows, felling the tree to the ground; but the tree has strong roots and it refuses to let go. So now I felt brave to face the tree on my own (kind of like someone looses the bottle cork, then you come and do the rest). I snuck up on the tree with a new fancy saw and performed an ‘off with its head’ attack on the 3 heads (commonly known as branches), I didn’t settle for that and I took our new branch chopper (a scary scissors type tool, but much larger, that someday will chop my finger off) and chopped the fallen branches to small pieces; now that the tree was very weak , it was time for the final fight.

I equipped myself with a hoe (not kidding, that is the name,,, it’s kind of a toria), wore my trendy red sweat pants and green t-shirt and gone out.

The fight was long, I dug and dug (It would have been a lot easier if I had a shovel) , but the tree was persistent, I stood on it and rocked it back and forth, I attacked it with hoe, but just like my attacks in D&D I was doing very little damage with every attack ; the tree held. I had an a special encounter attack (in D&D these are your stronger attacks) but in this case, whenever I encountered another big root, I  used the future finger chopper and removed it, after an hour of ‘pull the carrot’ (at least they had dad, mom, sister, brother, grand mom and mouse) , so I kept pulling, tugging, pushing, cutting and digging and finally the tree gave up. Now I have a tree carcass in the yard.

When I blogged the above story in my head, it sounded better; well  next time.


We have some new birds in the yard

A Junko is the latest identification, we also have several types of sparrows, sparrows other then Jack are not interesting, there are a few more we are unsure of but the identification project continues.

Michal my sister comes tomorrow, so the April family events are coming, with Passover and my birthday in new York coming up…it should be fun.




Sorry, this was a stranger kind of blog







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