I think that if Hitchcock grew in this area, he would not have made a movie about killer birds but on killer leaves.
they attack non spot, you pile them, rake them and still they keep coming.
so, in the middle of non stop gathering we took a break and went to the circus. It may be a bit strange but i have never been at the circus, well that is almost true, I went once but i was too young to remember so it doesn't count.
the Wringing brothers are in town, famous name as far a circuses go so we took the kids (nieces Maya and Ariel) and headed for the Q arena. since NBA is on strike, this area will be empty this year, but the show must go on.
the show started with a big carnival with lots of tumblers, jugglers, clowns, elephants, horses, unique big bicycle and other freaky things. the problem with big arena show is the distance. in Norway we have seen one juggler up close and it was most impressive fire and knives juggling. here we had lots of jugglers juggling all sorts of stuff, which was nice but too far to impress, even when they juggled with lights off and dresses is sparkly clothes.
the kneeling elephants and dancing horses and zebras were nice but the impressive things were the acrobats.
the old fashioned walk on rope was replaced with dancing on rope, riding a bicycle on rope, carrying other people on rope and jumping over other people to land, yes on the rope. now the rope is not a rope but more like a narrow strong pipe, but it is still impressive.
then two guys in two large pendulums, twisted around, ran on and under these rotating devices followed by a huge crossbow catapult firing a burning man to a mattress on the other side. they put out the fire but did not hurry to do so, then ended with another carnival and lots of confetti.
in the break, we filled some form that promised one lucky winner with an unknown prize to be announced at the end of the show, with 5000-10000 people in the arena, the odds are 1 to never. but they didn't announce a winner at all (which greatly reduced the odds even further). the kids went to protest,and complain at the which didn't help but very good that they did, good civil lesson.
since then I have been raking more leaves...
and last night we drove south to Columbus for the Ohio Pharmacy boards graduation ceremony to hand out the official pharmacy diploma. the ceremony was short, a guy spoke (head of the board) then another guy (some senior guy) read with the graduates the pharmacist oath, followed by some other guy speaking. and lucky they didn't talk for long and it was time for the names. the brochure has 630 give or take a few new pharmacist in Ohio, which is a bit too much, but lucky only 10% of them came so the names went fast, except my lovely pharmacist not even stopping on stage to get a decent photo. we had deserts later, mingled with some other pharmacist and left. we went to dinner (yes, we had deserts before dinner, good idea) at Uno's for an OK deep dish pizza and drove 2.5 hours back home.
today I raked some more and the rain of leaves continues..
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