Thursday, April 12, 2012

what color goes with Birch and the importance of names

Spencer Robinson is answer B in question 12 in case you ever take this test. this happens to be the name of my finance teacher who actually asked what is his name on the test! i laughed during the test when I saw that, his attempt to boost up the average. well yesterday the results came in, he shows the results on screen (without names) for all to see and its obvious that the class did poorer than the first test. the teacher then says there he took one grade of the average, there was one 0. as soon as he says that i know its me, why me? no one is a "talented" as I in stupid mistakes, 2 seconds later he mentions my name, and I realized that I forgot to write my name on the test, idiot me. 2 minutes of dread passed by till he handed everyone's tests back and I got my 94, 5th in the class. best grades in my life so far!

we finally got a bike for Alla, black all over with pink water bottle holder, so today we went to try them out. our house is kind of on a hilltop , no matter where you go, its down, which is fun going there, and Alla went to the worst decent, for about 10 minutes we are zooming down the hill, with the wind penetrating through the jacket and its fun, but I know what awaits us on the way back... so much up hill, not a long ride due to the impending darkness but nice 8k and aching muscles. last week i rode to Beachwood to see a soccer game, 14 K, faster pace but without a crazy hill, but instead several ADD hills, it feels great to ride, its the one sport that cannot easily injure me.

oh, as you may recall, last year I wrote I had no injury... nice jinx Gil, well the very next day after the previous blog i went to play racket ball , a new sport for me. played for about 30 minutes and was winning against a colleague when the left ankle decided to buckle with a sprain. arghhhhhhh , I was sprain free since November 2009, 1 minute of level 10 pain, followed by level 1-2 for 10 days...and I was just returning to tennis shape. there fore biking is so good, the only thing i can do now other then swimming. so my new year began on the right foot, because the left is swollen. now , 2 weeks later, its no more swollen, so perhaps I will try to injure myself again this weekend, Ultimate Frisbee, great sport.

with the amazing spring we are having and after a visit to friends house which looks really nice and many things came from Ikea, my better designer half is on the shopping crave for a dining room table. I don't see the point since it is usually covered with a table cloth, but i know that i don't understand that i don't understand, or perhaps i do understand that i don't understand, well anyway, a table is never enough, it needs accessories , can i remind you about the table cloth hiding the table? , chairs, random things to put on the walls, light things, silverware, vases and worse of all new paint to go with a possible table made of birch. So the question is, what color goes with Birch, what color is Birch? this stuff is beyond my capacity, lucky that Ikea is over 2 hours away...

cheers and enjoy spring, I know I am.

oh, important discovery was mat this week by Matt Gronning  the creator of the Simpsons. after years of clues, the real Springfield has been revealed and it is the one in Oregon. I have been to Oregon but not to that Springfield. another location was just added to my top 10 places to go... by by the list.

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