Saturday, August 25, 2012

last days of trip with photos

After the hike, we reached boulder montana a spa kind of place with thermal hot pools, but before rest, we needed some health food. the problem, this small town at night, even on a friday night , the only open places are a pizza place and a bar. so we went to this bikers bar. we sat down expecting service, and after a few minutes, tha bar guy calls us to him, says he is busy, never seen this before in the US, but that is why you travel, to experiance new things. our healthy burger meak was very tasty, this bar had some cowboys playing pool and shuffleboard under a ceiling of many beers/girls photos, after refuling our stomach, we returned to the hotel for an extreme scrubbing shower.
next morning we tried our scrumptious breakfast which was good and we dipped in the natural hot spring pool. we headed out to explore montana, state number 43. butte is a mining town with closed mines today, beyond its glory days, but the signs of mines are everywhere with memorials, huge exavators, mining towers, and colorfull hils. the mineral museum showed all kinds of gems and minerals, including glow in the dark florescence gems, the derbi place server good steak and without noticing the day was half the evening we went to helena, the capitol city, but went to late and barely got to see the state capitol building before it was too dark. later we went to see 'the campaign', i was on the flor from laughing so much, go see it.
next morning after the same scrumptious breakfast we went to see a ghost town, several empty building later we left this town disappointed after not seeing a single ghost and not impressed by these buildings. we then headed for a stalagmite cave for a 2 hour tour, nice cave but not a must, we reached bosemand and did a little tour of the city, these post hike days for meant for relaxation, we explored a bit , didnt do much and rested.
the below links contain photos from the last few days and more hiking photos

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