Boy, what a week we had with my mom and moti visiting and last days of waiting for the ultimate answer and with 5 days of obnoxious non stop rain.
at work, we finished our 90 days workout program and started a new 60 days program called body beast. this program video guides are 3 very muscular guys, and no, i don't want to be a beast like them, just continue my fat reduction. unlike the previous aerobic type workout, this was weight based and while doing chin ups, i felt something pull under my shoulder blade, i had these before, so i kept going, the next days it began to hurt , and pain increased day by day, till i decided to hurt no more and seek help with Inna, my caretaker. muscle tare :( , not a severe one but enough to annoy and keep me from working out all week. for the last few days i have been hooked to a device the size of a transistor radio , with 2 wires like earphone that attach to sticky things to my back on both side of that muscle with the sole purpose of electrocuting myself. its a nice buzz, i keep increasing it and after several shocking days I am better, maybe workout tomorrow?
well, I needed some pills, anti inflammatory for the muscle and to the store we went. my co-credit card holder lost her card and cancelled both of ours and while we waited for it to arrive we have a backup one and with it we went to the store, too bad this card expired 2 days before, so we decided to write a check , the check how lucky can be found in my car but you need an ID. for back up purposes I keep my passport in the car, for times like this, but my record keeping partner likes everything safe, so i took it out of the car and now when I need it , its not there, so we returned home empty handed and neck sored.
worry not, we returned that day with vengeance and got the pills, which lucky I don't need anymore.
this week was a non stop game of SheshBesh (backgammon) and despite severe unlucky dice, I remain undefeated in tournament this year, of course, i have only played this week and I lost games (just no series of games...) but who cares, but on my upcoming Israel trip, my opponent (mom) plans a vengeance game on her home go
Girl, I say, will inform on the results at the time. oh, the very last game ended with a rare Turkish mars, don't recall ever doing that.
we also seen for the 1st time , the squirrels getting in (not around) but in to a bird feeder, usually they eat from the out side, now it was in, eating, while another squirrel wanted to munch as well and they fought on the tree, then fought some more on the ground, so cute, and all caught on camera, see link below.
with the visitors we had some nice walks in the cold rainless day (finally it stopped), but the strange thing is that there are no puddles. one hour of rain in Israel is enough for a minor flood, here, not a drop on the road, most impressive.
one of the nights we went to the new Casino, where we all donated funds to the state of Ohio, which is now the most important state in the world, but we all know that after Wednesday , it will be Ohio where? what? we can enjoy the temporary attention.
today it was Halloween, it was actually few days ago, but it was postponed because of Sandy.and this is my first time actually participating in the activities. I purchased a bunch of candy, put them in a bag, wrapped my self in a cloak, with a ski/bank robber mask and scared the kids when they came in the door, then offered them candy. it was 2 hours of fun. some kids were scared, few RAN away!, some were totally indifferent. i asked them to open a small box (that held fake snakes) this caused kids to be weary and some refused to did it very slowly, one kids was indifferent- i can hear his mind saying, come on, stop this nonsense, just give me the candy!. one girl was really scared but we overheard comments, saying the experience was cool, and fun and not sure what they server at other houses, the kids liked what i got which is what they sell at Wall mart, again not sure what is the candy competition, we need to send a spy to the neighbours. Alla was laughing her A** of the whole time . some kids came with customs, some not, a 3-4 year old with a dragon custom was so cute. one group came with 10-12 and 3-4 year old at the same time, and i Did my scare thing, and the young girl got scared, but when i showed the fake snake, she said in her Minni mouse outfit that she is OK, not scared, she was 4 years old, i think, adorable.
we both had a blast and the candy bowl is not empty, these kids (well most of them) take only one unless they are told they can), pictures in link below.
My mom thought Alla how to cook tshulnt, it was so good. love it and now that the knowledge is here, id expect to have some more in the upcoming winter. in the meal we had with the family, they wanted to light shabat candles and for me to say the blessings, after a confusion on who aid what blessings in which order, I was proclaimed a gentile. well, we never do blessings at home, no wonder I am clueless.
and this brings me to the last and most important item of the day.
and the answer is- yes there is a chupchik...its a boy :)
You are invited to view gil.even's photo album: 2012-11-04 Squirrel vs squirrel and haloween
2012-11-04 Squirrel vs squirrel and haloween Nov 4, 2012 by gil.even |
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