Tuesday, March 19, 2013

on olympus, tweeter, risk and a stuborn dog

After tickets running out on this movie the previous week, today i was invited to another preview of Olympus has fallen, don't worry, i will not publish any spoilers. move over Bruce Willis, this was like die hard 1, great action, funny moments, bearable amount of kitch and very good audience response, go see. before this preview show, they held various raffles after giving us tickets at the door (+ one more i found on the floor), but no luck here, they also had trivia and now i must spoil it for you, google can be wrong!!, yes, i was shocked my self. one question was who was the 1st president to have his picture taken, people shout us various names and get it wrong, with a crowd full of smart phones, people don't search, i quickly google the answer and come up with Quincy Adams, and no, answer denied! how an google be wrong? OMG, my whole life flashes before my eyes. Adams was the 1st president to have his picture take how ever he was not in office at the time, some other random president no one cares about was the 1st to do it in office..boooooooooo,  now they add one more thing, twitter, if you use your tweeter account and hash tag to things, the movie name and Cleveland, you get a prize. you no i can't pass up a prize, but i don't have a tweeter account, so no choice but to succumb and enroll via the phone. the hash button is hidden, i used my seat neighbours to locate it (thanks random strangers) and do the hash thing, open my self for endless tweeter harassments and get head phones for my troubles. the riddle continues and now they want to know names of presidents from Ohio. again i use the sage advice of google ( i really should be able to answer this, at least one! , there are 7) i find a site called Ohio presidents, when people get prizes one by one, a the names run down, i get picked to answer and full of google confident i say Harrison, and again, answer denied!! denied, noooooooooo. how can this be. well this dude Harrison who died in office for natural causes (sure, sure. where was csi dc at the time) was not burn in Ohio but was a Ohio resident at the time of the presidency. again google fails me, i am considering using Bing, or god forbid, Ask tool bar. after the Adams question i search google for the answer on why google is against me today, and i find the other president no one cares about, Polk. i say Pol out loud and a second later someone behind me say James Polk, he gets the prise , cause he raised his hands, stupid rules. well after a fun evening i see a good movie, a free head set, lack of confidence in google and life time of tweeter ads- no pain no gain.
yesterday was St Patrick day, a day to celebrate those that passed, per my friend Sean. google say something else, but i lost faith in google. we are supposed to meet at around 2 at his house, i came shortly after and walk in the door as usual, but they are not in, too much trust these days. the following strange section is an attempt to display a battle in a D&D way. a game I play but don't usually talk about (failed attempt to protect my geek self). if you played it, you may relate, if you haven't , well not sure what you will think.
as i walk into the house i fall under a surprise attack but a vicious conniving monster, a tiny beagle of a dog named mocha who attacks me in fits of dominating wining and begging, i fail my saves and am forced to do as the dog bids me and take her out for a walk.
round one- still dominated , i use a standard action to find the dog's chain, a minor to chain my new master and a move action to take her out to the back, but the dog uses a double move action to head to the front of the house, i have no choice but to follow.
we had left and approach the curve, round 2 begins
the dog decide to double run and attempt to cross the road, not sure where too ,there is a bar on the other side, its a dog on Irish person on the greenest day of all. the dog tries to pull me to the road but i gain my senses and refuse to budge, few rounds pass with no action on either side. i play a druid on this campaign, a druid is kind of a priest of nature with control an affect on animals, which makes it strange that i cant control this bixch, is she an animal or made super strong by the vapour of booze that is free flowing today on the streets of Parma (Ohio, not Italy).
i use my superior will and we turn the other way, away on the side walk to the other side of the street (away from traffic) , there is a calm in the storm where we both catch our 2nd wind, i fear the dog would do her business and i don't have a bag with me, but so far she doesn't. when we reach the other block i decided to turn back and the 2nd part of the battle begin.
the dog want to go to the next street and pulls hard, i resist the forced movement and pull back, i use suggestion to coerce the dog to turn the other way, i role the die poorly and don't make it, the dog uses an action point and try to wail and beg again and gives me a puppy dog eye, i make my save this time and resist. i use a minor action to pick up the beast but she uses an immediate interrupt to wine and cry and i must let go. we both use grab on each other and we stand there for a few minutes , no one budges, i have to use lots of force to pull the beast my way and submit the monster to do as requested, in the end i make it and we had back, i am on the side walk and she walks across the house lawns, i am afraid she would poop here but she doesn't, not sure why did she cry in the 1st place, she only pees one time through the entire battle. as we finally reach the house across the street , i have to re force my will to get her across, but the beast is tired and doesn't resist much , but as she sees her owners she runs back home, and inside become again a cute and cuddly thing.
Sean and the gang come home and we sit down for a game of risk, the god of war version. i played risk years ago, but not this version, its different. the game only has 5 turns, the map is a variation of the ancient world including Atlantis, in these game any form of diplomacy and tactics are important. we each get our assigned territories and i agree to trade a space with someone else and try to maintain my forces in Anglia and Scotland against a major army in Ireland. this games moves slow but each turn changes the game dramatically. while i wait an Irish attach, the Irish are attack by Atlantis and get squashed, i try to make a deal, fail and get wiped out from that area, bill is back stabbing and regains Atlantis, my turn comes and i try to take over Asia minor region, in games of dice i am traumatized by lack of luck, i have few big territories next to a few puny forces, i attack and lose a lot , i hate dice, but i have enough forces to win the area and take some of Africa. but in this game too many things can and do change, luck is a factor here and Atlantis invaded Africa and kicks me out of most of Africa. there are some cards that have a strange affect on the game and i lose grasp of my continent. its only turn 2 and i think i will lose the game, the next turn i almost do nothing but re-enforce and make a deal with africa for mutual no attacks for 1 turn. i go last the next turn , while the other forces battle each other for the main territories and i am kind of left alone on the side as a non-threat. since i played first the previous turn and last on the 4th turn bill the ruler of Africa at this point pulls his forces to other areas. i get a card that lets me randomly destroy lots of armies in an area. the problem is that i can mess up myself if the dice roll equals Asia minor, i decide to cause havoc and go for it, and yes 3 which is Africa, exactly what i needed, i dilute his forces and attack and regain half of Africa, i manage to be 4th on the last turn and the other armies battle each other out and after i had a card that gets rid of 3 largest armies, those cards really changes the game, so random. chad goes before me, he rules the biggest Continent of germania and he now holds the whole of Atlantis, and then i get an awesome card. so exciting, there is an actual card to sink Atlantis!! so cool, i have to use it and piss chad off, then regain Africa in the lat turn to win the game! i never win these things, so awesome.
after that we eat corned beef, potatoes and cabbage for the rest- this is the Irish day after all, we also enjoy pretzels dipped in white chocolate (i don't think its Irish).
the next game is a dirty version of apples to apples, i will not reveal the details but its R-Rated, very funny with people who are not easily offended.
it was late by then and i headed home, a great st Patrick's day.
p.s one more thing for the 5 years summary, i am 15 months sober! (no coke of any kinds

Saturday, March 16, 2013

on Edamame and the rest of a 5 year summary

5 years ago, who would have thought this day would come, i certainly had no specific plans, just open to a possibility. it is time to sum up an interesting and challenging 5 years.
i warn you, this will be full of lists, random irrelevant statistics which i like, facts that make no sense and just whatever i feel like adding, likely in 2 days i will remember a whole lot of things i should have added, here goes...
1st time things
dog sledding (perhaps the most fun experience ever), wow, 2 minutes ago i had some many things to write, why am i blanking out? (blanking out is not a new thing!). completing a post grad degree- my PMP, since project completion is not a strong item on my skill set, completing this project in project management was a great thing. OK back to the fun things. seeing a lioness kill a wildebeest, now that was awesome, first ever safari with lots of 1st sights of wildlife (zoo doesn't count) lions mating, ostriches, elephants running, cheetah's with a catch, hyenas, zebras, leopard, buffalo, rhinos, strange deer, impalas, hippos, freakishly large birds i cant recall the name. danced with the Masai, haggled with the Masai, caught some kind of parasite from, well not exactly sure, which led me to our 1st free clinic visit and my first ever shower in some medicinal lotion to get rid of that parasite, yeah science. first time visit to Africa!
first time visit to new destinations- Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Latvia Lithuania, Estonia, Kenya, Honduras, Belize  and Tanzania, Wait, that's it, i am getting weaker in discovery, need to change this trend asap!!!, in states i did better:Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont, new Hampshire, Georgia, Mississippi, Montana, Oregon, Michigan, Louisiana, south Carolina, west Virginia, Maryland, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nebraska, south Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah, Alaska + the UN, which is a territory of its own, not a state. i had my 1st small plane ride, my 1st solo for  a while flight (i held the wheel for about 10 minutes!!!!).
1st time walking on a glacier, first time leading a walking on a glacier exhibition for about 20 seconds,  first time river surfing, hole jumping, jumping off a high bridge, river sliding, seeing a man take a shower naked in a public square (i guess its allowed in Copenhagen), trying an open faced bread, seeing an out door museum, seeing real authentic viking ships, jumping of a ski hill (in a simulator), hiking in snow, snow shoeing, lake orienteering, scavenger hunting, racing on a horse..or more like trying to stay on , on a running horse, getting hit by a log and being knocked off the horse, outliving said horse (it died of none log related reasons), sitting on the world largest wall nut rocking taste, seeing the world's largest free stamp, world largest apple basket, reaching the highest point of new England, highest point in new Hampshire, highest point in Indiana, highest point of Norway, highest point in northern Europe (climbed them all), first time in an ice bar, first time singing in a real Broadway play on stage (hair production two weeks ago) , 1st karaoke in English...sang sister golden hair by America (very fitting), first meet up, arranged my first scavenger hunt, first ever sauna+ lake jumping combination in Lithuania, first time losing a camera, first time leaving a camera out in the rain (on same day as hitting the log), first time dropping a camera in the river, first time leaving a phone in a cab (never to be seen again) first time losing my keys in Vegas (first for me, i am sure not the first for many others), first time losing money in a casino, first time using real bow and arrow, first time watching piano duelling, first time half marathon, first time surgery (well, this shouldn't be in the fun category), well, i am here... first time hospital admission, first time code blue (i was in bad condition but didn't really need code blue) 1st time morphine, 1st blood thinners, first blood clot, first compression stocking, first time tearing my calf muscle (not sure why i had to repeat that 2 more times), 1st deltoids muscle spasm, first back pains, OK lets get back to the fun things, 1st snow foot ball, 1st football game, 1st time trying to build a snowman, 1st time wearing a skirt (Halloween), 1st time berry picking, first time tubing, first time running in the warrior dash, first time tackling the tower, first time snow mobiling, first time bouncy ball jumping to a lake, first time eating s'mores, first time trying a new flavor in the Ben and Jerry factory, first time buying a new red car (not the 1st red car or the first new car, just the 1st new red car), 1st time seeing Elton john, rod steward, abc,the beach boys, the grass roots, Belinda Carlyle, Byran Adams, the cure, flock of seagulls, air supply, Alan parsons project, Buckingham, the monkeys, the turtles, aerosmith (well for the 2nd time),  red hot chilly peppers, probably a few more i cant recall right now, did my first on river in cave tubing (Well actually my 2nd), first circus, first outdoor Jacuzzi in the snow. First A ( Israel gives grades in numbers not letter) , first A- (not fun)..notice no B's... or any other letters:), first time reaching the high point in eastern coastal us, had my 1st trick or treating
more 1st time things...
1st time getting engaged, first time getting married, first time getting re-married (to the same woman :) ) 1st time buying a house, first time causing pregnancy (as far as i know), 1st time toast, first time learning Russian , first time not succeeding in learning Russian, first time teaching Hebrew, 1st time seeing our baby's ultra sound, first time blogging!!, cant believe i have been doing that for 5 years, first time biking over 50k, first time spelunking , first time thermal pool bathing, 1st time cold river shower, 1st snow shoveling, car window ice scraping, leaves raking, bird feeding ,tree battling, grass cutting, floor chalk painting (drew homer Simpson's face) , first time being drunk, first time wearing a suit, i was a judge on a DI program, 1st cavs game, 1st baseball game (not sure it counts as fun), 1st whirlyball, first indoor tennis, 1st co-ed soccer league (ending in calf tare...see above), saw fainting goats, 1st sky box usage (its a toilet in the woods), 1st baby shower:) , 1st time at the kotel tunnels. first time skid in the car (very scary) 1st time hitting a traffic cone (busted my side mirror), 1st time green card application, first time filling out naturalization application, first time getting my finger printed. 1st speeding ticket (i had tickets before, just not for speeding), 1st time tossing my boss into a pool (at his own home), first horse shoeing, 1st viking fair, 1st Irish fair, polish fair, Russian fair, 1st rib feast, German fair, 1st museum membership, first visit to awesome cedar point
other things, not 1st time
completed 3 puzzles (500-1000 pieces each) , assembled a crib, a bed, library, table, shelves unit, couldn't manage to ski or snowboard (stupid pain everywhere), Caribbean cruise
finished watching the following shows (all seasons of shows that made it)
heroes, prison break, lost, mcguyver ,24,  notice the Simpson's is not yet on the list ( i am 7 seasons behind)
book series -reading harry potter, wheel of time (500 pages to go on last book #14) + many other books not in a series
listening-  hunger games (almost true, i have half a CD left to hear), twilight (and not shamed to admit it), the shopaholic series., the hollows series  +many other books not in a series
i hiked a lot (never enough), ate benget in new Orleans, saw Les miserable, shrek the musical, hair the musical, rock of ages also a musical, a Jewish kid in Brooklyn- not a musical, jersey boys, a musical, wizard of oz- a musical...i sense a theme here. drank more schnapps then alcohol in previous 31 years of life (hint hint, birthday coming soon), did a 4 day hike in Wyoming, circled the devils towers, slid on the river rock in Sidonia, fed the squirrels (not on purpose), ran over a fox :(  bathed in a freezing water fall, rafted kayaked, canoed, ran , sprained my ankle. had 5 job positions at 3 companies, witness a company closure, applied for unemployment, did taxes (Israel tax comes from paycheck, no need to do something special). discovered Edamame, asparagus, string beans (each a major edition to my limited vegetables set), watched several comedians including Jerry Seinfeld and robin Williams(disappointment), went into the st Louis arch, the Washington memorial, congress (the pentagon was closed, it was there the day they caught Osama), i saw Obama and air force one, successfully landed a 'real' flight simulator, played tennis, squash, pool, bowling, ping pong, basketball, soccer, volley ball, buried a man in sand (he was still alive after), walked on a frozen lake, threw a log, almost got kidnapped in Kenya, ate a camel (yuk), ate a gator (yuk yuk), eat chicken, its better for you, didn't try a yak, i rode an alpine slide, visited mount Rushmore, went to the gates of area 51 (i didn't see any aliens i swear...or was told to swear), reached epic level in a D&D campaign , raised >3000$ for Crohns(thanks all for donating), got many people to wear green (And donate) on st Patrick days, got married by my brother, created a functional phone app (unpublished in the app store), saw the 5 great lakes (swam in 3), went to a medieval fest, got stood twice in blind dates, dipped my feet in lake Victoria (swimming there is not recommended) , Swen the Baltic sea, red sea, dead sea , med sea, the Atlantic ocean, the gulf of Mexico, saw one magician act, went dancing several times, visited 3 new Canadian states (Ontario, Yukon and Quebec (total 5 of 10), saw Niagara falls, did a text based scavenger hunt in new york, sang material girl in karaoke, wore lipstick (Scavenger hunt), appeared in front of a whole hall (work related), completed the 1st stage of a major work project (just happened today actually), completed over half of my MBA degree. flew to Chicago and Washington for school test ( open university classes), idiot me, who flies for tests. bought items from the Hamish, did night orienteering, did several bike rides, i was in a tornado (i was in a shelter, while it was outside), I proposed and heard a yes for an answer. i discovered the existence of custard, watched my 1st rugby game, wales was the all black in Cardiff, and almost forgot to add wales to the countries list.... (yes its a country , they have a national rugby and soccer team), wrote 374 blog entries... its more then one in 5 days, forgot my ring at my brother's (got it back 2 months later), visited the Cleveland and st Louis zoo's, visited a couple of butterflyirum , did not see the Cleveland hall of fame. stood to hours in the famous Philly cheese steak sandwich place in Philadelphia only to order a cheese less cheese steak sandwich in the end, almost purchased a timeshare type vacation package, bud didn't, finished GMAT course with average results
can 5 years be summed up in only few paragraphs?, well I am stuck, today is the 5 year anniversary , need to go out an find an Irish pub to celebrate (tomorrow is st Patrick's day)
what the next 5 year will bring, well i found that when i announce my plans, they don't happen, especially with items like diet, but here are some things that will happen
some trip to south America!!! i cant believe i have not been there yet
cut the cord, a whole set of new experiences awaits
finish my MBA
keep blogging
other possibles, reach all 50 states, reach 2-3 more Canadian states, reach 7+ more countries, start some other degree, write a book (its on my to do list for ages), participate in a long bike race, adventure race or one of the shorter triathlon (the one with the 5k run, not the marathon), and keep trying to find the positive in any situation
p.s , if you want details of any of the above adventures....read the blogs

Friday, March 15, 2013

hold on tight to your dreams

the song "hold on tight to your dreams" begins playing right now. it is the title song of a movie we took from the library about 2 months ago and for long time couldn't find the disk. the library allows us to renew a movie 5 times, after that they start to charge, we are in the end of the 5th time and i really hate paying for a disk i know is somewhere in the house. trashing the house, opening disks set has proven pointless.
meanwhile as side activities of the disk search I had some schooling to complete. last week chaoswith my lazy group left me with shattered nerves. after the presentation the previous Monday i was simply too tiered to study, but test pressure in a motivator for me. the thing is that i don't have to take the test. the teacher gives are project grades and says they are final, unless we choose to take the test that can only improve the grade. you would think that a class of motivated MBA students will want to improve their grades, i know i did. how ever the teacher told my group based on our now B+ grade that the chance to reach higher grades are low, way to motivate, some groups are in better state but still when test time comes only 3 students out of 30 choose to take the test, yeah of meritocracy. the test is a similar to projects we did during the course- a case study, not hard just problematic to due in 2 hours, it took us a lot longer then that as homework. lucky he allows us to type, what a torture- 8 pages in 2 hours, i didn't have time to review my work, barely made it to the end with all options, not sure of the test grade but a had  major sigh of relief to get  an A- in the course. the teacher actually told me after the class in regards to the lazy group "sometimes you are dealt a bad hand".
on the other course, which was much easier and without having to rely on  others I am expecting my first ever 100 in a course, I've had 100 in a single test but never a whole course. 7 courses left, graduation expected in may 2014.
this week was also a big week in packaging, big boxes come heavy and leave light with Styrofoam pieces all broken.
the TV looks great displaying the Larry crown. i am half typing half paying attention to the movie. the elliptical is finally fixed. the book case was not fun to build, some of those self build things have good instructions, some don't, this didn't and as usually i mess up and have to unscrew and reattach wooden parts to get it right. the back panel of the library needs 34 screws!, takes for ever. built a table, that was only a few minutes and now I have another big box which holds the diaper change table from the same company that made the library, i am not looking forward to re-screwing that.
while moving on to the present, we got satellite TV, which will be perfect in the next 2 month (no school till may) after that will see if its useful, i got it mostly for 1 channel- fox soccer and yesterday enjoyed 2 live matches. the tech guy installed it yesterday morning and had to crawl under things, remove various boxes and Alla used this moment to have me move those to the basement. and before i do i do a detailed search and there it is, the missing disk, inside a closed box with other cd, must have been put there by someone else, i am never that organized.
2 points to whomever has read this far and can recognize the band that played the title song
my last days as an undad are rapidly coming to an end and yesterday after the last test of the other easy course , i desperately need to get out, too much time inside buildings. lucky, thought a friend we got free tickets to a movie pre-preview. i haven't been to one of those in years and i love them, i think i like being able to see the movie without seeing commercials which ruin the move since they reveal critical things and ruin surprises. this free movie invite is first come first serve and we didn't come early enough and the sold out (for free), so instead we went to a near by Brazilian restaurant. usually Brazilian has that red/green light table thing that lets you eat till you drop, this one was different. the empanada's (called empada in this place for an unknown reason) are tiny, the edamame is cold (as written on the menu) but tasty. BTW edamame as a possible order item in a restaurant for me, definitely the vegetable (if its green its a vegetable) discovery of the year. and the pasta is good but not better then other places. this area called shaker square is a trendy area, so far i  tried a few places here and no one has left a good mark on me. i handed my movie invite to the cinema and now have a movie invite for Monday, now with no school i can go.
now with the last days of undad i have a few more things to build in preparation for the little one, perhaps do a bike ride if it get a bit warmer, finish reading my 800 page book and use the elliptical.
5 years ago, i was in Amsterdam in between life in Israel and life here. the 5th year anniversary is in 2 days, expect a lengthy 5 year summary
the movie is about to end...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

on teams, Berger and very expected rare coincidences

I had a simple goal, to get my citizenship before the baby. easier for him, all he needs to do is be born. for me, we have lots of forms and wait. as time continues, I noticed that I would probably lose the race, but not by much.
it's common knowledge per psychobabble books that a boy learns one day that he can bit his father, though i am sure i can get to that point some day, my baby will get to that without even trying (unless you consider labor as a baby effort as well).
recently i had my finger printed once more with homeland security as part of the naturalization process and yesterday i received a letter scheduling my knowledge of America and final interview meeting, the last step before the official ceremony. even before i opened the letter, i knew it would fall on an important date, it must be so, it can't be on just any day. and no surprise, it is on our original due date.
so, we debate canceling, we don't want to mass with jack bower and the rest of homeland security, they kind of say that if you reschedule, it will take a long time, and so on, they recommend not to cancel. so perhaps we will take our chances and hope the baby comes on the current due date (2 days later)
so baby, if you are competitive like me, come earlier (I am CCing this to the stork), but if not, wait 4 days... know that people are flying in to meet you, be kind.
last night we went to see the musical Hair. I watched the movie several times, i have the record and know most songs, so for me, seeing the play is a lot of fun, a be dammed everyone within 3 seats of me, cause i like to sing along.
the show was by the Broadway people, their road crew, so nicely done, very good voices and very good coordination between the many performers. the play does not follow the movie, but has the same character. some songs from the movie don't actually make sense,  i never noticed it till i saw the play. like the Manchester England England song, is in the movie but i never got it. in the play it does make sense.
the last act before the intermission ended with complete nudity of the entire cast leaving the audience, still in clothes, but shocked.
i am singing along, kind of quiet, humming, not my usual musical self but having a great time and so did Alla though this was the first exposure to this story.
at the end of the play, the cast starts to invite people on stage, we had good seats, and it took me a few seconds to notice the invite. i don't know why it took me too long to jump up and run, I must be getting older, but not old enough just yet. i went on stage with the crew as they were singing let the sun shine in. i managed to tell Claude that this was and awesome play, then danced a bit with lots of other viewers, and from no where comes Berger, the star and now every is raising their hands , and we hold hands in a very platonic way. lucky i have my phone, i try to get a photo of us both, but its hard to do so and sing along and watch every one with the button being on the other side of the phone, i try to click the button many times and afterwards i see only 2 photos, but one of them is perfect. one of the minor casts hands me flowers, and i get a less then OK shot of lug (probably not his real stage name) and one more minor member of the cast. I was trying to see Alla from the stage but lights are blinding. i was on such a high.
not sure why i can run on stage and dance but cannot do a simple toast at home without being totally nervous.
we finally joined the current millennium, caved in and purchased a TV. we purchased on a few months ago, then cancelled right, one of us is an impulsive buyer, the other an impulsive worrier, this difference is causing delays. and last week we finally did it after a long disagreement over 4 inches of TV width. how ever amazon doesn't like our agreement  and lost our TV!! they told us they started some internal investigation- likely someone stole it or something, now it was re-shipped , still waiting. i am hopeful the by some freak occurrence they will send us both!
 the last few weeks were exceptionally difficult, my new role is stressful, but that by itself would be fine. a busy marketing class and a very dysfunctional group.
the 1st project i passed the group to review, a 20 page project, one guy replies, its good. how can a 20 pages be good on the 1st iteration?
in the class the teacher divided us into random numbered groups. before that we each introduced ourselves. i was seating on one side of a very large room, one guy on the other side, i couldn't hear him, spoke so softly, i didn't want him since we have to present. of course we ended in the same group.
a week after more people who didn't bother come to the 1st class arrive and they join existing teams. one guy arrives an hour later, and says he takes another course that day and would always be late. i don't want people who miss half the class in my group, guess where he ends up?
then on week3, we get another, this time it is someone i had a project with from a previous class. at that time this person wouldn't meet us to practice and we didn't know their performance level till the day of the presentation itself.  so our group has people , the largest group, the others are 4 or 3, not sure why we have extra and why i got stuck with literally parasites. this type of program will allow all of them to graduate. this group is dysfunctional from day one, no meeting of group assigned scheduled, no review. we decide to split the work but ti doesn't really work. one guy takes the big project and avoids the small one, which makes sense, but when he gives his work to us, the other 2 say its worth nothing and discard his work completely , so now with little time to spare we have to do both the last presentation and the big end project. since the other 2 started to redo the big project- i go solo on the smaller one, work the previous weekend and complete it. mean while on the other one, by tomorrow we will finish this section and move on, the next day its the same, time passes and nothing really happens. my stress level rise within each day and now instead of studying after doing a lot more then my share with an annoying none reviewing group. i have to work more, since this is a group grade. we agree on a 4 day crash study to finish. on Thursday, only one shows up.
we agree to meet Friday- and 2 show up so we actual make progress. we agree to meet Saturday at 4 to work through the night. during the day while i work on some parts, one of them send an email that they will come at 6, the other one sees that and says me to.
at 6:30 one comes for an hour.. the other car is stuck, and the last doesnt even bother to show up. the last person we don't even consider after doing such poor work.
i am being stood up again on Sunday morning. fun!  mean while i do most of the work, rework. i don't know how these people think. i know i am not a business genius , but some common sense. we have to come with a business plan that's logical for a real company. so the guy offer to make one objective which we are behind our competitors by a factor of 10!- all the while when we try to cut cost. it cant work- you cant plan for contradicting objectives, unless you have a brilliant plan. we don't.
in the end , i write half the big paper, i get no reviews, i know i make mistakes, but get no feedback and i fight them on making sure the other objectives are in line with each other. on Monday i was again worried on the presentation of the smaller project. i do it with just one of the other normaler guy. we don't even bother with the rest- since 2 of them don't even listen in class when they bother to come and the last one that completely choked during a previous presentation, stood with his back to the audience and just read of the slides. the sad thing he works for the government ! our future is doomed. the presentation turns out really well and then i see the printed paper. the choked guy was in charge of that and of course its not the right version. i am so tiered and stressed out today that seeing this totally crushes me. we now rush to correct it, merge versions to hand it something worth while. i hope we did. now i have to wait 2 more days to see the results. after we delay the teacher on the last day to get it reprinted. one person (the one who didn't bother to come on Saturday without notice) asks the teacher what to do in case one person doesn't help the group, i was rolling my eyes but didn't ask what i wanted to ask, what do you do when 3 members do nothing!
we have 2 more things in the course- a final presentation on the project we handed in and a test. at this point, none of them volunteered to do it. no surprises. i think i will do it, and present it just for me. perhaps ask the teacher if he will allow it.
on Monday evening after class i was so exhausted , with no nerves.
the hair show on Tuesday came in perfect timing, i needed to relax.
cheers and let the sun shine in