the song "hold on tight to your dreams" begins playing right now. it is the title song of a movie we took from the library about 2 months ago and for long time couldn't find the disk. the library allows us to renew a movie 5 times, after that they start to charge, we are in the end of the 5th time and i really hate paying for a disk i know is somewhere in the house. trashing the house, opening disks set has proven pointless.
meanwhile as side activities of the disk search I had some schooling to complete. last week chaoswith my lazy group left me with shattered nerves. after the presentation the previous Monday i was simply too tiered to study, but test pressure in a motivator for me. the thing is that i don't have to take the test. the teacher gives are project grades and says they are final, unless we choose to take the test that can only improve the grade. you would think that a class of motivated MBA students will want to improve their grades, i know i did. how ever the teacher told my group based on our now B+ grade that the chance to reach higher grades are low, way to motivate, some groups are in better state but still when test time comes only 3 students out of 30 choose to take the test, yeah of meritocracy. the test is a similar to projects we did during the course- a case study, not hard just problematic to due in 2 hours, it took us a lot longer then that as homework. lucky he allows us to type, what a torture- 8 pages in 2 hours, i didn't have time to review my work, barely made it to the end with all options, not sure of the test grade but a had major sigh of relief to get an A- in the course. the teacher actually told me after the class in regards to the lazy group "sometimes you are dealt a bad hand".
on the other course, which was much easier and without having to rely on others I am expecting my first ever 100 in a course, I've had 100 in a single test but never a whole course. 7 courses left, graduation expected in may 2014.
this week was also a big week in packaging, big boxes come heavy and leave light with Styrofoam pieces all broken.
the TV looks great displaying the Larry crown. i am half typing half paying attention to the movie. the elliptical is finally fixed. the book case was not fun to build, some of those self build things have good instructions, some don't, this didn't and as usually i mess up and have to unscrew and reattach wooden parts to get it right. the back panel of the library needs 34 screws!, takes for ever. built a table, that was only a few minutes and now I have another big box which holds the diaper change table from the same company that made the library, i am not looking forward to re-screwing that.
while moving on to the present, we got satellite TV, which will be perfect in the next 2 month (no school till may) after that will see if its useful, i got it mostly for 1 channel- fox soccer and yesterday enjoyed 2 live matches. the tech guy installed it yesterday morning and had to crawl under things, remove various boxes and Alla used this moment to have me move those to the basement. and before i do i do a detailed search and there it is, the missing disk, inside a closed box with other cd, must have been put there by someone else, i am never that organized.
2 points to whomever has read this far and can recognize the band that played the title song
my last days as an undad are rapidly coming to an end and yesterday after the last test of the other easy course , i desperately need to get out, too much time inside buildings. lucky, thought a friend we got free tickets to a movie pre-preview. i haven't been to one of those in years and i love them, i think i like being able to see the movie without seeing commercials which ruin the move since they reveal critical things and ruin surprises. this free movie invite is first come first serve and we didn't come early enough and the sold out (for free), so instead we went to a near by Brazilian restaurant. usually Brazilian has that red/green light table thing that lets you eat till you drop, this one was different. the empanada's (called empada in this place for an unknown reason) are tiny, the edamame is cold (as written on the menu) but tasty. BTW edamame as a possible order item in a restaurant for me, definitely the vegetable (if its green its a vegetable) discovery of the year. and the pasta is good but not better then other places. this area called shaker square is a trendy area, so far i tried a few places here and no one has left a good mark on me. i handed my movie invite to the cinema and now have a movie invite for Monday, now with no school i can go.
now with the last days of undad i have a few more things to build in preparation for the little one, perhaps do a bike ride if it get a bit warmer, finish reading my 800 page book and use the elliptical.
5 years ago, i was in Amsterdam in between life in Israel and life here. the 5th year anniversary is in 2 days, expect a lengthy 5 year summary
the movie is about to end...
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