Wednesday, February 11, 2015

on nothing really

what I knew would happen, has happened. i am learning Russian from Mattan!
i started with tapki, which is now the 1st official word he says in three languages (naal= shoe, tapki slipper and boot). moved to kurtka .a.k.a coat and now isho adna one more.i need to be writing this down since he picks up more than i do.

there is little time lately for fun and the weather doesn't make it easier so we time is spent teaching Mattan how to do pull ups, today he did three, chase him around as he knocks over books at the library or follow the chuchu train.  he just learned to put his shoe on , take his coat off and becoming much more functioning just in time to start it all over again... the debate over the name continues and now i think i have a new proposal... final revelation in may.

well, that's it- nothing interesting to tell.

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