Tuesday, June 30, 2015

on milk , both in and out

We decided to take a family date on a rainy Saturday morning,  a place Alla was wanting to go recently, a place she never visited. With the kids tied in their car seats we drove till we reached CostCo.

Any of the mega stores can impress people on their first visit, but more so Costco since you see the entire space from the entrance, it seems bigger. I had my worries, how much would this cost… as soon as we entered my more spending half noticed a couch and chairs, after dodging the couch we reached the box isle. Never understood why we need boxes, now we need stuff to put in those boxes… we got 3 different sets of boxes. A set of lunch type boxes for Mattan, a set of filing boxes which are also good for keeping photos, or so the box says. Then we got big boxes, not sure why we need those, probably to hold the smaller boxes. Next Alla wanted to get cabinets to place the boxes it… that was my limit (we have a set of shelves waiting for assembly at home, but why, more shelves?  Argh, now the question is how much stuff we need to get to fit in this new storage nightmare.

Then the food sections, most everything is Costco is 10$ or close to it, piles of peaches, cherries, strawberries, peppers, the credit card chimes. Then clothes… a new sun hat to go with the cabinet full of hats and then some gifts. During this whole experience, Alla was in a must get things kind of mood and I was defending our bank account. In the end it could have been much worse….


Last week I took Alla and Tal to his 1st rock concert at Cain Park. The opening act was a famous band that I never knew Gary and the playboys. They have 10 top 10 hits during the sixties and I like the sixties. I recognized some of their songs, but the fun was plenty of other songs by other artists. In shows my enjoyment is proportional to the number of songs I know and can sing along, the opening act was great ending with Sealed with a kiss. Now for the main act. Herman hermits. Coming to the show there were two songs I really like , No Milk today and, there's kind of hush all over the world. But I found lots of songs I knew. They also sang songs from other bands including mimicking their voice and behavior. Herman (forgot his real name) mimic Tom Jones, Mick Jagger, Elvis. He did the ring of fire with perfect impression. Between songs, he told stories and was extremely entertaining. If you get a chance to go, don't miss it. During the "no milk today" song, I got a selfie holding Tal and the band in the background, Tal was not paying much attention to the songs. He also sang 'ferry cross the mercy (not their original song) but modified the word to be ferry cross lake Erie, much to the joy of the crown. Great show! Ended with hush all over the world… btw, even with Tal there, we didn't even ding the average age…

Last 24 hours were rough, in the middle of the night, Mattan started crying pointing to his throat area. A day before he was playing with coins… so we are slightly on the alert. He wouldn't come down and asked for a doctor, we does not say doctor (in Russian) properly. Nothing was found in the X-Ray but the night is pretty much gone. Next Morning , Tal has  6 week checkup and gets a couple of shots, so he is somewhat fussy, I stayed to work from home and around 4 pm Alla calls saying she hit a kid…

Don't worry, there is no real harm. Apparently during school pick up, a kid dashed out and hit Alla's car. He got some bruises, nothing severe. Cops and ambulance came, and the kids dad (a lawyer) starts probing poor shocked alla, did she use the phone at the time (no), why didn't she see it and threatening a lawsuit, trying to obtain evidence, while his kid is being treated, so now we have chats with insurance and have to worry to what's the worst that might happen. It will be a question of money only.

Mattan started day care last week and so far doing ok, he cried a bit a few times , but that is normal.

After a very long time, my 2.5 year project is finally ending. I am mentally exhausted from never ending pressure and blame… now when they compare metrics, our project is up to par with other projects in terms of quality, so that is good, but during the last year, the perception was otherwise, that didn't much help my stress. Now we finally released to production and wrapping up paper work and the pressure is moving to other projects.

Since last year I am waiting for the project to end to reconsider my options, that moment has finally arrived, I need to start looking but before, its time for R and R and S, rest, Ra'anana and shwarma , we arrive next Sunday and need to forget about work…. Looking forward to have some fun.


At the end of this uneventful year, my toastmasters club presidency ended this week, but I am starting a new year as an area director (supporting 4 clubs) , I find I much enjoy this activity, unlike the dissatisfaction at work. I now an planning to hold an area humorous speech competition, so if you want something different on august 22nd, come watch.. 

I still have my yearly report to give and I am very late…

Oh one more things, so far I absorbed from Tal, pee, poop, vomit, spittle, snot and tears, I think I am covered from all the liquids he can throw at me, but it is fun and relaxing sitting with him napping on me on the couch. He just started smiling (still rare) still waiting for the major functions to kick in. (turning over… to start)

Sorry my mind is clattered , I am jumping all over the place, writing always help me get some order. But enough for tonight


Good night 

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