Sunday, April 28, 2013

on sleeping like a baby and poo water

I really don't understand my caretakers, they worked hard to give me a name, had a Rabi call it out loud, invited people to witness and now they keep calling me by other names, its very difficult to figure when they are trying to talk to me. they call me kushkush, mattanchuck, mattanush, pashosh, pashoson, package, a package with a package, full of shit, poopy, cutey and many others , you see how a baby can be confused!
they don't think i am clear enough and they decided to give me a bath. they covered me in clothes, then poor some yellow substance on my hair , and rinsed it off, what the point of putting something on me if you are going to take it off? then they amerced me in water and put this substance on me and right away took it off. the water felt like the womb, are they planning to send me back?
at first i was concerned about this water so in an attempt to delay this treatment, i pooped in the water. Familiar just replaced the water, late i peed in this pool, and again they replaced the water. my powers are useless against this tub. but I didn't cry, i am saving those for later while they sleep.
another song i want to translate.
our car is big and green, our car travels far, leaves in the morning, returns in the evening, delivers eggs and milk to the dairy farm.
well, our car is red, its not big at all, it doesn't travel by itself  like the green car in the song, is that a magic car? and why would it deliver eggs and milk to the dairy farm, it should bring it FROM this place. and how do you get enough milk for a whole car, and a big car like this one?,is there a pumping matching for the entire city?
what does it mean- sleeping like a baby? does it mean waking out every 3 hours and not finding food right away? they are now taking me to loud places, a restaurant, a party and all i do there is sleep, they seemed to like it. not sure why these people dont eat from the bottle, they should try it.
i am now 24 days old

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