Sunday, May 10, 2009

on J1-J17, 17again, freckels,flees, apricots- and more

Here is the Plan:

We wake up and go early to Nazareth from there proceed to one of the Kraiot to pay respects for the person who helped Alla’s family in Russia and when they arrived at Israel, from there go to Rosh hanikra, than late lunch in Aco  (I don’t care that official name is Acre – I call it Aco), then go back to Raanana- regular non busy day.

Wait, I want to spend time with Anya (child hood friend in Nazareth Ilit).

Ok – plan B

Wake up, drink shoko in sakit (its amazing that there is no shoko in sakit here, only in cartons or plastic- and it’s not the same), go to Nazareth, nikra, aco , kriot

Oh we still have a few more hours- we can squeeze another place- lets add kineret

 That’s on the other side

So kriot, acot, rosh hanikra,Nazareth, kineret …. Ohand before- shoko in sakit.

What about alon hagalil (another child hold friend)

Plan C

Shoko, nazerath, alon, rosh hanikra , aco, kriot….. then maybe hof habonim…

Israel is small- but already 4 hours to drive- minimum.

I want give you allthe details- since it is to cloudy in my mind- but add my frieds factor- adding zefat, removing kineret, removing zefat, adding another shoko on the way, adding zichron, removing zichron, adding the bahai garden ,and removing it (closed at night)- adding a nature trip, removing it (to much for my leg)- lunch at said, lunch on the water front in aco (said is not on the water front) so another lunch with the best houmus, also add Shawarma, ziva, nargila, burekas, and of course- ice cream. And you can figure out how we got to plan J17-which is the last official and final (till now anyway) on our first sabath in Israel.

Wake up, brush teeth, drink shoko, take another shoko to go + sandwiches with schnitzel , drive to nazerath and meet anya before 8 am, say bye at 10 sharp and drive to alon hagalil for a short visit- leave by 11:03 local time- drive like the legal speed limit allows to rosh hanikra – go to the caves and enjoy a leisurely walk for about two hours- there is no more time- be we emphasis on the enjoyment and leisure parts. Oh , on the way to rosh hanikra- eat schnitzel sandwich and look for something to drink (since the shoko was drunk somewhere near afula….probably before netanya actually). Arrive in aco by 2:47 with my friend.

Oh we will meet with my friends in rosh hanikra at noon- this will give Shay a.ka. the contemplator ample time to wake up, delay, leave late- and still make it on time. If he leaves tel aviv at 10 -  he will make it- so he must be told to leave at 6-  then on Friday night , be convinced by him to leave at 9. This way he may actually leave by 10. This mission is trusted upon Amit a.k.a the mountain stag. Both stag and the contemplator do not yet know about this plan, so have not agreed to come. This is of course a minor detail. The stag will get it as soon as I post this. So does the contemplator (but he doesn’t read it) so my plan is safe.

Miss lichtenstein I hope will come as well- I am positive I will get a reply , no more than 24 hours after posing.

They way I travel is that anyone is welcome to join- so feel free to come.

So 2.5 hours in aco – with Said and more local baked (very dietetic) products + a nature break will end at 5:12 precisely.

From there we go to the krayot where Alla wants to visit the grave of her family’s friend and pay respects- this should not take long.  Now the evening plans are not set- we may go to Hof habonim for a leisurely walk or maybe to some small river (taninin or something) to enjoy the sun set -  (could we have a bon fire?)- and if we are lucky – find a local concert- it is a Saturday night- if I manage to stay awake for so long… and make it to Ra’anana by the stroke of midnight , drink a night cap (shoko) and crash.

Short day I know- since many others have to confirm, saeed needs to make his houmus, shows are not known and other such minor details- plan J17 mayyet be plan I2009 but I am a positive person- whatever we do will be fun (unless saeed makes a bad batch of houmus)

I will write on some other stuff later , now I have some work for next week

Happy mother’s day



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