on this 11/11/11 day i woke up earleir than usual to the view of the 1st snow of the year, low level of whitness covered the grass and deck out side. Today I took the GMAT test.
after eating my morning cereal, i drove to the testing center, and picked up the number 4 tag (similar to a queue printing line, but these numbers are on solid plastic permanent pieces) and waited. soon after they signed me up, took my palm prints (not finger prints). i drank some water, took a preventetive headache pill and went inside after having my palm reread.
i was surprised when the order of essays (1st section) was switched, cost me a minute to pass the early shock i was in. i think I did well but i have never had my essays examined so i will have to wait since i ha ve no evidace to support my conclusion that i do well on such tests, there for ...bla bla...
then came the 2nd essay. the list of essay is fixed, but there are still close to 50 subjects, I did 3 of them yesterday, and one of them was the one i had to redo, so i think i did well, though see previous conclusion...
i had 8 minutes for break, you have to raise your hand and be noticed by the staff, wait for them to come in to escort you, get up, remove your head set, walk to the office, have your palm, reread, get the bathroom key, go to the bath room, perform your duties, wash your hand, go back, return the key, open your locker, avoid doing anything suspicious, quickly eat something, dring the rest of the bottle, take another excedrin (Still no headache but you never know), close your locker, wait for someone else to step outside, have you palm read, go in seat down, hope the 8 minutes have not passed, place you head set on, wait for them to relog in...and continue, Still had 76 seconds for my break, so no rush.
Math comes next, and for some reason i felt drowsy today, likely from not drinking diet coke as i do regularly, the cans found a bad time to be anywhere but here.
I practice test, from the eggining i was on the lowest level of the top group (based on several study books) and i had confidence, but for some reason I blacked out and in the end guessed 4 answers without even seeing the question and missed one altogher. so a disappointing 50 percentile, which means that every 2nd person who takes the GMAT is smarter than me, in math atleast. I know i could and should have done better, after that I took my next break and repeated the previous paragraph
the last verbal section started with a black out as well but i recuperated and finished on the 58 percentile, better, likel blogging all the time helped but still i hoped for better results.
now i am feeling totaly brain dead. i checked my score (of math and verbal, i dont have the written part yet...wait 3 weeks) and with those i can apply to a place i wanted to and some others, but i am far, far from the good ones (not that i was planning to go there anywhere, but it would have been nice to know that i could have).
so now its time to rest, take a nap and watch a movie called "i am number 4" suppose to be a good one..will tell you later
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