Monday, November 21, 2011

on previous episodes of twenty four.
Agent Greenberg was unemployed, looking for work. unexpected communication feed from Paris (Perrysburg, 2 hours away) has confirmed of the existence of a job. Intel report on this Omni powerful company has revealed unsatisfactory information on treatment of employees, however a job is a job.
last Monday morning email from Omni requesting final documentation, CTU agent ( Copy & Transmit Using email) Greenberg has confirmed and now waits for background check to complete.
the following takes place between 7 am and now, events occur in real time.

7 AM- Alla wakes up, quick shower and mandatory foundation,
8:AM a quick trip down town Solon to pick up suit from dry cleaning
9 AM -delivery person comes to the door bearing chocolate covered fruits from Agents Danger Cat and Farm boy congratulating on new jobs, yum yum.
10 AM- Alla enters an office for an interview with the wolf (real last name!)
at the same time, at another part of Solon, Gil takes the 7th season of 24 from the library
at the same time, background check continues for Alla and gil. Hussain (Real name) asks for more information for Philips
10:30 Agent Greenberg finishes assignment with wolf and contacts her boss Gil (i wish), due to short duration of mission, Gil believes it didn't go well. how ever G reports success.
11:00 agent G, Gil and season 7 of 24 are back at apple house headquarters.
12-2 unrelated paper work regarding immigration- boring episodes, people lose interest
Information is also provided to philips
2 PM the Red transport heads down town for Immigration issues to converse with government agents (the guy that answers general question by the public). 
At the same time, urgent communication from the representative of the wolf confirming hiring G for a position right here in town!, however for only 3 months, next stage is not guaranteed.
3 PM urgent debates begin comparing the offers. one is closer, more money, more interesting, but non secured while the other is far but guaranteed. lots of other factors affects decisions but now is not the time.
4 talks begins with several advisers including R,L,D and I , the overwhelming opinion is to go for the close , unsure option. but uncertainty continues.
5 - An email communication arrives from a European capital recently under civil unrest (Athens, OH) regarding previous offer. it seems that agent G succeed in interviews wherever she goes and gets a 3rd job offer. this one is the furthest away however is best suitable for agent G.
at same time, dropping transportation for an oil change
6PM  limbo! 3 offers, with only 12 hours to give final decision. time to think on other things.  going to the supermarket for some supplies.
7 eating supplies and starting to watch 24, while agent G struggles with impossible decision 
8, another episode of 24, debates continue
9PM  discussion with Irma (you might recall her from past blogs, a.k.a Irma rules) a current employee of the office of the wolf (the job in Solon)- saying new hires are not rehired usually, however it is a good place. this company was recently bought by a major company, future unclear.
10. decision is made to go with operation Perrysburg
10:15 Email comes in from the free clinic, confirming option of volunteering (good for experience) , making it the 4th job offer (free but still work) in under a week. Free clinic clashes with Solon job but not with Perrysburg job.
10:25 Stop watching 24 to bring you this update
10:58 last communication from R, still no decision, commercial break

final update will come tomorrow
here is a preview of things to come. Agent G will struggle all night with a decision
Gil will watch another episode of 24 and will support whatever decision G makes.

p.s. we thank Jack Bower for the inspiration.

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