Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Re: Tales of Parma

oh, btw- Parma is 20 minutes away

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Gil Even <gil.even@gmail.com> wrote:
I never visited the real Parma (Italy) but I have its Ohio counterpart, but all i knew about it was one good German restaurant. now there is another, more on that later.

I was sitting yesterday morning , minding my own business (not much else to do lately) where a big bird flew into the forest behind my house. usually I wouldn't be able to see it because of the foliage, but its over now. so I took out the bird guide when the beautiful red tail hawk flew away, what a sight. 

o.k enough delay...

After accepting a position in Toledo, due to start next week, and us starting to looking for an apartment there, my pharmacist had another interview, yesterday and due to the time constraints , she was offered a position right away. Close by, full time, good chain, more money....perfect. the location is Parma, to begin next week!!!!!!!! at Marc's (its a big chain of supermarkets)

just wanted to let you know :)

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