Wednesday, February 18, 2009

i just felt like running or promises promises

Just remember it’s all for a worthy cause…more details below


Sorry the sound on my lap top is muted, otherwise you would here flashback music right now

The year was 1990 and Raanana was about to have it’s 1st race- 10k and another for the family 2.5k

I went with my Bolivian neighbor to the family one. I was always a great sprinter-no joke- fastest in class, school and everywhere-but only for 2 sprints- after that I amount of breath- and for that reason I was always the worst in long distance running- worst in my class, not so sure about the school, but somewhere in the back.

So I finished the race in an awful time and walking part of the way- got my participant reward-and wrote on it 13th place to make it believable- I am not greedy.

I made myself a promise to run the bigger race next year- and just like my sign- I am bull headed stubborn and keep making myself the same promise every year- this is the oldest promise to myself ant yet unfulfilled.

One year after returning from my big 5 months trip very skinny and in shape- I came close- 8.4k on the machine in a good pace- but I tore my quad the next day- and only promises ever since.

In the visit to Israel last week- I saw the familiar race poster- now in its 20th year- so my promise is 20 year old as well- as always I remade the promise. But now it’s time to get serious (like you(I) never said that before!). yesterday woke very early (jet legged) and went to the gym- and did 5k- in a very slow pace- but nonstop- making it my best run since the quad (6 years ago ). I could actually proceed, wasn’t even tired, but it was a slow pace and running on the machine is not the same as on the road.

So, I saw some event- a group that trains for a half marathon to benefit Chrone’s disease  (and colitis).

As some of you know, my sister has chrone’s – and not the mild one, and know of others who have it on but not as severe. I decided it’s a sign. Fulfilling my promise and raising money- so I went today to check it out.

They were talking about a lot of money- the problem is when you start a sum with 55…. I hear 55 thousand , since in Hebrew you don’t say 55 hundred- so on the entire lecture- I am trying to think how on earth can anyone raise that sum of money- crazy- but no- they want you to raise a minimum of 5500$ for chrones research.  They take this stuff serious here, even to donate you have to work hard.

So I am about to go through training which includes- lessons on how to run right, how to stretch, maintain body position, eating habits etc… and have a detailed running regime – as well as weekly running meets with guides- so I can make 20k by the end of June. For me it’s great, since I keep my word half way. I get that only if I raise the cash- so I have a big project and I will bug all of you – so be warned. This is a common thing here, someone runs or bikes in some race and others sponsor.

There is a bonus to this thing- which I like and don’t like at the same time. The race is not in Cleveland like I assumed it would be, it is in Kona. What I don’t like about it is that 25% of donations goes to the foundations to cover costs, only 75% goes to the research itself. This organization said he received high marks on the US watchdog –so the money may actually go to where it should-  but the 25% - some of it is to cover the expenses of getting me to the race- to Kona, which is in a US state I never been, Hawaii! – I know you don’t believe me- I hate raising money that will not go to research- but Hawaii – for a weekend- sounds perfect.

And I get to run for some one- so I will have my sister’s name on my shirt.


So now I have to raise the money by end of June.

I am going over the material I got from them- my training session is hard- every Monday is active recovery- what the hek is active recovery? And Fridays are off- great- but 2 miles every Tuesday, 3-4 on Wednesdays, 20-30-40 minutes on Saturdays (increasing with each week) and 30,40,45,60,75,90 minutes on Sundays- are you insane…. Am I

Well it’s for a good cause.

So I will have expert advice on how to milk money as well as an endurance manager- and they have money raising ideas- I have some ideas already- but always looking for original ideas- so please- if you haven’t fallen asleep till now, please share ideas (and cash)

Tomorrow I will have my own fundraising web site- so any one can pay directly there

Sonow I have to maintain my blog, face book, outlook, IM, hotmail, and a new site- luky I don’t visit my myspace, gmail or walla mail often

So that’s it- I feel I will actually make it this year, and I already have my 1st donor.

So got to go, make plans and go to sleep- have spinning at 6 am.


p.s  shekels and kiwi dollars accepted

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