Friday, February 6, 2009

table cloth

After the successful attempt to build a “complicated” table from IKEA- I found myself in a very regular mood of cleaning.

I had a few hours while racer was racing home after another usual week with 3 tests.

So about 5 minutes later… the house was immaculate – and to commemorate this regular event- I documented it. And I am not trying to sell you medallions of Obama with or without a proof of authenticity – 2 for 19.95. just a souvenir .


Ah all the Swedes are happy


you can it on this floor- but you don’t have to – there is a table now


Can you see how shiny this is?
isn’t he precious? Just look at those eyes- young Seal just want to go out and play in the snow
yes I know what this is, and even use it

nothing special but the amazing photo from victoria island, and my Nezek momento

this little dude gurds a buried treasure- trust me , it aint coffee

my 2nd a so far last (new) world wonder

my old temp license plate- I should throw this, but I havnt for some odd reason.P1300088.JPG

and a group of figurines with no place to go but the top of the fridge- with an important envelope (cedar point season ticket)P1300087.JPG

the knight is from my favorite castel- the amazing san marino
the sting ray was bought after I swem with them, fed them , and even kissed one of them on the lips!!!- the sting ray wasn’t thrilled about this- especially since it was a guy manta ray.

So not only did I sleep with a guy this year, I also kissed a guy ….and I liked it (the kiss…)- my innocence is thorn into shreads.

I have no idea where I got the bear – it was a gift- I never buy soveniers with out a story behind them- but still a cute panda

this is the guy who watches my temperture- since I never changed it – he is doing his job- some day it will warm up and he will hatch.

this is my oklahoma momento

There was a nasty rumor about my horse and log story- the rumor states that it was a donkey.

Donkey my ass. As you know that horse died- so some people are insulting a memory. Also the log died (fell and was chopped down)

So for the record- that was a horse
this is my favorite souvenier – my smart fox who broke his nose in a cleaning person related incident (not me)- but you can still see the smart eyes and character of the fox- it is probably a vegitarian fox – since it is not eating my birds- these birds were badly injured and I nursed them back to health with super glue (made from horse in the past… not donkeys)- look the left one is a about to fly.
my diminished book case- these are still unread books- but a whole read bunch sits else where- with most of my souveniers

always bring a towel
my 2nd bear encounter was with a Kuala bear
just a reminder- behind me is the Log- and below is a Horse- god rest her soul

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