Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fwd: gil.even shared an album with you.

I hung 2 new bird feeders, each with a specific food, some for finches and some for cardinals. the birds have stopped coming since the squirrels have destroyed the previous feeder. that was about a week ago

on a snowy day yesterday i hung the new feeders and waited for the colorful birds which did not show up. instead, Nemi and Nemo, 2 of the squirrels that reside in the tiny forest behind the house decided to attack.
they climbed the tree and looked at the feeders from various angles, climbed up and down, moved from branch to branch while we are watching them and after 10 minutes or so, they found a way. 

Nemi, climbed down the plastic wire and chewed off the wire, dropping the feeder to the ground and a nice brunch reward. I retaliated by reconnecting the feeder to a metal wire and went on for the day. an hour later (my days are short recently) i came back and they chewed off the other plastic cable for the other feeder. so now i need another steel cable, but i am sure the squirrels will find a way.

so far squirrels 2, man 0

attached are some recent photos , recent hikes, onion related gadgets and the squirrels 

You are invited to view gil.even's photo album: 2011-12-01
Nov 8, 2011
by gil.even
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Re: Tales of Parma

oh, btw- Parma is 20 minutes away

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Gil Even <> wrote:
I never visited the real Parma (Italy) but I have its Ohio counterpart, but all i knew about it was one good German restaurant. now there is another, more on that later.

I was sitting yesterday morning , minding my own business (not much else to do lately) where a big bird flew into the forest behind my house. usually I wouldn't be able to see it because of the foliage, but its over now. so I took out the bird guide when the beautiful red tail hawk flew away, what a sight. 

o.k enough delay...

After accepting a position in Toledo, due to start next week, and us starting to looking for an apartment there, my pharmacist had another interview, yesterday and due to the time constraints , she was offered a position right away. Close by, full time, good chain, more money....perfect. the location is Parma, to begin next week!!!!!!!! at Marc's (its a big chain of supermarkets)

just wanted to let you know :)

Tales of Parma

I never visited the real Parma (Italy) but I have its Ohio counterpart, but all i knew about it was one good German restaurant. now there is another, more on that later.

I was sitting yesterday morning , minding my own business (not much else to do lately) where a big bird flew into the forest behind my house. usually I wouldn't be able to see it because of the foliage, but its over now. so I took out the bird guide when the beautiful red tail hawk flew away, what a sight. 

o.k enough delay...

After accepting a position in Toledo, due to start next week, and us starting to looking for an apartment there, my pharmacist had another interview, yesterday and due to the time constraints , she was offered a position right away. Close by, full time, good chain, more money....perfect. the location is Parma, to begin next week!!!!!!!! at Marc's (its a big chain of supermarkets)

just wanted to let you know :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

on previous episodes of twenty four.
Agent Greenberg was unemployed, looking for work. unexpected communication feed from Paris (Perrysburg, 2 hours away) has confirmed of the existence of a job. Intel report on this Omni powerful company has revealed unsatisfactory information on treatment of employees, however a job is a job.
last Monday morning email from Omni requesting final documentation, CTU agent ( Copy & Transmit Using email) Greenberg has confirmed and now waits for background check to complete.
the following takes place between 7 am and now, events occur in real time.

7 AM- Alla wakes up, quick shower and mandatory foundation,
8:AM a quick trip down town Solon to pick up suit from dry cleaning
9 AM -delivery person comes to the door bearing chocolate covered fruits from Agents Danger Cat and Farm boy congratulating on new jobs, yum yum.
10 AM- Alla enters an office for an interview with the wolf (real last name!)
at the same time, at another part of Solon, Gil takes the 7th season of 24 from the library
at the same time, background check continues for Alla and gil. Hussain (Real name) asks for more information for Philips
10:30 Agent Greenberg finishes assignment with wolf and contacts her boss Gil (i wish), due to short duration of mission, Gil believes it didn't go well. how ever G reports success.
11:00 agent G, Gil and season 7 of 24 are back at apple house headquarters.
12-2 unrelated paper work regarding immigration- boring episodes, people lose interest
Information is also provided to philips
2 PM the Red transport heads down town for Immigration issues to converse with government agents (the guy that answers general question by the public). 
At the same time, urgent communication from the representative of the wolf confirming hiring G for a position right here in town!, however for only 3 months, next stage is not guaranteed.
3 PM urgent debates begin comparing the offers. one is closer, more money, more interesting, but non secured while the other is far but guaranteed. lots of other factors affects decisions but now is not the time.
4 talks begins with several advisers including R,L,D and I , the overwhelming opinion is to go for the close , unsure option. but uncertainty continues.
5 - An email communication arrives from a European capital recently under civil unrest (Athens, OH) regarding previous offer. it seems that agent G succeed in interviews wherever she goes and gets a 3rd job offer. this one is the furthest away however is best suitable for agent G.
at same time, dropping transportation for an oil change
6PM  limbo! 3 offers, with only 12 hours to give final decision. time to think on other things.  going to the supermarket for some supplies.
7 eating supplies and starting to watch 24, while agent G struggles with impossible decision 
8, another episode of 24, debates continue
9PM  discussion with Irma (you might recall her from past blogs, a.k.a Irma rules) a current employee of the office of the wolf (the job in Solon)- saying new hires are not rehired usually, however it is a good place. this company was recently bought by a major company, future unclear.
10. decision is made to go with operation Perrysburg
10:15 Email comes in from the free clinic, confirming option of volunteering (good for experience) , making it the 4th job offer (free but still work) in under a week. Free clinic clashes with Solon job but not with Perrysburg job.
10:25 Stop watching 24 to bring you this update
10:58 last communication from R, still no decision, commercial break

final update will come tomorrow
here is a preview of things to come. Agent G will struggle all night with a decision
Gil will watch another episode of 24 and will support whatever decision G makes.

p.s. we thank Jack Bower for the inspiration.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A tale of 7 cities

what are the odds... What?, read somewhere below.

A long long time ago, in the age of unemployment (hint hint), kids went outside dressed in customs and ask for candy from strangers. for some one like me to have never participated in such an extravagant event is odd. it was a cold evening but not too cold. i was thinking of going as an African with my full African regalia and my face painted black but i was told it may seem racist by the over sensitive gringos, so with little time to choose, i went with another creative but not too clever outfits. with the upcoming 2012 end of the world Mayan calander- i decided to be "ready for winter".
i wore my ski pants, ski shirt, winter vest, winter coats, fleece hat, another fleece hat and another fleece hat (tough winter, you never know), 3 umbrellas, 2 ponchos, a snow shovel (yes, a snow shovel), snow scraper, 3 scarves, 1 ski face mask, utility belt, with 3 single gloves on it.... i think that was it, oh, i also wore fake eye lashes, if the world ends, might as well look nice.
I joined the kids as they walked between the houses, i didn't go trick or treating myself, just walked by, but it was nice seeing every one in custom. and my outfit was handy , since it was cold and i lent a hat, gloves and scarves to freezing kids (i was happy to glove, since i was too hot from the too many clothes).
in the end each kid had a batch of candy.

Now I already have my idea for a custom for next year.... its going to be hilarious ...

A few days later my mom came for a visit and we explored Cleveland a bit. we went to the botanical gardens, a place I never visited and found it lovely. it didn't only have plants  but also chameleons and butterflies. after that we went to the art museum, but a support call prevented the visit.
we walked later that day an hour out side to nearby chagrin falls, a town that is always closed (or closed when ever my mom comes), it was day light when we got there, but still most stores were already closed.
we went to the zoo the next day where the trees in late stages of the fall are steel impressive and the red panda, cheeta, and bush baby are most impressive. but the wolves that chose to hide on our last visit now made a full appearance. I also had a job interview by phone next to the seal cage (moved on to the next stage...) and had lunch at a nice German place.

the next day we walked for 3 hours to a restaurant, just over 16k of city walk. its nice walking to a restaurant, it gives you drive and the houses on the way are nice. it was a Saturday and the streets were empty. we passed 7 cities on the way (Solon, orange, wood-mere, Beachwood, shaker, university and Euclid hts). and had a very good Turkish meal. Alla met us there so we didn't have to walk back. the previous night Alla slaved in the kitchen (by choice) and produced magic beef brisket, lots of salads, corn muffins, it was a grand feast with my mom , Moti and Alla's parents and sisters. The visit ended the next day and I returned to the GMAT, which was not my greatest moment.

Last weekend I played some tennis after months of no play and went scouting for activities for my Amazing Race (not the real thing, just small activities I am organizing, details next week..

OK, you waited long enough and so did we, after 3 months of unemployment the day began with an offer for Alla as a full time pharmacist and OmniCare and ended with a job offer for my self at Philips.

So it is a happy day :)

cheers, hope your day is as happy as ours

Friday, November 11, 2011

I am number 4

on this 11/11/11 day i woke up earleir than usual to the view of the 1st snow of the year, low level of whitness covered the grass and deck out side. Today I took the GMAT test.
after eating my morning cereal, i drove to the testing center, and picked up the number 4 tag (similar to a queue printing line, but these numbers are on solid plastic permanent pieces) and waited. soon after they signed me up, took my palm prints (not finger prints). i drank some water, took a preventetive headache pill and went inside after having my palm reread.
i was surprised when the order of essays (1st section) was switched, cost me a minute to pass the early shock i was in. i think I did well but i have never had my essays examined so i will have to wait since i ha ve no evidace to support my conclusion that i do well on such tests, there for ...bla bla...
then came the 2nd essay. the list of essay is fixed, but there are still close to 50 subjects, I did 3 of them yesterday, and one of them was the one i had to redo, so i think i did well, though see previous conclusion...
i had 8 minutes for break,  you have to raise your hand and be noticed by the staff, wait for them to come in to escort you, get up, remove your head set, walk to the office, have your palm, reread, get the bathroom key, go to the bath room, perform your duties, wash your hand, go back, return the key, open your locker, avoid doing anything suspicious, quickly eat something, dring the rest of the bottle, take another excedrin (Still no headache but you never know), close your locker, wait for someone else to step outside, have you palm read, go in seat down, hope the 8 minutes have not passed, place you head set on, wait for them to relog in...and continue, Still had 76 seconds for my break, so no rush.
Math comes next, and for some reason i felt drowsy today, likely from not drinking diet coke as i do regularly, the cans found a bad time to be anywhere but here.
I practice test, from the eggining i was on the lowest level of the top group (based on several study books) and i had confidence, but for some reason I blacked out and in the end guessed 4 answers without even seeing the question and missed one altogher. so a disappointing 50 percentile, which means that every 2nd person who takes the GMAT is smarter than me, in math atleast. I know i could and should have done better, after that I took my next break and repeated the previous paragraph
the last verbal section started with a black out as well but i recuperated and finished on the 58 percentile, better, likel blogging all the time helped but still i hoped for better results.
now i am feeling totaly brain dead. i checked my score (of math and verbal, i dont have the written part yet...wait 3 weeks) and with those i can apply to a place i wanted to and some others, but i am far, far from the good ones (not that i was planning to go there anywhere, but it would have been nice to know that i could have).
so now its time to rest, take a nap and watch a movie called "i am number 4" suppose to be a good one..will tell you later

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fwd: gil.even shared an album with you.

beow is a combination of treak and treating and family visit, enjoy (i did)

You are invited to view gil.even's photo album: 2011-11-02 visit
2011-11-02 visit
Oct 31, 2011
by gil.even
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wild turkey and the long lost marsh

strange day today, one of those beautifully sunny and cold at the same time, perfect weather for hiking and the last orienteering event of the season.
as usual , I posted the event on the meetup website, 10 people came and wanted to go in sub groups which is great since I got to do it alone.

this event is a score style. usually if you never tried the sport , you have to find certain check marks in order. in a score you have lots of points scattered  around with more points for the further away points are those harder to find or harder to get to. well today it was a score with all points being of equal value (winner is the one who get the most points) but just before the launch they added a twist of certain points (at random) have a bonus, the 1st to get to those gets a few more points; the course is kind of a figure 8 and you (unless you run fast) have time for 1 loop. so I thought i was clever by going on one loop against the logical path, which means i can get to certain points first, not by running faster (I wish i could do that) but by running further out.

they launched the race and people ran to various directions, each with their own plan, I tried to out race some guy to my first check point, but he got their first, but this point had no bonus, and then we each went our separate ways. my next point was next to a marsh and I couldn't find it, i got a bit lost and tried and tried to re-find my way, i reached the other side of the wood and knew where I was, I ran down a steep hill to squires castle parking lot and made my way to the next point, almost slipping several times on the wet grass and almost losing my shoes in the mud. I saw the next point and had to climb up a steep slope and found the point without bonus. the next one was only a 100 meters away, but you had to go down the slope, slide a few times, go between branches, slide some more, then go up and eureka a point with the little pin bonus, so my tactics pays off:) but that area is awful, for the next point I had to walk a lot on the slope, and slipping often and tangling branches, but i was rewarded with another bonus point, then walk up to peak and surprised a pack of wild turkeys, so cute, they ran away fast and i stared at them catching my breath. the next point was a bonus as well for my 3rd and last bonus. but at this point i was breathing hard and my muscles were aching. the next 2 points were on either side of a steep ravine, I totally missed the mark, but still i went down the ravine and up the other side, slipping a lot, falling on my face knowing whatever wind i had left out of me, using branches to climb up, it was so hard, I reached the top and saw a point far away and slowly made my where there, and to my surprise it was the same point I missed in the beginning. i happily marked it (no bonus) then i remembered that it was supposed to be next to a marsh, i looked around and didn't see any, then I took a few steps and realized where the marsh was, I was in it. it was easy to identify the marsh now since my ankles were deep in the cold water. just my luck, so for the next 30 minutes, not just muddy all over but with wet feet i ran for a few easier points, then reach another super steep ravine and went down on my back side, slid down , legs forward, it was really fun, but i knew I had to climb the other side, I walked in the creek, then began climbing out, I had to hurry since the end time was approaching. at the same time, other families were running the easy basic white course, so they happened to be in this creek at the same time, and one of the kids, perhaps age 3-4 was climbing this slope and couldn't make it, i helped the kid up and couldn't believe he was climbing alone, that angle was impossible, i had to use branches and trees again just to haul my self up there. I found two last points and made it to the finish line with 2 minutes to spare. I was exhausted. I drank water and just stood there trying to regain my breath for 10 minutes or so and checking my scores against other runners, I passed some runners who are good, but I already know others beat me, I will know my result in a week or two (well I know mine but not the result of others) . still it was a fun challenge , to do, even though now 10 hours later my muscles are still feeling the strain and my lungs as well.

tomorrow is Halloween, an experience I have yet to experience, so expect something in your mail box soon on that!
cheers from the slippery slopes of the beautiful north chagrin reservation

Saturday, October 29, 2011

few words on speed dating

untypical of me lately,I woke up yesterday(well waking up is typical) at shortly after six and went to FedEx to print resumes. a career fair is scheduled for today. I select a fancy looking paper and printed 50 copies. usually i have 2-3 copies and the idea of having over 100 possible interviews scares me, I am fearing to choose unwisely. now there are no choices so its o.k.

it is still mostly dark and cold when I get home, but even in the dim light the silvery white grass is visible, it is the 1st night of frost this year, winter is officially here. the fair starts at nine am but i already know i have a scheduled support call at 9 am and I hope to be done with in soon. lucky the guy i need to help contacts me and we begin a little before 8, unfortunately its a new problem of the non obvious nature, hate those , since you spend time wondering around and supporting a site in Holland with not a fast connection and having to explain my actions to the Hospital IT makes it slower still. I get nervous for the delay but there are no errors. it takes me time but I finally find the source. this hospital admits a dummy patient, lots of sites do that for various uses, but this one has 20000 orders, imagine a real patient with this many medication, the stomach would explode! so i fix it and stumble onto something else wrong and my thought begin to wonder, I am already late for the career fair, I can drop this less important problem but I cannot, the traits that me me good and my work can cause me my work, annoying. 15 minutes later its done and the dutch guys actually write (we chat instead of talking on the phone) writes "I like you" and i recall the former vice mayor of ra'anaana with a similar saying (roughly translated to "you cute you"). its after 10 and I begin to question if I will ever get there. 

and check my mail before I go and see another support call,,nooooooooooooo. a part of me says and the other says yesssssssssss, well i am not a psycho(or am i?). I am terrified of tests and interviews , though usually I do OK in them, the fear is never reduced, and on top of that the possibility of a choice. well here is the thing, i now work part time supporting our former clients, usually I work 3-5 hours a week on a bad week, sometimes I am on call but nothing direct, for the time I am actually working I get paid well (if you count the actual working hours) but you never know when a call would come in so its kind of a 24/7 thing and the over all pay is low. how ever we are starting a new project that might (yes only might) be profitable, If i pull out it will reduce chances of success and reduce my rewards, but should i stay with a maybe or go for some full time thing. the other problem is that what possibilities I have mean that I have to greatly reduce either my former pay or position (usually both) for a full time job, and i don't want to take a job knowing i will keep looking (idiotic of me, I know, but that is me). so now you may see why my twisted mind wants and fears a choice. another point is that I am a hopeless optimistic, meaning that if I go to this fair, I will get a job! i have no doubt, which will force a choice...

a while ago I interviewed with a big company for a lower level position, good pay and possibility of growth, so I went, passed 3 interviews then I was asked to go to lunch to meet the entire team.. yes great sign i know, only to find out later that I got the job, but the position was cancelled (stupid budget)...its like being hired and fired on the same day. but still i am optimistic. sorry, i took a break for a support call.

so back to yesterday, again i had an internal debate with my more ethical self and stayed to resolve another call, this one was in an area which is new to me so took a while but resolved, it was now 11:40 and my thoughts were racing with should I or shouldn't I go, so i asked my self, would i regret this later if i didn't go , my self said probably yes. so i happened in to the shower and was quickly interrupted by a call. I usually dont take calls while in the shower, I didn't recognize the number and fearing another support call I took the call and this was another company, checking my eligibility and telling me that someone else will call to set an interview. its kind of like the sign saying that a stop sign is ahead. this was Amdox and I don't know to which location I am recruited for(but I know its not Cleveland, they have no office here). I also got an email from a rival company of ours with a possible recruiting in Wisconsin! Wisconsin? its colder than here...

so I rushed and put on my suit with a green shirt and blue tie (later I was told these colors clash, but i never presumed to understand colors, that is why I don't do marketing. btw, this is not my only tie, but the only one that is noose shaped, so i can wear it quick, i still have not mastered the skill of tie knotting. wore pants, took my resumes and nice black folder and headed out the door. did I forget something? yes a belt!!!! so I was on the highway and thinking, should i go back to get it, if so i will definitely be late (its a 9-2 event) and it's already pass noon, and i decided to keep going, with the suit, no one notices the belt (or so I hoped).

nature break- there is a woodpecker right not on a tiki torch outside. the thing is made out of wood, but i have never seed the peckers on it, he is packing away and is not packing at the tiki box which holds a flammable liquid...freaky birds, ok he went away (its a he since the head is red).

I heard about this fair super mom Inna, one of there patients works there and i was supposed to meet her there but i didn't know exactly where would she be or how she looks like; anyway I parked at the employer's parking lot at the university and headed in, signed up, put my name on a sticker and than Ivanka (that's her name) recognizes me, for a short time she was filling in at the entry booth, lucky. i expected a Russian (Ivanka, after all) but she is not, or at least no accent, she quickly points out the right way, i take a breath and head on in.

Speed dating is an activity I never participated in, but there is a lot in common between a date (true it been over 41 months since the last one) and a job interview. the attempts to be your self and hide everything at the same time, the nervousness, not knowing what the other side is thinking, leaving without knowing if there will be a 2nd date. so for me meeting over 100 possible employers in one place is speed dating.

this fair is mostly for new graduates, but there are reps here from many big companies in the area looking to hire in various roles. I walk between the booths and nervously looking for eye contact (they say, don't fear the rep, approach them) i take my first shot at a company that called something, I see it as a sign and approach, they are in construction, not my field, but I broke the ice (that's in my head) and started dating. I think i spoke with 10-15 companies (not all the companies were hiring in my field), I skipped the many sales offering, I checked the FBI but i need to be a citizen, so i passed all the other nice looking jobs in other governmental offerings. I reach the booth of american greeting, a place where I interviewed last week! 3 interviews and heard nothing back, but the recruiter was there so I asked, she checked her mail and notified me that i am not on the disqualified list :), and i should accept a call back for the final selection next week, good news. it is possible that soon i will ask you to buy your gift cards in a certain place, If not, avoid this chain! kept going after meeting this recent ex to another Ex, a company I interviewed in june! passed 6, yes 6 interviews than fell (they never tell you why), this recruiter (most recruiters here are regular employees to speak about the company, not real recruiters, except the AG one), and this guy remembered me, since he passed me onward, so he took my resume again and will see. GE my initials company always had a line. then i met brightskies, this is not the real name but very similar, never heard of this company but i think i will have an interview there soon, good position :).  kept going, highland software another big firm. spoke to a QA rep there which was very excited about the place and got me excited too, since they are not a rigid company, I expect a call from them at the very least. mmc something my be promising ( I have the card with the real names). as you clearly see, I am too optimistic...  some places were no match, looking for interns or beginners  but over all it was a great session. I ran into Ivanka again at this MMC place and as i left the booth i heard her telling them that I come from a great family II think she knows only Inna, and I agree).
I took a break to get more resumes from the car and went again for the last session (Highland was the last) and the rest of the employers were already packing up their booths. 
I feel great for going, and very nervous from all these possibilities, Plus Alla has an interview next week in Athens (not Greece) Ohio, 3 hours south. so all of a sudden their are numerous possible relocation options. my head is spinning.

went home, took of my belt less suit and raked some more leaves to relax, then later met my pharmacist for a date at a stand up comedy club (free tickets are always nice), it was perfect after a stressful day.

now I have nothing but possibles (and each one is a guaranteed job, of course) so I will have to wait and see.

on a totally different subject- last year i received a package with a late wedding gift. last week I heard that i did not thank the gift bringer. I don't recall that, I think I even sent a thank you note (how american of me, influence of my better half). but something must have slipped (could be my memory) so M, accept my apologies. and this week I got another package from LostInJaffa (who told me about my previous mess up) containing nice Africa photos a cool 50's style postcard and a mango chocolate, so thanx for that (but i don't like Mango!!!) , no worries, someone will enjoy it.

cheers from hopefully optimistic not from Seattle

Sunday, October 23, 2011

its a circus out there

I think that if Hitchcock grew in this area, he would not have made a movie about killer birds but on killer leaves.
they attack non spot, you pile them, rake them and still they keep coming.

so, in the middle of non stop gathering we took a break and went to the circus. It may be a bit strange but i have never been at the circus, well that is almost true, I went once but i was too young to remember so it doesn't count. 

the Wringing brothers are in town, famous name as far a circuses go so we took the kids (nieces Maya and Ariel) and headed for the Q arena. since NBA is on strike, this area will be empty this year, but the show must go on.

the show started with a big carnival with lots of tumblers, jugglers, clowns, elephants, horses, unique big bicycle and other freaky things. the problem with big arena show is the distance. in Norway we have seen one juggler up close and it was most impressive  fire and knives juggling. here we had lots of jugglers juggling all sorts of stuff, which was nice but too far to impress, even when they juggled with lights off and dresses is sparkly clothes.

the kneeling elephants and dancing horses and zebras were nice but the impressive things were the acrobats.
the old fashioned walk on rope was replaced with dancing on rope, riding a bicycle on rope, carrying other people on rope and jumping over other people to land, yes on the rope. now the rope is not a rope but more like a narrow strong pipe, but it is still impressive.

then two guys in two large pendulums, twisted around, ran on and under these rotating devices followed by a huge crossbow catapult firing a burning man to a mattress on the other side.  they put out the fire but did not hurry to do so, then ended with another carnival and lots of confetti.

in the break, we filled some form that promised one lucky winner with an unknown prize to be announced at the end of the show, with 5000-10000 people in the arena, the odds are 1 to never. but they didn't announce a winner at all (which greatly reduced the odds even further). the kids went to protest,and complain at the  which didn't help but very good that they did, good civil lesson.

since then I have been raking more leaves...

and last night we drove south to Columbus for the Ohio Pharmacy boards graduation ceremony to hand out the official pharmacy diploma. the ceremony was short, a guy spoke (head of the board) then another guy (some senior guy) read with the graduates the pharmacist oath, followed by some other guy speaking. and lucky they didn't talk for long and it was time for the names. the brochure has 630 give or take a few new pharmacist in Ohio, which is a bit too much, but lucky only 10% of them came so the names went fast, except my lovely pharmacist not even stopping on stage to get a decent photo. we had deserts later, mingled with some other pharmacist and left. we went to dinner (yes, we had deserts before dinner, good idea) at Uno's for an OK deep dish pizza and drove 2.5 hours back home.
today I raked some more and the rain of leaves continues..

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You are invited to view gil.even's photo album: 2011-10-20 the circus
2011-10-20 the circus
Oct 14, 2011
by gil.even
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

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enjoy photos from the Maine trip and a nice fall hike at kendall lake (this email has 2 albums)

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2011-10-02 - weekend in maine
Sep 25, 2011
by gil.even

Sunday, October 9, 2011

its raining Maine and the existence of cooties

It was supposed to be an amazing full of foliage weekend in Maine. My dad came over so we drove the short 12 hour distance to the Boston area where we spent the night at the Hamptons. unfortunately, its not the famous Hamptons where all the rich people go, but its a nice beach town in its off season phase. we stopped at a simple motel and went for Chinese food. nice dishes with lots of plain good white rice was just what we needed after the drive. on the way we listened to the girl who kicked the hornets nest so the drive actually went well. in the morning we went to the beach for a shot walk, it was windy and too cold for a swim. Alla enjoyed the pacific ocean air, but soon we went back to meet my dad and Liora at Applebee's. we had a nice clam chowder lunch and kept going north, passing new Hampshire and into Maine. we asked in the welcome center where to stopped and the Bostonian help center ranger dude told us to go to buthaba haba... , the problem is that this place doesn't exist. once you overcome the Bostonian accent you realize that its booth bay harbor, a lovely town in the middle of many inlets. for what ever reason booth bay is full of booths, or more specific, touristic shops and restaurants, and though it was the off season and fog is hiding the small nearby peaks, it was still a nice walk. we walked for over an hour, including fudge tasting (yumm) then we had to stop for out jet legged guests. we stopped at McSeaguls. we stopped earlier at the restaurant next door (most places are already closed for the season) but that place was full of bikers so it didn't feel like our kind of place, plus the fact that they had no seating. McSeagulls was nicer with another bowl of soup. we returned to the bed and breakfast for bed and woke up in the morning for breakfast. this bed and breakfast like most of these places here are someone's actual home, so the land lady made interesting eggs and potatoes. we left a bit later and drove on route 1 through the little towns to Acadia national park.

it rained some of the way and it was foggy without the amazing views we expected. we went for a walk on a small trail which was a wooded boardwalk in the forest which took 30-40 minutes of easy stroll , then we split, my dad would drive through all the spots and we walked and we would meet on the top of mount Cadillac, the highest peak in the park. we began to hike up via many stairs of rock, already feeling how out of shape we are, we took some photos of the view which quickly disappeared in the fog. just for the fun, rain began and didn't stop till we reached the peak. this trail had 2 peaks actually, we peaked Doar mountain at 1500 ft (its not that high of an area but it starts low, since the ocean is right there), we almost made a trail mistake, easy since you cant even see the next peak from the fog. but we made the right choice and began heading down from the peak and we had to use our hands which hurts on the seemingly smooth but actually pointy rocks. soon we left the peak and began our way up the 2nd peak, Cadillac mountain at over 1800ft. at an area that looked like the peak with a view point to an amazing view of the fog we found a post explaining about this mountain and discovered that this was the highest in the US Atlantic coast, a nice bonus. we walked to the nearby peak shop and had some hot chocolate to warm us up after the 2 hours hike with my fully soaked shoes. in the shop we found that the actual peak is not at the view point but at some other point 100 meters away so of course we couldn't miss it and we headed up to the area and looked around for the tiny peak marker and looked for a couple of minutes and no luck, Mrs Pacific headed back but i was stubborn and soon found it hiding on a rock and took the mandatory photo.
its true, Alla was 10 meters away, but not at the peak...

we went to the hotel to dry up, then went to dinner for more soup and other things at a nice place i forgot its name. this town is unique where many shops are open on Sunday night. afterwards we walked the main street of BarHarbor (localy known as BaHaba) and passed several very large lobsters selling ice cream. we stopped at an ice cream place where they actually sell lobster ice cream!!! we didn't try it and Mrs Pacific tried blueberry ice cream (not that good).

why Mrs pacific? well, on the 1st morning on the beach , Mrs pacific mistook the Atlantic coast for the pacific coast, in the photos i will send later you will see her laughing hard at herself for it, so I am allowed to laugh as well.

in the morning we walked to an island! how do you walk to an island you ask, well its all because of the moon. with the low tides the path to the island of Bar Island is revealed and you can actually walk to the island and we did. the path has many seagulls who find clams, fly up throw it down on the rocks then dive fast to catch what comes out before the other gulls gull in on the kill. it was very nice to see and they were doing it a lot, much to the annoyance of the clams. we also collected treasures such as open clams and unique rocks, we spiked some stones in the water, reached the island, walked back and had a nice time.

after that we drove to Bangor, the capital of Main. it stopped raining this morning but the town seemed like it had nothing to do (probably wrong), but we had 15 hour to drive so we started driving home and my dad drove to new Hampshire for better fall foliage views. we drove on and on and on ...listening to the girl book and 3 am the next day we arrived and went to sleep.

on a less fun but more funny event- we seem to have encountered an alien species. it may came from Africa or perhaps from Lithuania we are not sure but 2 weeks after the return we started to itch and had red spots on our hands and legs which begun to spread. at first I thought it was nothing and we let it spread. now that we had no insurance we let it drag more, till it spread more and we decided that it is something, my private pharmacist researched and found that it was kooties- or more specifically scabies!!! who has scabies these days, i heard about it in the army that it comes from dusty blankets, but never actually seen it, till now. so we drove to the free clinic and waited in line, the time was 9:30 am. we registered and were told to come back in 4 hours. the free clinic is not efficient... so we drove 40 minutes back, then 2 hours later drove 40 minutes back and met the doctor. the doctor confirmed Alla's diagnosis of cooties and gave us some lotion. the instructions were to put all our clothes in the wash and put the cream on every where.... and remove it 12 hours later, that was fun and the cream worked , we are now cooty free for over a week.

well enough embarrassing stories for one evening, I will soon send some Maine photos, which is now state 38-39 need to recount..

have a happy Sukkot and happy Columbus day (did you know Columbus used viking maps?)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Africa- Day 9

last day of Zebras, hippos lions and one less wildebeest.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

on change , Grammar and cats

Being unemployed is a depressing period, one I wish none of you ever face, but likely some of you have, so have I in the distant past, it makes you think about your choices and options.

so today I waited in line at the grocery store at noon time! and deciding which line is best, the one i was on behind 1 guy paying, 3 other seemingly in one group debating who would pay for the items (they all wanted to pay) v.s. the other line with just one guy with lots of single fruits and vegetables (1 orange, 1 apple, 1 peach etc), so i am applying my new found GMAT skills to live action. if 1 shopper paying time is X and it takes each item Y seconds to pass through the register, but you cannot use Y for fruits since there is that whole fruit look up list which makes fruit variables Z,P,V,U etc... and you cannot solve multiple parameters with barely 2 made up equations so i applied an age old trick which is usually wrong and swapped lines, this time i got it right, usually I don't. I am unsure what good it did me since i am in no hurry and nothing special to do, but a good brain exercise nonetheless.

my main focus these days is job hunting, and so far the prey is scarce. I am finding my self fighting with myself on issues of pride, possible future and integrity. I can probably get a job with less pay and less interest but I know that if I agree to take some job, I will not leave it in the short term, since I made a commitment (i guess I a stupid that way), Or i can get a job with less pay or a lesser position, but either will not help my future prospect, and so far i turned down a much less pay combined with a starter position for a short term, though I almost took it. battles with pride and the need to provide are not my favorite pass time.

The issue is insurance, which is new to me. I remember seeing in movies that people get fired and right away they are in financial issues and it was always odd to me, where are the savings? well we have savings but suddenly our insurance changes from very low monthly to well , inability to get insurance, Alla for her Crohn's and I due to my hospitalization of last year, both being un-insurable is a scary thing. further more, we heard that the August, a month that was supposed to be under insurance cover, so we were told by company management, is not covered. they lied (again) and we expect a high bill, not even knowing we were not covered at the time. outrage, yes, we are unsure if or what we can do about it. the best thing is find a job, permanent not a contract one, and when we do, we are both insured.

other than job searching I am studding for the GMAT and learning to improve my grammar, not sure if this new found knowledge is reflected in this blog (probably not). so far i am doing ok on the math and grammar parts, but strangely no matter which test i take, math or grammar, easy level or difficult, the scores are always between 80-90 never less, never more, without any logic in between. i guess i could have it worse, but I cannot identify my own improvement, well i finished 1 book, now on the 2nd GMAT book, test in November but not sure yet where I will apply for continuation of my MBA since we don't know where we are going to live.

since we cant find decent work we have started looking else where, and else where is a lot of places, we hope to find something here but if not, moving is a definite option, where is a tough questions, we prefer going to places we know someone, but open positions don't correspond with those places and for a move , both of us need to find something, which makes it all that harder. so we are in a constant internal debate, of when, where to, for how much including checking civilian army jobs.

I am also checking into various certifications which are important in this market such as six sigma but finding that choosing the proper certification is not an easy task. i can do it for cheap but it may be not respected but decent jobs, or do it for more with a propper institute, but that requires me to complete a project, to complete a project, i need a job that will give me resources to research it with the six sigma methods, for a job i need certifications...i would like to kick both the chicken and the egg.

so i try to keep in shape by going to the gym slightly more then before and enjoying soccer games doing the day which is fun and playing some more disc golf with farm boy, another ex MDG with a job at this point. I am still not good at this game but i found that i am better when I relax and focus, so will see, but its a fun game.

recently we went with farm boy and danger cat (danger cat is a nick name selected by danger cat her self, i forget why she chose this name, but after losing a card game she was forced, not by me, to crawl under the table and wail. and my camera didn't have a card in it so i missed a great you tube video. oh yes, i was saying that we went to a movie with them. DC (danger cat for short) is turning 30 in 3 days so maybe we will have a party to report on.

my car oil needed changing and I being a city boy, usually go to the shop, but Farm boy who is very nice offered to teach me how to do it myself. and though i am not technical with tools and such, i decided to give it a try, so we went to the farm (the residance of farm boy which is not actualy a farm) , we purchased oil and an oil filter after calling my shop to verify which model I drive (just goes to show on the extent of knowledge I posses on cars), so we got model X , then Farm boy used the jack, lifted the car, drained the oil which spilled some everywhere and getting his hands dirty, only to find out that the oil filter is not where it is supposed to be since we were told wrong by the shop, we had a different model... so we returned the dirty messy oil and now I know how to drain and return the oil. today i went to shop to have it done by the paid guys. unfortunately my car's oil filter requires a tool not commonly found in stores, or we would have managed to do it ourselves (or more accurately Farm boy would have done it him self, he is very handy).

to add to this somehow gloomy period, Chad, no nick name this time, who arranges my great D&D games is moving to Toledo! 2 hours away, and we missed the last 2 weeks (he cancelled)  and though we are supposed to play this Sunday, I can clearly see these sessions ending... sad, very sad. I was having so much fun. and yes, there are other groups, but it took me 3 years to find a quality group, there is a world of different between most groups and the quality ones. I may have some luck here, with another group, we will start soon, hoping its good, seems promising so far.

I do have some income or expecting to get some soon, since we offer support for the MDG customers , its not much, not enough and no insurance is provided by it and its not enough to insure future, i see this ending as well soon. Yesterday was most depressing since i had a few calls with recruiters and i was expecting 3 calls from 3 different companies with decent job openings, I was sure all 3 would call, but none have (or is it none has, has seems right by GMAT but sounds wrong...they got me all screwed up, I cant complete a sentence) , I got a call today, missed it, and the guy didn't answer when i called but tomorrow i should have a phone interview which is not much but it is something. 

one other thing i tried is insurance, well i dint try, they called me, approached me from the job search sites. so i put on my best suit (my only suit that is) a tie and my not shined shoes and drove to their office where the main insurance guy was telling me how prosperous I can be selling insurance, sorry, not selling, simply displaying options that are needed for clients and letting them chose , but not selling. sounds tempting, but I cant see my self convince customers. I work hard but i am not a ferocious sales tiger, I am more of the Mule that does the hard work without being noticed. ok 2 seconds of self pity ... move on.

so i went to the office and on the phone i placed the name of this office , not the address, a mistake since Google had the older address of this firm, so i passed the office, not knowing i did, and parked on the other side of the wrong address, walked to the wrong address, found i was at the wrong place then walked (while already late) in my suit on a hot day to the right address, only 4 blocks, but the 3rd was a cemetery , one block 10 minutes walk... in my suit , did I mention a hot day?, well. not fun.

the thing is that my dad chose insurance for a 2nd career just a few years older then me at the time, but i don't think i will follow, not for me (he left insurance 10-15 years after).

I am still optimistic, I know i will find something soon, but i realize i have to give up my pride and take a lesser job and re-prove myself. well as someone I despise likes to say, it is what it is, there is no more loyalty in the business world, I was a fool for staying for so long when I knew I ought to leave, I was repaid with lies and deceit for my loyalty, and I would like to say that I was the only one, but no, some people are much worse off but this fact does nothing to make it feel any better.  

well, they say, everything looks better in the morning , going to sleep now, very much hoping to get an interview and have one less parameter off the equation.

good night and don't trust anyone (at work I mean)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

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day 7 started in lake Victoria into the Serengeti with the most awful road , one flat tire, lots of monkeys and other 2 legged mammals

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Monday, August 29, 2011

on Flamingos , Hippos, and Bruno

so day 2 started with meeting my friends amit, shai and tali which were in some state of shock due to the unexpected day in Turkey and lack of sleep.
i got out of the bus to greet them and got swarmed by the trinket sellers.

we went to a super market to get some pad locks and more supplies (water and snacks) then went to a local coffee shop where i tried some local pastry that the guide recommended the previous night, it was not bad but i forgot its , the rest had coffee. we got on the bus after i got a Masai necklace and an African music CD which i still have not heard and we headed for lake navasha. we reached the lake at around noon and had a basic lunch that met brunu.

Bruno is a local guide in charge of our lake navasha options and he explained about all our wonderful options, i will try to repeat his explanation the best i can
lake navasha is very interesting, you can take a boat ride which will take an hour where you can see lots of Flamingos, millions of them and hippos, then you can walk with the animals, we have lots of animals , no cats, or you can just take a boat ride which will take you to see lots of Flamingos, millions of them and Hippos, like i said you can go and watch the hippos and Flaminogs in a boat then walk with the animals, no cats or you can just take a boat to see the hippos and flamingos, so you can pay 40$ for a boat ride to see the flamingos and the hippos, then walk with the animals, no cats . so on the right stand the people that want to go for a boat ride on the lake to see the hippos and millions of flamingo then go walk with the animals, no cats and on the left please stand those just wanting to go for a boat ride to see the flamingos and the hippos.

when bruno was done we got confused on how many options we have and what they entailed, some were sleeping by then, we all preferred the movie Bruno to this guy. in the end we all chose to see the boa ride with the .... enough already.

3 vans came to pick us up and we reached a small lake which is no lake Natasha but had lots of flamingos, we boarded 3 small crafts and headed for the lake where large flocks of flamingos flew overhead in wonderful sights. we also seen some Giraffes, Zebras, various antelopes, a fish eagle atop a tall tree and finally hippos, lots of hippos, we brought the boats over till about 20 meters away from the huge submerged beasts and sat in amazement. more flamingos flew over and we returned to shore.

as promised, we that went to a near by animal reserved and started walking and right away seen several Masai giraffes which snuck away from us and lots of these tall necks on the hill just above. Herds of zebras followed the Giraffes for protection and small pumba (wart hogs) ran close by in a cute funny way, we started to follow the herds, snicking in for better shots and trying to be as close as zebraly possible. we passed a bee hive, some unusual trees and all of a sudden a tiny impala stood there. this was an open park and you are not guaranteed to see the animals and seeing a rare impala is nice. this impala is as tall as a medium dog, it is also shy and a fast runner so it was challenging to get a shot of it, but we managed we walked around this park for about 2 hours and this was our only real walk the entire trip.

we returned to camp for some small pink cattle steaks and went to sleep after few hour in the pub where most people drank Tusker beer and i drank my usual coke.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 6- cross to Tanzania and lake victoria

day 6 was not that amazing, nice views and lake Victoria, but not a single lion

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

on Lost and found, lost and not found, or simply lost

give or take 2 weeks ago i headed for Detroit fro my flight to Africa, this was 5 days after returning from Europe, hearing about my company going bankrupt and very unclear future. in short, perfect time for vacation.

nothing unusual at the flight , just watched several movies which i cannot recall a single one, most memorable, and purchasing a camera in Holand on the lay over. why another camera?

well i never wrote on the last days of the previous trip or sent any photos. on the last night of the trip in helsinki, we went to the movies, not deciding which one to go. o wanter harry potter and Alla preferred anything but harry potter, so after long debates that included walking to another cinema to see what they have and walking back, i went to harry potter and Alla went to unknown. Harry potter part 2 is much better that the prequel. I loved it so much that i left my fancy new camera behind at the cinema. we returned later that night but they closed. we flew out the following morning and called and emailed the cinema, but somehow, the camera was not found, very surprising not to find a new camera. luckily we uploaded most of the photos we lack photos of Tallinn and Helsinki. when we landed, one bag decide to remain in Europe and managed to finally arrive the day after I left, that bag had my cell and my spear simple camera. so had no choice but to get a new camera. I got a simple one which i feel is a mistake since the quality of the SLR is amazing, but i hastily chose the regular.

i filled my water bottle after the security check point at the airport knowing that kenia water were not recommended even for kenians and boarded. the flight was remarkable, it was a day flight with clear skies and i got to see splendid alps views followed by the Adriatic, Greece, the med sea and the Egyptian dessert, very nice changing views but it became dark soon so i went to sleep a bit.

I landed in Nairobi and i had to wait for my friends to land 5 hours later. the Visa line took me 2 hours, i chose the wrong line, since some of the other 'for kenians only' and similar only doubled for regular tourists, but i had to wait either way. I passed customs and immateriality felt uncomfortable with the many requests for my destination, cab suggestions etc. i prefer going to them. so i crashed for an hour at a book store, reading, then when they closed at midnight, i went to the cafeteria and sat next to a big Spanish group so I would appear not alone. 2 am came and went and my friends didn't make it and a tourist trapper\ local guide persuaded me to take them as drivers once my friends land. after 3 Am, the last passengers left the terminal, and it was clear something was wrong,  so i went to Turkish airways office and learned that my friends missed the flight. i had no reply for my emergency contacts for the tour group and no idea where we booked the night. so they took me to our starting point which is also an emergency contact point, but the night clerk look like she doesn't know who to call. i left a voice mail with the tour group and went to the hostel, which is also my guides home. i crashed at 4.30 asking for a 6 am wake up.

I woke at 7:30 (the tour group leaves at 8) and was much annoyed, but we finally managed to contact the group and told we were late and i rushed them to drive me fast in the impossibly slow Nairobi traffic. i was quite nervous on the way. but suddenly the driver's cell rang and it was Jerusalem of gold song. not what I expected to hear so i asked and turns out the driver is Kenyan Jew. i didn't know such exists. so during the 1 hour drive he explained about his congregation and we also drove by important tourist sites such as the Nairobi synagogue and the site of the US embassy bombing 20 years ago.

we finely reached the group which left a few minutes after i came and at that point i had no clue when my friends will make it. we stopped soon after for provisions such as water and snacks and i met some of the fellow travelers in the back sit (you know, the cool people area, not sure what i was doing there..:))

one of them, which later will be known as blondi  Justin immediately guessed my accent, which never happens! so i tried to guess the others and basically failed. i was super tired from lack of sleep and tension, but that is no excuse. we hit the road and reached our 1st view point over the too cloudy rift valley. this stop was for nature break + souvenir shops and i disliked the locals hovering too closed to get me to see their wares and especially one for pulling me to his store, i was in a total resist mode, i wouldn't likely by a camera at this mood. we soon returned to the road, passing small villages in certain levels of decay till we hit the lake Nakuro game preserve.

very soon we so big deer like beast and flamingos at the lake and lots of monkeys which was awesome and also a very pretty blue bird (bob sterling) which i liked, we stopped for lunch while taking shots of monkeys and seeing them steal bananas. one big monkey got in through an open window and found my extra dry lemon cake i purchased earlier and stole it. he tried to bring it to the three but this crummy crumbly cake did not withstand such forces and broke apart. so this Alpha velvet monkey (or vervet) started to devour my cake while the rest of the smaller monkeys sneak in grab crumbs and run away, back and forth right in front of our camera happy fingers. after lunch we reached the lake and discovered water bucks and too many to count flamingos, both pink lesser and white greater species and also Courmurants, Storks, seagulls and pelicans in large numbers. a very impressive sight to see especially when some took flight.

we went on and began to see lots of wild life from Zebras and baboons, to Thompson and Grant gazelles. we found some Elands which is the largest Impala in (Kenia or Africa, not sure), a rare Rothschild girrafe (on the extinction list) white and black rhinos + babies (also on the extinct list), buffalos, rock hyrex sitting on a rock, a super cute running pumba (wart hog) and 2 lions, one sitting the other laying on its back in a regular cat style nap, so cute. since i was half a sleep that day, with my extra enthusiasim for wild life- it was funny for the fellow traveler since i would perk up with every animal but as soon as we left the park, i crashed.

in the evening we built our tents on a grass filled camp trying to hurry since the rain began (rain, in the dry season, everyone were surprised), then helped with cutting onions which were completely un felt (which is very good) in the curry rice dish. we sat getting to know the group, but i didn't stay for long and went to sleep in my just a bit leaky tent.

next morning we broke camp had decent breakfast and drove to Nakuro town where i finally seen my friends , but more on that in the next blog

Friday, August 26, 2011

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HERE is day 4 which included tipping

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

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hey all, day 3 from wilder beasts and cheetas to Lions at the Masai Mara game reserve

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