Saturday, March 21, 2009

the battle of the eggs

We had a battle for honor, for tradition and for the glory of winning the coveted lord of the eggs competition.

The competition was who can make the best maza bright/ briche/ brite/ however you spell this word


I contacted my dad, a long time polish and a respected maza br… maker for instructions , having never made the dish myself.

Alla used her Mum’s recipe – from the Moscow engineering school of egg sciences.

And the battle has begun.

There are distinct approaching to maza cooking-  the wet approach vs the dry.

I am a strong believer in the evolution from dry to wet , and all supports the dry intelligent design.

So Alla begins and mixes the eggs together- 2 eggs per maza, mixing it all up adding way to much salt (I was once a salt junky and now I am completely rehabilitated) , and milk.

I start by separating the egg whites from the yellow and, mixing the white by itself as instructed, than adding the yellow, with a pitch of salt. And adding the mix to the hand crumbled WET maza in a ratio of 1:1. No milk today for me.

Alla takes her mix and makes bundles, I realize I was not instructed on how to cook the think, and use the omelet method.

We use similar pans, so there was no chance of cheating, and I use less oil ( to help reduce the world crude oil demand).

Alla’s bundled maza’s were starting to look nicer then my own , so I persuaded a family of grapes to support my efforts. The grapes were sizzling with joy for this opportunity (actually they tasted not bad at all)



Alla was cheating by adding a cleanup clause to the competition while it was held- a part she end up losing, since it is in the female genes to clean parts not under her part of the battle ground (more known as stove and sink). We both cleaned together, just I happened to clean my pan first, and declare myself the winner of the clean up event.

Then it was brunch time and we sat down on the table with the shimmering cloth and examined the results.

And here are the official panel of the judges ruling




Clean work area

10 points

12 points



6 (5 of those on account of the grapes)











The panel has spoken – and we have a new world mazabrite making champion of the world.

I spoke to my mom later who told me that milk was indeed necessary...






On a complete different endeavor- I wrote about the visit of hurricane Katharina- home office version- where stuff was taken from it’s hidden location, spread out and reorganized.

It started with this: I know these are tough images to see- CD’s and receipts are scattered, Luxemburg pens are aimlessly looking for a quite spot, my wallet is on the floor, cell phones everywhere, Alla’s new bag has given up and lies down, even the shimmering table cloth is not shimmering.
 P3040043.JPG P3040041.JPG P3040042.JPG

So the national gourd under command of general labler got busy and your’s truly was put to work and try not to be in the way to muchJ

And the results are astonishing.




I must confess- I gave up to forces greater than me, and now there is a TV at my house, but no antenna or cable- it is used for DVDs only. I trusted my Camel to make sure no antenna is placed there;


P3140060.JPGeven snaky was tired from all the hard work and decided to rest in the corner.


Below is our new diet Pepsi platter which also functions as a lighting device, quite handy. On the right is the box of games which can be used for sitting and wearing or removing high heels or boots


and now that the cleaning is done, and stomachs are filled with maza and eggs. The queen sat down to sign some royal decree- a kind of credit card application… (clue- not MasterCard, Amex, or diners)




Oh- ran 3.33 (checked in Google earth) Miles this morning, alone on the streets around my house- road running is harder than running on the machine, on the machine it is hard for me after a mile, and after 2 it gets better and from there I can run a bit easier. On the road it is hard from second 1. The cold air is cutting my face and hands, the uneven ground is frightening my ankles

I don’t do well on uneven surfaces- since uneven is the complete opposite from me and I must look at the ground ahead, instead of looking straight like recommended.

So pushed myself onward in a running but slow pace. And 3.3 makes it my longest nonstop solo outdoors run ever- I was aiming to get to 2-3 outside this week- so mission accomplished.

Goals for next week- 4 nonstop Miles on road and 20Miles of running and hiking over all.



and if you want to eat maza- avoid this one—this is why I am against religion- maza was meant to be flat and quick, not bulky and bread like- this is organized cheating- and it is done by manischewitz – you can’t get more kosher than that in the u.s . something is definitely not kosher here. This is like lawyers finding loop holes and technicalities to spring some crook from justice- the thought of making bread out of maza is repulsive and so Hippocratic. Believe me- it may say, kosher, but it is bread. If you want to eat bread, just eat bread, don’t sell me this crap. Like shabath elevator, Hasidic throwing stones on shabat- you want catch this stuff at my house, so help me god.




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