Wednesday, March 11, 2009

just another sunny day- the shoe museum


We left the castle and made our way to the shoe museum with a stop at an espresso bar (kind of like Aroma) and we split a burger and a Crepe.

Is saw a huge shoe by the window so I had to get an appropriate photo next to it



Than some oooohhhh tourist (you know, a local Canadian) offered to take our photo

Alla tries to get him to take the shot like you normally would-but the dude takes it vertically – and says an ok shot- but takes it with Alla’s hand asking him to take the shot in the other way- I guess you had to be there- but it was funny.

So we go to the museum and we were having a debate on the correct pronunciation of it’s name – ‘Bata’. I usually get it wrong here, since they say A like ee

There is no logic to this language – so I say it like baattaa, and she says baita. So I find an impartial judge and ask the counter lady. There is no better counter lady (because she agreed with meJ ).

The museum is 4 floors of shoe and foot history with not a single photo of Al bundi. The 1st floor is dedicated to shoes from different era, shape,religion, profession and others- kind of interesting and I got too many shots.

2nd floor is a movie on famous people and their shoes- most of the movie revolves around the persons, not the shoes- like I am really expected to believe that tiger woods’ made it because of his shoes, or the ballet dancer made it for the very same reason- and his shoes in the movie were all turn up- he might have well been dancing bear footed. I wonder what they would say in the tights museum on this one.

The rest of the 2nd floor had the reception, gift store and some big room that you cannot enter- so this floor does not count

3rd floor had 1 exhibition and offices- so it is really just half a floor- but it had shoes from ancient civilization like the modern Eskimos (inuits), old middle eastern shoes, turks, and other euro shoes.

Did you know that high hills just started during the renaissance era- I guess after the middle ages and the inquisition there was a need for a new brand of torture- so suddle(sorry the spell check can find the right word)  and yet so wide spread.  


There were no source shoes like I wear which is a shame, but the 2nd floor had 2 exhibitions- one was the Olympics.

So they had various skating shoes. Advancement in winter sport shoes.

Even curling shoes – the most demanding sport of them all




At one corner they had lots of pillows- so we had no choice but to take a snutch (also known as,nap)


Some experiances should be repeated- this is not one of them- though I did enjoy it- weird as it sounds – enjoy a shoe museum- obsurd, but too many shoes for one day


But I was with racer so it was fine

So here is Alla and Big foot

Yes, I agree, very preety


From there we moved to the toronto museum for the egyptien book of the dead, but more on that tommorow, same time same blog

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