Thursday, March 29, 2012

last batch of Colorado photos

includes kids, views and tubing

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2012-03-15 colorado
Mar 13, 2012
by gil.even
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State of the gilunion- year 4

It is so good to return to a clean house, it smells clean, you are the 1st to use the whatever cleaning liquid smelling bathroom, the 1st to use the once again full pile of clean dishes.
give or take 3 minutes later..
after crumbs from the bread magically reached the floor, the egg salad spilled a bit somewhere, fish sticks scent overtakes the cleaning fluids, a coat is hung not so straight on the chair and an almost empty water glass stands on the table.
don't you hate being the person who comes in to a not so clean house? (that will be all in the next hour or so)

4 years! OMG so fast its time for the yearly report only 13 days late this time.

lets start with the promises from last year, get the bad stuff out of the way.

weight, i was doing great till i was forced to sit at home and allow my evil lazy size to take over- by July i was 15 lbs down by December- I gained it all + 15 interest (or more...) scary. for me , having nothing to do was always the worst, and those months with too much nothing to do cost me alot.

well since then... doing much better, lost 10, so over all last year ended poorly but on the right path again. should i even say the goal for next year? well lets... lose 33 lbs by this time next year and find a miraculous way of keeping it down.

Russian, while eating in those months i was making progress with Rosetta stone, till I began studding for the GMAT. over all, failed on my 2nd major goal, i cant hear the separate words when the family speaks so i dot get it, why isn't it easy as french? no re-goal for next year.

Learn to ski- major bust, seems to get worse and worse, not identical but still painful in snow boarding as well. in the next year i intend to find an ocean and try water ski\ wake board which, both sports i was a natural in. 

so, started with 0/3 lets move on to something more positive, travel
definitely a great year for that- 7 new European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland,  Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) , 2 African countries (  Kenya and Tanzania)  for a total of 53!, just before my 35th birthday - not bad... it will be harder from now on, not many areas of small countries in the same area (except west Africa , but not intending to go there any time soon).  in the states, my count is 41 after adding Maine, Kentucky , Wisconsin, Vermont and lastly, S. Dakota, with this rate I will reach full coverage within 2 years , only If i find a reason to get to Alabama (somehow Hawaii seems more reachable than Alabama). I almost forgot to add Quebec as the 5th Canadian state (out of 10)
Favorite place this year was Norway, far ahead of the rest with great activities: high waves rafting, hole diving(1st time), bridge jumping(1st time), river sliding(1st time), glacier walking(1st time), kayaking, hiking, and other activities this year such as biking, snow tubing (1st time), cross bow shooting (and hitting the target), regular bow shooing (not bad shooting), frozen lake walking(st time), snow shoeing (1st time)
also some other activities such as tree digging, lawn mowing, flower planting, bird feeding 

the bird of the year must be the sea gull, also appears as seagul, seagal and others in previous blogs. i definitely took one too many shots of it in Norway.

Lost items this year- an almost brand new SLR camera :( one smart phone - not a bad year over all on items lost department.
Movie of the year- incredibly loud and extremely close
Play of the year (have I seen only 2? shame!!! too little to choose the best of)
Song of the year, you know i probably have not heard a new song all year! i listen to audio books all the time, and when i am not, its 80 music! well one new song recently from the movie music and lyrics which is stuck in my head for the last week- "pop, goes my heart" not a real song though. best audio book has got to be the hollows series- the main character is a witch... its kind of a kick as bounty hunter with a demonic twist.

food- well we did have a lot of quantity , not sure about the quality... remembered places are the Lido and the other place (forgot the name) i liked better in Riga of all places with the strawberry kefir. 
new foods this year other then the Kefir includes pees! asparagus (rarely) , beaver tail (kind of a creppe pitta), SmorBrod (open faced bread), Labane (well, only a specific one at a specific place), rice pudding. I did try other things which are variations of things previously eaten, so do not recall them. i even caught my self eating things this year with mushrooms  and tomatoes- I caught my self quickly and let it go before my certain mushroom death!  not sure how i survived the mushrooms from a can.
now btw my main dish is cereal with far it works.

regular books- I have read quite a few this year, and i don't recall any standing out, I just checked the shelf and i choose not to choose, no one deserves a recommendation( note to self, get better books).

I passed the GMAT with decent results, not amazing, i got a serious brain freeze on the math section, but I got the result I needed and I re-enrolled in MBA and so far doing great. 101 in finance out of 103, bonus question) and 92 in ethics, the highest in the class. I was never an A student till now, is the level easier?, am i more mature?, do i study better?, probably a combination of all 3 , how ever average results are much higher here, so I say easier is a big factor.

#1 (new)show- Modern family without a doubt followed by the amazing race, which i so badly want to take a part in...still can't- soon i will be a permanent permanent resident but its not enough, need a citizenship...maybe in 2 years..

let me think, if i am not mistaken, i have just completed an major injury free year, not a trivial thing for me, well I get cramps in every leg muscle i have every time i play something, but nothing major which is great. I am more cautious and stop when i even smell an injury coming (but I did limp not long ago with some Achilles pains, but nothing thorn or pulled). I started playing tennis once a week, tomorrow i am playing Raquette ball , I tried disk golf this year, ultimate frees-bee is coming up as well as more biking and volley ball- and If i stay uninjured i will have a great summer.

I started but have not yet completed a 1000 piece puzzle, i am 2/3 of the way through, still suspecting that some pieces were lost in the move.

this year in the yard we had our 1st bunny visit, gave birth and disappeared in 4 days with the young ones.. not sure where they have gone.

a major event this year was the job change of course, after a year and a half of debating myself, i finally decided to leave only having the company close before I could transition out as intended. true at the time I have no idea what to do next (and still don't).  so i spent few months at home , giving some support to our former customers till Philips came along and gave me a place to go where the kitchen is not so close... with better pay , better everything but the plus for me, is not having to work weekends and late evenings, I think i was seriously burned out, the vacations came in an excellent time.

I made my 1st cake this year (and my 1st dolphin cake as well, even though it looked like a shark). I also made my 1st bed from scratch (well if you can call some screws, boards and a set of instructions scratch) and the bed still stands... one week later!!

I gave some private tutoring this year, hoping I thought something, not really sure if I did (my tutery may read this... who reads so much... and may tell me)

High points- top of galdepiggen (highest peak in northern Europe and Norway).

Interesting points and events
Mt Rushmore, devils tower, Niagara falls, Stockholm as a whole, mt molden, Viking festival, molitai, dancing with the Masai, watching a lion kill! , having the entire city of new York come out on my birthday (happened to be an a holiday , the holiday was the secondary reason), my first organised surprise party

I am proud for organizing 3 amazing races events in Cleveland- not with a Million dollar prize but still fun activities- this is a goal I set my self and I accomplished it .- I was thinking about doing a survivor in the summer...

oh I had a teaching activity in Lag ba-omer acting as Emperor Hadrian.... need an idea for this year

I did my 1st halo-ween- came as "prepared for winter", lucky that i did, winter heard me and stayed away. the spring has come early and the flowery trees are in full bloom, well before the other types of trees so it may be a nice spring.

Did i miss anything? I must have forgotten a few categories - so lets move to next year

I will lose weight.... and reach my goal, remain an A student (another exam next week) , take a solo flight, reach 3-4 more states (west Virginia is probably next), another Canadian state perhaps?  run the Cleveland tower, get to the ground hog days celebration, get back in shape, and start running (no more half marathon, don't worry, just 5Ks) , finish this and the next puzzle, do another amazing race type activity- find another extreme activity, reach New Orleans (new city, not a new state), bike my 1st race (not planning to win, just to finish). new countries , at least one is the the early stages of planning, need to add more, not sure where or when. watch a tennis tournament perhaps.

what else, only time will tell (and blogs will tell about them), hope to have a great year.


p.s happy birthday Rita.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

on the Devil, Ice and Avocado's

We arrived at Devil's tower. This impressive structure is seen from a great distance. At the feet of the mountains there is a small prairie area and if you look close you notice things running around. Prairie dogs, so many of them, sitting in their little holes or just standing on 2 feet looking for predators.  Once you pass the sea of these prairie dogs that have no resemblance to dogs you reach the mountain parking and begin the hike. We took the hike that goes around the huge scratched tower, not a long hike but very icy, which makes it kind of perilous. There is no trail to the top unfortunately but we did see climbers on the sides of the mountain climbing up…one day I will find someone to pull me up there.

The hike took an hour and a half I think, mostly due to the slippery ice. We did see some squirrels (not an attraction anymore) and several white tailed deer.

Oh on the way over we did see a bald eagle , baldly munching on road kill, but it flew away when we got closer.

The devil's tower appears as if it was scratched by giant talons and the Indian legends speak of a giant bear that did those so after the hike I purchased a puzzle with the tower and the giant mythical bear, to be completed one day.


We began the long drive to Cheyenne, leaving  the pretty black hills area and passing the boring desert (it's boring on the highway) with a slight detour for MacJiffa- I don't know why kids like this place so much, it's not food! Lucky there was a supermarket next door, and ice-cream is the best cure for overly oily foods.


We reached Cheyenne , the Capitol of Wyoming at night fall. The front desk hotel guy tells me that Cheyenne is not the cowboy western looking town people think it is. I didn't have a thought about Cheyenne because it was an unscheduled stop, with no research but he led me to the down town area with the following choices to eat- a brewery, not good with the kids, a pizza place and a burger place. Not many choices for a capitol city but we went to Sanfords, the burger place.  When you go to many restaurants, they are always packed with posters and nick necks and random …well crap, sometimes it's cute but mostly looks fake. This place was overloaded with these, but it looked nice and original. They had a statue of a hot dog putting mustard on itself, bicycles, you should see the photos. This place also had the biggest menu , literally and  1$ draft beer, with 55 choices to choose from , I had lemonade and a burger with blue cheese, never tried one, not bad. It was late, everyone was tired but I still wanted to see the town so early next morning at 6 am, I went with Moti for  an early bird hike at downtown Cheyenne. I found a walking tour with 70 point of interest, including points that are of very low interest to me, most of them were uninteresting, the house of this guy, the church of someone, the bank of. But the Capitol building was nice and several statues scattered, this was very early on a Monday and the city was empty. You know how certain cities have painted statues- Bern has bears, Cleveland has guitars  others have penguins, cows, rabbits and so forth. Cheyenne has cowboy boots, taller than myself so they look impressive, the boots even have spurs. One attraction of the type I like to find is the World largest things, and Cheyenne has the world largest steam locomotive (well one of 8 such machines),, it took us a while to find it, adding 3 k for our trip since it wasn't close to our tour area, its is called big boy by locals. We went to the train depot after that for the statue of the 1st woman to vote in America, only in 1906!. Our 7k morning hike ended and we headed south to Colorado.


Alla was due to arrive later that day and ski was scheduled till tomorrow , and after a walk in the mall while my family shopped (oh, I entered a store called the outdoor world, never been in one, its huge and filled with outdoor things you don't really need, but they have lots of stuffed animals, which I hope died of natural causes, who am I kidding… well lots of bears in various poses, mountain lions, eagles, all manner of deer and antelope, beavers, wolves, a most impressive display and all look live like. )


With 4.5 hours and nothing to do I drove alone (the rest continued shopping and reaching the ski resort) to Boulder, since they had parks nearby . I heard it was very nice but my first impression was ehhh. I went to the tourist information and heard about a hike with a time slot that fitted my tight schedule. A 3 hour hike and I had just under 3 hours to complete. I filled my water bottle and the ranger station bathroom and began to walk up. I am very impressed of how many people hike on a Monday afternoon in the off season, the trails were packed. My trail  was a 400 meters elevation with distance of under 2 miles, short and steep and after walking 7k earlier that day, I was a bit tired. But I felt like walking. It was hot, which is so good after the Cleveland winter. Colordo is supposed to be cold as well, this time of year, but this unusual warmth and no snow for over 2 weeks was most welcome. The 1st part was a simple, hike up a wide trail followed by a narrower trail that was partially icy and slippery. Hiking up was not that hard, other than breathing hard. I made it to the end where a large arch looms over the mountain, you go under it, sit on the rocks on the other side and watch the view. With an hour and a half left to go, I began making myself down. I was wearing regular hiking pants, a T-shirt, sneakers and a water bottle, mostly empty by now.  Not prepared well for this hike. The Icy trail on the way down was impossible to pass without slipping, I was left with little choice but  'but sliding' parts of the way, the water goes through the thin pants. It was cold. The 1st part down took me a long while, but the 2nd part was a breeze, the wide steep path down took only minutes since you cannot maintain a slow walking pace but must semi jog to be comfortable. I made it on schedule and after a water refill at the bathroom again I drove to pick up Alla from the Denver airport, her flight was slightly delayed , had I known I would have stopped to drink something, I was parched. We then drove the 2 hours to Breckenridge where a dinner was waiting for us with the family including steaks and water (we did stop on the way to drink, but I was still parched).


Breckenridge sit at around 3000 meters high, situated on mountains, overlooking higher mountains at the base of a ski resort, most of my family went skiing, Alla loves it, but I gave up the attempts to ski, I am hopeless. Instead we went hiking some more. Colorado is a huge hiking area but not in winter, unless you are equipped with expensive water proof everything. We did found a nice hike that goes on a snowy road with amazing views of the ski hills , the forests and lakes below. The snow was over 2 feet thick where we walked but it was packed, so for us it felt almost like walking on the ground (as long as you kept at the center of the road). Other than the views the only point of interest on the way up was the leg of an elk perhaps, just the leg, untouched and unharmed in the middle of the road, what happened to the rest of the elk, I have no idea. We walked for 5K up, but this up was continuous but not a major elevation change. The way down was more interesting because we got to see some interesting modes of transport. One hiker was pulling his kid on a tube. So the kid was just sitting there, carried away. One guy was biking! Up the snowy mountain. A couple were skiing down, , some dragged their kids on tiny wagons (you probably saw these carts behind bicycles, this was the snow equivalent). But the most interesting was a guy hiking with 3 big dogs. One of the dogs picked up the leg of elk and ran with it!. On the way you see many tracks, we tried to understand if they were elk, bear, mountain lion, but most were probably dogs. Some were clearly not but we are not Indian trackers. At one point Moti walked away from the middle of the track and sunk knee deep in the snow. Remember, stay in the center.


That evening it was our turn to cook, so I headed to the supermarket while Alla was enjoying the slopes and got what I was asked, then went again since I didn't get the right number of things I was supposed to get (get avocados, isn't 2 avocados are also avocados, apparently you need 6 when you are asked to get avocados, I don't like avocados myself, but they do). After dinner everyone crashed and I watched brave heart for the 6th time perhaps.


Next day we headed for nearby keystone resort, again Alla went skiing and I went hiking, this time alone a 4k short hike at a nature preserve, some parts were on a trail that can easily be a road, and some parts up a small hill with no other hikers and I kept looking left and right for bears, they are supposed to still be hibernating , but perhaps this warm winter changes things, and the big tracks I saw and had no clue what they were scared me a bit. If there were any bears, non-appeared. After lunch with Alla and Beaver tails (beaver tails are these sweet flat breads topped with various toppings- it's not a crêpe , but a distant cousin.) and after that we hiked again, tiny hike to a view point which has the same view as the road next to it!.

After dinner and actual Crepes (there is a famous crepe store here and there is always a line that can last for over an hour) some of us braved the line and got us all crepes, I had it a few hours later, was not that good but again, few hours later they are dry). We played charades and crashed once more.


For all of us its harder to breath in this altitude and I find myself stopping for breath every now and then and the ari is so dry.


Next day was Vail resort, the largest in Colorado. Alla went to conquer the mountain and Moti and I went hiking again. We couldn't find the trail we wanted, Google led us to closed roads and the information center guy said those areas are avalanche prone and showed us a hike to the opposite side of the hills. Because there was no snow for 2 weeks you can really see the difference between the north and south faces, the north is snowy and the south has virtually no snow. We reached out hike and followed the tracks along a river, though there were tracks, it didn't feel like a real trail and we headed back after a little while but not before I took one step and sunk hip deep in the snow (with only one leg). When we got back we saw the real trail and hike up the hills, it was amazing to see that on the south face with almost no snow on the hills, the only areas with ice were on the trail itself, not sure why, perhaps hikers pack it so it melts less. Anywhere again walking on icy areas , but not as slippery as before and other parts muddy, the view is very nice from on top, but with these mountains, you can see the same view from the ground, still you get to feel like you achieved something. We hiked down slowly, doing some mud slides and trying not to fall. Unfortunately I had to leave a gift on the mountain, thank god for Starbucks napkins.


I heard Vail itself was very nice and trendy, but we were to muddy to bland it and we headed back. And in the afternoon I decided to give skiing one more try.

The trails here are so long compared to the one's I tried in the east. I started going down and soon picked up on my skills and made nice turns, though slowly, but after 5 minutes the pains begun again and soon I couldn't turn , or stand in the skis. I hate this pain. So I took of the skis and walked down 2/3 of the way, not a fun thing to do carrying the skis and watching hundreds of adults and kids skiing so effortlessly. The car was parked lower and when I got to the road I took my boots off and walked barefoot the rest of the way (lucky the weather was warm). Why is it so painful for me to ski!! Arghhhhhhh


I relaxed by watching half of legends of the fall and in the evening we went to the bistro , a trendy place where everyone is dressed casual (weird combination) . the place had a live instrument band and nice food.


Earlier today we packed our stuff and headed for snowmobiling, we didn't think there was enough snow for snowmobiling but we were wrong. After circling the training area a few times we headed into the forest in wide winding paths with ok speeds then we started going up to a pass at over 11000 feet and stopped for pictures. The way down was fun, even on the slower parts, but in the end we got to race for a bit and barely passed 40MPH, a short but fun activity.


After that we split , my brother and his family to Dallas , my mom , shay and Moti to Florida. Alla and I with a few more hours to enjoy went snow tubing. You get a tube , with the bottom covered, there is no hole like a water tube and they launch you down the hill on various descents with different speeds, and slopes. Not sure why, but more often than not I was going down backwards which is scary since you don't see what you are about to crash on. We didn't crash, and the speeds were slower since it was mid-day and the ice was slushier, thus slower, but it was my first tubing experience , also lots of fun.

We walked nearby Frisco for a few minutes and had a good cream chicken soup and drove back to the airport.

Right now we are about to land in a few minutes, more photos will come in over the weekend.



And p.s today is my 4th US anniversary , the annual report will arrive next week!










Monday, March 12, 2012

Good Morning S.Dakota

2 days ago I left chilly Cleveland still wearing a coat, even if this is the warmest winter in remembered history , it is still cold. After a direct flight through Detroit and Minneapolis I was upgrade to first class- for the 2nd time this year (and 2nd overall).  First class these days is not like the PNA AM show but still I was offered an apple and Tubleron and was able to get my 2nd bag free.

The tiny Rapid city airport is under renovation, making it look miserable, and after  few minutes I was picked up by my mom and my brother shay. It was after 10 PM and warm!!!!!.

After a hotel breakfast and meeting my brother Eyal and his family we headed to discover south Dakota. We did not go to the dinosaur park which is one of the livelier attractions of this state. We drove to thunder head falls which are found inside a cave. There are lots of caves in this area. However the cave is closed.  Crystal caves were closed as well. The season begins in late April, but it's sunny and warm and I am wearing t-shirt and short pants. This weather is unusual here, but you will not here me complain about it. We stopped by a local park with very yellowish grass, a big lake, ducks and an island in the middle.

We fed the ducks who fought each other for scraps- they actually bark! And played tag and hide and seek with the kids on the little island with the gazebo, that holds wedding.  I discovered a stave church , which is the Viking churches I saw in Norway. And if you wanted proof that Vikings  discovered America, there you go (ignore the fact that Dakota has no sea access). But this Pagane structure was closed, who closes a church? Is god seasonal?


After gathering picnic supplies, we picked Moti from the airport and drove to mount Rushmore. Rapid city looks like the south end of beer- sheva which is no compliment, but it gets pretty as soon as you reach the black hills, which are not black but yellowish covered with pine  and Cedar trees. I have not seen bears here yet, they are dormant , so far only ducks, chipmunks and a couple of deer.

We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the base of mount Rushmore then tried to get nice photos of our heads next to the presidents heads. We did the half a mile hike on the board walk, lots of stairs. The hike goes closer to the heads but does not climb the peak. Recharged with Ice cream (we did walk 0.8K, we deserve it) we prepared for the next destination , due to confusion on who goes in which car, both cars drove away forgetting my niece Yael and me in the parking lot.

Now I can always say my mom left me aft Mount Rushmore! , lucky I have a phone!


We drove to crazy horse which will be at some point the largest carved mountain statue. Its years in construction, you can only see the head at this point. But I was there, I hope that someday I could say , I was there when it began, but construction is stuck for years, they say It will be completed after the light train in tel aviv (Israeli joke).  We paid entry fee , stayed for a minute and left (we didn't know it was not finished…too bad until we find a place which is open) not before merav getting our money back. We headed for the needles highway where we saw the deer and reach sylvan lake. This area is full of unique rock structures, which looks nicer with the frozen sylvan lake. We sledded down a slope for a while and walked on the frozen lake, 1st time for some of us.


Then we said goodbye to this nice area and somehow missing Harney hill (note to self, come back and hike it, tallest point in s.dakota).  we drove back through the hills and had dinner and crashed to sleep. Busy S. Dakota day with a national monument making it #41 in the states list.

This morning we left Rapid city and we are now in Wyoming (not a new state) heading for the devils tower.
more update soon...
p.s photos uploaded to facebook