Saturday, March 22, 2014

on stickers and monsters

we get these stickers with our names on it , so we can place this sticker on envelope. we get piles of these from different charities. they give these sticker in a hope that we would send them a check back. so instead of paying them, i found a better use. i took a small sticker and put it on Mattan's hand, he tries to shake it off and of course it doesn't budge, he knows how to move it to another hand, but not how to get rid of it. i tell you, its the funniest thing ever. we were laughing so hard when he was shaking his hand. i wish i had a video.
did another 5k today. the race info described a challenging hill. though this is my 5th 5k or so lately, it is still hard and i haven't reached my time goal, far from it. the last thing i need is to think about a hill, let alone challenging,  hill is challenging, period. you don't say scary monster, a monster is scary. i think i lost 30 seconds just thinking how bad this hill be. 36 minutes this time, not my best, 2nd best this year, not bad considering the long tiring hill, but recovery is much better, starting to get in shape.
Mattanchuk is getting smarter, he takes a remote, hands it to us, then holds it back, like he is playing with us, he doesn't laugh, well perhaps inside. he identifies when i hide the remote and gets upset when he cant reach it. really obtaining a personality.
i am over due on my year summery report, its been six years already but expect it soon

Thursday, March 13, 2014

on every day occurances

i get home, hungry, load some chilly on the plate and get a bit on my finger from the dish. so, i put my hand under the faucet and open the tap, and notice a bit to late that a strainer with potatoes is in there (already cooked), i stop the water after only damaging some potatoes. then decide to add some potatoes (from the dry edge) to the chilly, i use a spoon to pass potatoes and some fall to the ground. i scoop it up by hands , 5 seconds rule you know and put it in the chilly bowl. then went to pick up the rest, past the 5 seconds period and threw it in the sink, recalling a bit to late about the strainer with the potatoes already inside. , i pick it out of the strainer and  and throw it in the other side of the sink and stop my self in time, to move the tap away from the potatoes before using the tap again.

bon appetite.

this Monday was an unexpected warm day. i was very excited and put the littler pooping machine on my back in a carrier and went to a walk in the neighborhood, in a short sleeve shirt. the sun was shining, the snow has melted almost completely with rivers on the side of the road. i thought, spring has arrived, its not just the green grass, or the fact that we are bombarded with companies offering grass services, or kids are out side playing, or some lawn had something new beginning to grow(that extra fresh shade of green), its all of these together. i was in a good mood!
winter saw me and had to intervene and once again snoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
where art tho' spring???