Tuesday, May 20, 2014

on bluebirds, rice and the bathroom floor

it's strange being out of school and having nothing to do. I need a project. for now, i am debating what to do with toast masters. i should continue my advances speeches series, but for now focusing on the leadership program , i am half way through. but now its time for club election. i can be president. well there is no real competition. its a small club and if i choose to run, no one will run against me, will i win such election? but do i want to commit, that is the question. i may take one of the VP positions, still arguing with myself. with free time, i am arranging another amazing race event, it will be fun. i love arranging these thing, i will share photos after the event. 
mean while i am having fun with mattanchuk.
a few days ago, he discovered a bag of rice and decided to hold it up side down, its very exciting to see grains fall. and these grains go everywhere. i cleaned it up and when i was done, he found another bag of rice and id it again!!! cleaning rice is hard, they scatter to far, i pile the grains and mattan goes to the pile and scatters them by hand, it was so funny.

i took him to the shower, on an unrelated day and had him without a diaper for a second and he peed on the bathroom floor. cleaned it up and took him to the shower and when i got up, i was surprised to find poop on the floor. i have no idea when he did that, it was either him or a very big rat.

on sunny days we started being active, i took him on a couple of hikes, saw some blue birds. i saw blue birds on my street, but not in my back yard yet, i need to find find the food that attracts them, very pretty birds. i took him on a ride in his little car, and now he learned to put his foot on the ground, Flintstones style and slow down, which wrecked his shoe! 

he now says hi, that his the 1st unofficial word, i am waiting for another. he is an expert at taking of shoes and socks, peeing on the bathroom floor, activating the nap time music thing by his bad, muting the tv with the remote,  and practicing his building blocks ability, ball handling and other such skills.

today he managed to flip pages on the tablet, so cute. and he is addicted to Hebrew songs on DVD he got from his aunt. he started eating oat mill porridge and now so have I. i think i have a mom habit of eating whatever he doesn't eat, but the weight loss continues... with a long way to go...

summer is out and i hope to make it as fun as i imagine it to be, rain stay away in the evenings.... so i can continue playing beach volleyball, bike and hike, its so much fun.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

on speeches, trees and feet

could every day be this day?
woke up early before 6 am , Mattan woke me up, and while i take a shower, he tries to go into the shower with clothes on to play with shampoo bottles. then breakfast, bottle of yukky stuff for Mattan and granola for me. diaper change of  both 1 and 2 and then heading downtown for graduation. i am not sure of the origin of the graduation dress code. i was placed in a robe of black and green. on top of that, something that is not a vest, not a scarf, but yet drapes from my neck. colored black green and brown. and the traditional hat with a brown tassel. why does business school get brown? do they no business is S##t? i was surprised to see so many people i had not seen, all MBA grads, i was not aware the program was so big. so many future contenders for my next job.
we were placed in a line and made our way to the center courts (the ceremony was in an arena), where every body walks the line to their sits while looking for families in the audience.
the gown has some strange additions  (a kind of fingerless gloves at the ends of the robe) that you can stick your hand in, again, the purpose is not clear and i saw no use at first, but then we found a use, place the phone in, since the robe has no pockets. it held my water bottle as well, a most handy and strange thing.
the ceremony began, with one greeting after another, the president,  Representative of the board, alumni rep, the speeches went faster than i assumed, then some honorary titles to people I've never herd of, a few doctoral awards and Finally, over 200 or so graduates, went up, got my side photo, had my name read, one more photo with the president, one More by myself, very efficient graduation machine. then we waited for the entire undergrad class and soon after an hour and a half only we were done, they didn't have everyone throw the hats in the air...shame but some did anyway (so i had to join them). a few minutes later, we got some more photos next to the beautiful blossoming trees. the best time of year is right now, when all the fruit trees are blossoming.  the gradation almost feels complete, as i still wait for my last grade....
after the event i drove to an orienteering event and Quayle hollow. i have not had great success there, once a was stung my so many mosquitoes, i actually felt bad, another time i was lots for a while. but today i was on fire. i have not ran in 6 weeks (took a break for the vacation and end of school), so , i therefore did not expect to be able to run much. but i surprised myself and ran for the most of the 90 minute event, 4.6 miles of woods running, definitely my best orienteering pace ever. this was a score event, meaning a set time and many points, collect the most you can, with further or harder to find points worth more, so to win you must move fast and make no mistakes. this time (unlike the usual) i was mistake free, almost. spent no wasted time. at one creek crossing, i walked on a tree to cross, and at the edge, slipped and got both feet wet. since that point i didn't care for streams and ran through them, where usually i would be more careful and waste time.
towards the end of the time, i made a push for one more point, got wet again and made it back in time (there are severe point penalties for being late). no results yet, and again i will not win, but definitely my best event ever.
and a bonus, got to see some deer and a lovely green forest.
now resting at home, with sore but satisfied feet.
this is how every day should be...

Monday, May 5, 2014

yearly report- season 6

slightly late... but i owe you the yearly report...
what did we have in the last year,
we had a graduation, ceremony this weekend and i will graduate with the highest honors..wooooohoooo. i don't know really what has changed to get me to honors, since it's was not so before. perhaps the program is easier, perhaps i am more mature, or more focused. but have spent countless hours and worked my butt off.
travel has seen 2 countries, Iceland and cost Rica which brings the total to 55 countries but no new states... how can this be, need to get to Alabama some how, the list of missing states is short, but none are near by.
the plan for next year includes possibles of Portugal and south of space with bonus Gibraltar, Peru, perhaps more central America. but honestly, i want after the work project ends to take a month off and tour several countries. how to do it with the little one, time will tell.
in local travel, we went to a big cavern in south Ohio and that's it, well we did have more work at home.
movies- i think i only saw 2-3 the whole year,(though many at home), we saw the blue man group and hardly any music shows.
well, its been a busy year of wiping, washing, cleaning, dressing, undressing, dressing,undressing, pee cleaning, poop picking, filming, holding, calming, panicking, medicine giving, creaming, carrying, piggybacking, napping, soaping, salining, laughing, smiling, barking, squirrel pointing, reading, singing, grabbing, driving, sliding,catching and many more surprisingly fun activities of watching mattanchuk discover the world. 
they told me raising a child is fun, i didn't appreciate how much, its awesome, but yes one is enough.
running was a big part of this difficult winter  with 8 races so far with improving times, but still have not came close to the 30 minutes goal. i did do 1 8k race and 1 triathlon, internal. there will be more of these this summer,
i had 2 orienteering events and another rogaine orienteering, lost my way once, and managed to pass through so many thorns on one event, that i had marks all over my legs, arms and even head- last rogain for me in thorny Pennsylvania.
i didn't spend enough time on the treadmill, need to return to that, and do more weights. i gained >30 pounds in the last year and almost lost it all, i hope by the time you seem me back home, that i will reach a point lowest in the last 4 years. i am doing wight watchers and greatly changed my bad eating habits.
cereal changed to granola, beef to fish, lots of edamame, one item per meal, waiting before seconds, putting the fork down and many more changes, i am in my seconds session, it is not part of work, but it's at work which makes it easier to attend.
last year has seen more plate changes including heart of palm (not yummy), squash (i still cant believe i ate it), gefilte fish!!! what the heck is happening to my taste buds.
i started going to Toast masters this year and completed my competent communicator status after completing 10 speeches, i am now in the process of a leadership program that will take me the rest of the year, as my club has a meet every 2 weeks, and also proceed with more advanced speeches program. what will i do with all these new learning's and skills, i don't know yet. when i will grow up i will decide what's next.
fun activities included surfing, wind surfing, volcano bathing, hiking, biking, jet skiing, kayaking, kanoeing, rafting, jungle tracking, zip lining, canyoning, rappelling,  high jumping to natural pools, water hole swimming, orienteering, rogaining, triathalonearing, running, swimming, snorkeling, volley balling.
interesting moments
i swam naked in a volcano pool!!!!! that was awesome, and zoomed in photos by paparazzi does exist, but photos were never shared with me. did i mention the pool was cold.
i walked where astronauts practiced the moon landing.
i ate great testing hot dogs, purchased them and when tried them here, they were horrible.
i learned to surf, and managed to bruise my ribs
i learn to wind surf... i need to find local clubs here.
i play D&D till 8 months ago in a fun campaign, need to fun another since the organizer moved out of town.
i swam and jumped into the incredible water holes in Mexico
i saw impossible to find frogs, lizards that look like a leaf and more interesting animals.
i launched pumpkins in an Amish farm, and almost hit the target.
i tried apple butter (not bad)
i played lots of back gammon and word with friends.
i finished season 4 for braking bad, season 1 of home land, season 5 of breaking bad... yes i watch TV too much.
i watched wreselmania live, for the 1st time. i still cant believe the undertaker lost!!
i went fishing once, and caught nothing, which is good, why hurt the poor fish.
i didn't have new visitors in my bird feeder, a repeat of the same, but still nice to see. i saw my 1st coyote hear.
i had a few injuries, 1 sprain, neck and beck issues, better now.
wow, i start every paragraph with the word i, i need to improve my writing style.
for a while, we went dancing and learned some moves, that was fun, but we didn't stick with an an above beginner program.
in traffic, i had 2 fines this year, parking and expired tags.
on an unexpected side, i did planted and created my vegetable garden that actually grew 2 pumpkins. we even carved them into faces and scared kids in Halloween - my new tradition, 2 years in a row.
traditions continue with matzo ball soup in passover and my killer 3 layer mattza cake.
next year... lots of fun activities are considered now that school is over and i promise to continue writing and documenting it all.
cheers for year six
pura vida
happy Independence day Israel, and happy cinco the mayo.