Thursday, January 21, 2016

on tales from the CRAPt

Yesterday was an interesting day. got the daily email from Mattan's day care which said that he went Potty.... a great milestone for any parent.  that is the favorite story my dad tell ms on how i did it all by myself- but i don't know at what age, hoping before 10). so this particular milestone is important to me as well. 
I went to the J and ran a mile. 2 years ago this was easy, but in my current shape it was not, took me a while to return to a mile, feeling refreshed, went to pick up Mattan. his teachers told me that he pooped twice- once they saw him trying and urged/hoisted him to the loo. the 2nd time, he asked by himself....oh the joy.

headed home excepting an accident free evening- boy was i wrong. at first Tal as asleep, and i managed to force Mattan twice for number 1, he is much more resistant at home.

an hour later, I see Mattan in a particular pose, and i rush him to the toilette- to deliver the package to its final destination, i ask him where the poop is going, he knows where, he chooses to be a baby much longer at home.
Tal had pink eye, and i woke him up to give him medication and have him crawl around , or he would wake up at night. i find the best way to give medication is as he wakes. since he is still groggy. 
after the drugging i gave him a bottle. he took just half or so.
few minutes later, Tall spews the milk, some of it- he used to spit a lot,  much less lately , but i dont know how much of the medication, if any did he absorb, since mile and medication are both white.

while i am busy cleaning up the couch, Mattan is left to his own devices. i found it is an accident risk when he is left alone and is quite. now he tells me that he went poo again. what , 4 times in one day!!! and also peed.  he didnt have a pee accident in a while now.

i take them both to the shower room, i place Tal on the floor behind Mattan's plastic stairs and examine the payload. i undress him and extract the goods to their watery grave, but there is more. i dont know how a chunky chunk got under his toe! i lift him up and try to wash it off, while mattan complains that he has poop on him and Tal is not docile and tries to clime the stairs.

this is where it gets tricky, since Tal begins to cough and spit again. i put mattan down with some poop on his legs still, and take Tal, he has snot mixed with milk coming out of his nose, and his spit has some brownish chunks coming out. this is where is begin to dread, was there another rolling piece of poop... if so, did Tal try to eat it???? OMG, i don't know, the poor baby coughs and spits for a minutes , and chunks come out, I do anything but taste to determine the source of these chunks and i am 83% sure it is not poop. but there is room for error, i clean some poop of the toilet stairs from Mattan's toe. wash his Pooish legs and then we all relax in a hopingly poop free tub.

i put Tal to sleep right after, he slept the night through and so did Mattan- this day finally ended.

I wish i had a Camera on Allla's face when she reads this...i may not come home tonight....safer that way.

Last week for Alla's birthday we had  a date night
we started with Fat cat's on the trendy Tremont area, my weight loss race just started so i ate a fish and watched Alla put down soup, bready thing, mash potatoes, fried chicken - so had no choice but to assist the chocolate desert. nice place, but limited selection for culinary deficient people such as myself. Alla wanted to go dancing, so we headed to the Vault. which is arguably the place to be in Cleveland. the issue is not where, but when. the place opens at  9, we arrived at 8:54 and were let in through the fancy door. the place does look like a vault- lots of heavy vault like doors, with real looking mechanism, and red lighting. we went to the bar and the bar lady happily announced that we were the first, cool people come first. we talked on the length to come from Solon to here, typical dance chat. we ordered drinks and the bar lady asked if we want to open a tab. No, we both answered in unison. cheap minds think alike. we toured the area, Alla taking in what elements can fit in our house. after a while we started dancing, we were the only ones on the floor.
people slowly arrived, people in jackets and dresses, no one dancing. only one guy joined us later by climbing on the go go dancer elevated area and started dancing by himself. the DJ finally arrived... few minutes later we reached our curfew and headed home

this may be my last blog.... I hope you enjoyed reading...

Monday, January 11, 2016

on fish fingers and other fish stories

"quick, come here, my hand is stuck in a fish."  that is the scream i hear when i rush upstairs to the tub where tal and Mattan watch alla scream in agony.
we have a big fish, plastic fish. you can put balls in its mouth and they come out the other end, not sure which genius came up with this idea. Mattan put a slightly bigger ball and the fish became constipated. Alla tried to help and not sure how, got her hand stuck in the fish's rear end.
she couldn't break loose since she was holding Tal in the other hand. mattan kept playing with otter marine toys. with my 2 childless hands  saved the fish and managed to extract the ball out as well. no fish were harmed in the writing of this blog and all fingers are back to working order.

i've been non stop sick for over two weeks. nothing special, just never ending mucus and coughing, i have not been to the gym in that time and re-gained a bit. which be good in a sick way. I enrolled in a "biggest loser" competition at the J and today i had my 1st weigh in, in the evening, after dinner. the starting point is much higher then i wanted it to be.. but now its 2 months of lose competition. i am climbing a volcano in three months, i need to lose it or i want make it up the hill. 
in the last 2 months i started training a bit, but i had serious problem running. ,my calf muscled would ache badly after almost no distance at all. but today since the competition began and i was there anyway for the weigh in, i started to jog and strangely felt no muscle aches. 10 laps is not much, not even a mile but more than i have done lately. as soon as i stopped i felt it. my cough become much stronger. my lungs are disobeying... but two months to go, need to change my shape from a tub to something more human like.

last weekend we began switching to underpants for Mattan. it is an interesting journey. mattan is better behaved at day care, much less at home. after a few accidental days (Reminder to self, replace carpet..), on mu shifts i take him to the potty every half hour, he resists but no luck, he goes. yesterday i had the first no #1 accident day. number 2 came once, of the joy of cleaning underwear...
I took him to the Cleveland aquarium, it drizzled a bit as we came in. first time there, i thought it was very nicely done. fish both big and small, some very big. you go under jelly fish , that was quite nice. some snakes, frogs, turtles. a pond of sting ray that you can actually touch as they swim along, so of course i had too, Mattan was scared a bit. i touched some star fish and some other freak fish.
the Aquarium is in an old building and they kept its shape, placing small aquariums in its halls. it's a nice touch. the halls were lit in color changing lamps , mattan saw a kid surprised as his hands changed colors under the lamps and it became a game , since the color change every few seconds and so did his hands . the shark pool is close to the end with lots of big sharks and there is a tunnel underneath and you can see them from below, as they swim close to the edge, you really get a good look at their teeth. Mattan loved the possibility of walking around, he passed the tunnel, then played with the lights and back again ten times at least including 3 potty breaks... no chances with that.
an hour plus later we left the aquarium and the blizzard hit. heavy snow, strong winds winds, no visibility , no gloves.. i knew this day would be cold, but i thought it would be later. we drove home sloy passing one truck that didn't take car on the bridge and hit the edge. , but for us no accidents (well accept the single poop)
