Monday, February 22, 2016

on plows, silence things that fall and a sleeping baby

9 month report


Hard to believe how time goes by, it is time for Tal's 9 month report.


What he can do now?

Walking... well not really, but today he took his first and second steps. He steps in place kind of, but he is trying to make a real step. In the last week he stood up for the first time. He keeps coming up and down, falling on his butt or facing forward, but trying again, very cute and he is easily encouraged by happy faces, so he gets lots of smiles.


His voice keeps changing, the latest thing is shrieking. When dis-satisfied (left alone) in baby chair, he shrieks very loud!!!! He is the quiet one, but these screams are painful to the ear. Pick him up and he relaxes right away.


He stands up quickly in the baby sit and you must watch him, or risk falling on the floor...


He goes the 1st step down correctly, after peering over the edge, but then he changes and tries to go face first, scary. One time I held his hand and he tipped forward and did a somersault (in the middle of wonter!)  , I don't really know how he did that and didn't break a shoulder... lucky flexible bones.


his favorite game is whatever Mattan plays... he is a follower, he does not give u, even when pushed away from everything or being knocked down (happens a lot)- he likes the train table since he can use it to stand and walk around it. He samples everything in his grasp. He loves to give hi five, though when I hold him he hi five's with both hands and whacks me in the face.

He drools...


He has 4 teeth- 2 up and two and the bottom, with 2 more coming out from the bottom very soon


He likes to eat puffs, apples, cucumber, and squashed mix of fruits.


He likes chicken soups, but does not like chicken


He tries to eat by hands- a good transition.


He holds the bottle by himself for a while now (great help)


He wakes up before 6:30... Last week every day at 5:15...  But he sleeps through the night - so it's a decent trade.


He disliked diaper change, twists and turns and can get poop on his ankles.


He is a fast crawler... look for a second and he reaches stairs, electric or other baby risking devices.


His very recent activity is doors and drawers opening, but he sometimes traps his fingers in them, does not cry, complains a bit and does it again.


For some reason he likes to bang his head backwards against hard surfaces, not sure how to stop it, we need to or he really will be backwards.



Tal seems to be a learning very fast, more updates as he makes his first...whatever.



 A few weekends ago, Alla was working and I took Mattanchook to the zoo. In the morning he surprised me with a little underpants gift. An hour later at the zoo seemed to be a problem free event. While we are walking by the duck lake, Mattan begins to lean his head on me and jump up and down. Even the ducks were wondering what was going on, then the evidence became clear. 

I rushed him to the toilets. Removed his pants, and carefully remove his underpants. I was so careful that I didn't hear a certain something fall to the floor and boy did I step into it!  The next 30 minutes were spent, de-pooping mu shoes, cleaning Mattan, cleaning the floor and trying to occupy a curious boy in a bath room. when we got out, my shoes were still not fully clean, as cleaning ability with toilette paper and a faucet you have to wave at to turn on is insufficient. A little mud and a bit of grass help prevent the spread of brown stuff on the zoo grounds.

It was a cold day and most animals were inside, we didn't see much, he fell asleep on the way home and I thought my troubles were done. Two more surprises later in the day made it a difficult one. With Tal getting attention, Mattan is regressing a bit, making sure all poop goes where it should is a daily task.


the prior weekend we went east heading for Holiday valley, Alla wants to ski for a few years now, it was snowing badly and it got worse and worse, I was driving at 20Mph for a couple of hours on the high way, several cars were already on the side of the roads and even a couple of trucks were stuck on the side. It was really scary to be driving. We didn't reach holiday valley. We decided to stop in Erie for the night. That exit happens to have a water park... instead of record breaking cold and 0 visibility, we were splashing on decent slides, wave pools a lazy rivers for half a day.

First we went to the black hole, a ride which is fully closed and dark, Mattan got scared (this is the yellow slide) but liked the open red slides and kept repeating that the yellow is bad and the red is good.

They have a device called aqua tumbler. you go in to this orb (like Zorbing) and it turns fast and you run in it , then fall right away , try to stand and have to bounce around and around like a sock feels in the laundry. The link shows you what this is .

This ride had special permission form- it warned against joint damage, back pains, heart attack and death!! This is a water park... so I had my concerns. Dying is one thing, but spraining my ankle is worse. At the end of several hilarious tumbling minutes, in which I lay more than I stood, I bounced myself as many times as possible and managed to punch me in the face, I was scratched, but felt much revived. After drying up and swallowing a UN enjoyable burger we went back on the road, with no more snow at this point but still bitter cold and stopped next to peak 'n pick - a smaller ski resort. We rested in the hotel and in the evening went to the resort itself. We rented gear for Mattan. And he had his first ski experience, 4 minutes or so later he was back in the lodge... Alla hit the slopes and I gave him some hot food and a change of underpants....


The next day Alla skied again and I took Mattan for a stroll in the resort, it was a bit less cold but still frost bitten Alla left the mountain in under an hour. We stop by the blue heron in for ...another burger... and finally drove home.


Meanwhile... Tal was baby set by Camilla.

Back a step... it was a light snow year, till this weekend. and we didn't have a "Mr. Plow" person/ while driving blind in the snow, we found a snow guy, but didn't give him the address... snow storm came... and people had problems leaving our drive way. Finally the next day we got hold of snow guy, gave him the address, he came, plowed around Camila's car. She saw it and hurried out to move the car (to plow under it) and got locked out... in record cold temperature, while Tal was inside...


Lucky for neighbors.  After nervously finding no open doors. She went next door and called the fire department.

Now we have a broken door and Tal was napping the whole time...


That is it for now with our poppy adventures 


Oh, with this non ski ski, Mattan reached his 4th state (OH, PA, FL and now New York... but who's counting


Cheers from pooland.