Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Re: Tales of Parma

oh, btw- Parma is 20 minutes away

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Gil Even <gil.even@gmail.com> wrote:
I never visited the real Parma (Italy) but I have its Ohio counterpart, but all i knew about it was one good German restaurant. now there is another, more on that later.

I was sitting yesterday morning , minding my own business (not much else to do lately) where a big bird flew into the forest behind my house. usually I wouldn't be able to see it because of the foliage, but its over now. so I took out the bird guide when the beautiful red tail hawk flew away, what a sight. 

o.k enough delay...

After accepting a position in Toledo, due to start next week, and us starting to looking for an apartment there, my pharmacist had another interview, yesterday and due to the time constraints , she was offered a position right away. Close by, full time, good chain, more money....perfect. the location is Parma, to begin next week!!!!!!!! at Marc's (its a big chain of supermarkets)

just wanted to let you know :)

Tales of Parma

I never visited the real Parma (Italy) but I have its Ohio counterpart, but all i knew about it was one good German restaurant. now there is another, more on that later.

I was sitting yesterday morning , minding my own business (not much else to do lately) where a big bird flew into the forest behind my house. usually I wouldn't be able to see it because of the foliage, but its over now. so I took out the bird guide when the beautiful red tail hawk flew away, what a sight. 

o.k enough delay...

After accepting a position in Toledo, due to start next week, and us starting to looking for an apartment there, my pharmacist had another interview, yesterday and due to the time constraints , she was offered a position right away. Close by, full time, good chain, more money....perfect. the location is Parma, to begin next week!!!!!!!! at Marc's (its a big chain of supermarkets)

just wanted to let you know :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

on previous episodes of twenty four.
Agent Greenberg was unemployed, looking for work. unexpected communication feed from Paris (Perrysburg, 2 hours away) has confirmed of the existence of a job. Intel report on this Omni powerful company has revealed unsatisfactory information on treatment of employees, however a job is a job.
last Monday morning email from Omni requesting final documentation, CTU agent ( Copy & Transmit Using email) Greenberg has confirmed and now waits for background check to complete.
the following takes place between 7 am and now, events occur in real time.

7 AM- Alla wakes up, quick shower and mandatory foundation,
8:AM a quick trip down town Solon to pick up suit from dry cleaning
9 AM -delivery person comes to the door bearing chocolate covered fruits from Agents Danger Cat and Farm boy congratulating on new jobs, yum yum.
10 AM- Alla enters an office for an interview with the wolf (real last name!)
at the same time, at another part of Solon, Gil takes the 7th season of 24 from the library
at the same time, background check continues for Alla and gil. Hussain (Real name) asks for more information for Philips
10:30 Agent Greenberg finishes assignment with wolf and contacts her boss Gil (i wish), due to short duration of mission, Gil believes it didn't go well. how ever G reports success.
11:00 agent G, Gil and season 7 of 24 are back at apple house headquarters.
12-2 unrelated paper work regarding immigration- boring episodes, people lose interest
Information is also provided to philips
2 PM the Red transport heads down town for Immigration issues to converse with government agents (the guy that answers general question by the public). 
At the same time, urgent communication from the representative of the wolf confirming hiring G for a position right here in town!, however for only 3 months, next stage is not guaranteed.
3 PM urgent debates begin comparing the offers. one is closer, more money, more interesting, but non secured while the other is far but guaranteed. lots of other factors affects decisions but now is not the time.
4 talks begins with several advisers including R,L,D and I , the overwhelming opinion is to go for the close , unsure option. but uncertainty continues.
5 - An email communication arrives from a European capital recently under civil unrest (Athens, OH) regarding previous offer. it seems that agent G succeed in interviews wherever she goes and gets a 3rd job offer. this one is the furthest away however is best suitable for agent G.
at same time, dropping transportation for an oil change
6PM  limbo! 3 offers, with only 12 hours to give final decision. time to think on other things.  going to the supermarket for some supplies.
7 eating supplies and starting to watch 24, while agent G struggles with impossible decision 
8, another episode of 24, debates continue
9PM  discussion with Irma (you might recall her from past blogs, a.k.a Irma rules) a current employee of the office of the wolf (the job in Solon)- saying new hires are not rehired usually, however it is a good place. this company was recently bought by a major company, future unclear.
10. decision is made to go with operation Perrysburg
10:15 Email comes in from the free clinic, confirming option of volunteering (good for experience) , making it the 4th job offer (free but still work) in under a week. Free clinic clashes with Solon job but not with Perrysburg job.
10:25 Stop watching 24 to bring you this update
10:58 last communication from R, still no decision, commercial break

final update will come tomorrow
here is a preview of things to come. Agent G will struggle all night with a decision
Gil will watch another episode of 24 and will support whatever decision G makes.

p.s. we thank Jack Bower for the inspiration.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A tale of 7 cities

what are the odds... What?, read somewhere below.

A long long time ago, in the age of unemployment (hint hint), kids went outside dressed in customs and ask for candy from strangers. for some one like me to have never participated in such an extravagant event is odd. it was a cold evening but not too cold. i was thinking of going as an African with my full African regalia and my face painted black but i was told it may seem racist by the over sensitive gringos, so with little time to choose, i went with another creative but not too clever outfits. with the upcoming 2012 end of the world Mayan calander- i decided to be "ready for winter".
i wore my ski pants, ski shirt, winter vest, winter coats, fleece hat, another fleece hat and another fleece hat (tough winter, you never know), 3 umbrellas, 2 ponchos, a snow shovel (yes, a snow shovel), snow scraper, 3 scarves, 1 ski face mask, utility belt, with 3 single gloves on it.... i think that was it, oh, i also wore fake eye lashes, if the world ends, might as well look nice.
I joined the kids as they walked between the houses, i didn't go trick or treating myself, just walked by, but it was nice seeing every one in custom. and my outfit was handy , since it was cold and i lent a hat, gloves and scarves to freezing kids (i was happy to glove, since i was too hot from the too many clothes).
in the end each kid had a batch of candy.

Now I already have my idea for a custom for next year.... its going to be hilarious ...

A few days later my mom came for a visit and we explored Cleveland a bit. we went to the botanical gardens, a place I never visited and found it lovely. it didn't only have plants  but also chameleons and butterflies. after that we went to the art museum, but a support call prevented the visit.
we walked later that day an hour out side to nearby chagrin falls, a town that is always closed (or closed when ever my mom comes), it was day light when we got there, but still most stores were already closed.
we went to the zoo the next day where the trees in late stages of the fall are steel impressive and the red panda, cheeta, and bush baby are most impressive. but the wolves that chose to hide on our last visit now made a full appearance. I also had a job interview by phone next to the seal cage (moved on to the next stage...) and had lunch at a nice German place.

the next day we walked for 3 hours to a restaurant, just over 16k of city walk. its nice walking to a restaurant, it gives you drive and the houses on the way are nice. it was a Saturday and the streets were empty. we passed 7 cities on the way (Solon, orange, wood-mere, Beachwood, shaker, university and Euclid hts). and had a very good Turkish meal. Alla met us there so we didn't have to walk back. the previous night Alla slaved in the kitchen (by choice) and produced magic beef brisket, lots of salads, corn muffins, it was a grand feast with my mom , Moti and Alla's parents and sisters. The visit ended the next day and I returned to the GMAT, which was not my greatest moment.

Last weekend I played some tennis after months of no play and went scouting for activities for my Amazing Race (not the real thing, just small activities I am organizing, details next week..

OK, you waited long enough and so did we, after 3 months of unemployment the day began with an offer for Alla as a full time pharmacist and OmniCare and ended with a job offer for my self at Philips.

So it is a happy day :)

cheers, hope your day is as happy as ours

Friday, November 11, 2011

I am number 4

on this 11/11/11 day i woke up earleir than usual to the view of the 1st snow of the year, low level of whitness covered the grass and deck out side. Today I took the GMAT test.
after eating my morning cereal, i drove to the testing center, and picked up the number 4 tag (similar to a queue printing line, but these numbers are on solid plastic permanent pieces) and waited. soon after they signed me up, took my palm prints (not finger prints). i drank some water, took a preventetive headache pill and went inside after having my palm reread.
i was surprised when the order of essays (1st section) was switched, cost me a minute to pass the early shock i was in. i think I did well but i have never had my essays examined so i will have to wait since i ha ve no evidace to support my conclusion that i do well on such tests, there for ...bla bla...
then came the 2nd essay. the list of essay is fixed, but there are still close to 50 subjects, I did 3 of them yesterday, and one of them was the one i had to redo, so i think i did well, though see previous conclusion...
i had 8 minutes for break,  you have to raise your hand and be noticed by the staff, wait for them to come in to escort you, get up, remove your head set, walk to the office, have your palm, reread, get the bathroom key, go to the bath room, perform your duties, wash your hand, go back, return the key, open your locker, avoid doing anything suspicious, quickly eat something, dring the rest of the bottle, take another excedrin (Still no headache but you never know), close your locker, wait for someone else to step outside, have you palm read, go in seat down, hope the 8 minutes have not passed, place you head set on, wait for them to relog in...and continue, Still had 76 seconds for my break, so no rush.
Math comes next, and for some reason i felt drowsy today, likely from not drinking diet coke as i do regularly, the cans found a bad time to be anywhere but here.
I practice test, from the eggining i was on the lowest level of the top group (based on several study books) and i had confidence, but for some reason I blacked out and in the end guessed 4 answers without even seeing the question and missed one altogher. so a disappointing 50 percentile, which means that every 2nd person who takes the GMAT is smarter than me, in math atleast. I know i could and should have done better, after that I took my next break and repeated the previous paragraph
the last verbal section started with a black out as well but i recuperated and finished on the 58 percentile, better, likel blogging all the time helped but still i hoped for better results.
now i am feeling totaly brain dead. i checked my score (of math and verbal, i dont have the written part yet...wait 3 weeks) and with those i can apply to a place i wanted to and some others, but i am far, far from the good ones (not that i was planning to go there anywhere, but it would have been nice to know that i could have).
so now its time to rest, take a nap and watch a movie called "i am number 4" suppose to be a good one..will tell you later

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fwd: gil.even shared an album with you.

beow is a combination of treak and treating and family visit, enjoy (i did)

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2011-11-02 visit
Oct 31, 2011
by gil.even
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