Sunday, November 7, 2010

on green beans and other unusual things

“Maybe you should try adding butter to the green beans”, I was shocked to hear myself utter these words today.

Green beans, why did I even try to eat it? In the world of vegetables there are many I never tries or tried so long ago that I don’t recall why I don’t like it. But I gave it a try and, I am still alive. Texture like potatoes but a lot greenier, it has potential with a lot of salt, butter and perhaps a chicken on top of it.


2 days ago I held a check in my hand, the largest I ever carried and actually gave it away! , you need to give money if you want to own a houseJ

5080 Stansbury drive, solon Ohio, forgot the zip code (previously known as the apple house), is now officially ours. We get the keys in 2 days and after some minor repairs we will be moving in in 2 weeks (anybody interested in helping out?).

We were actually looking for some lane, not drive, after watching Wisteria lane, but we didn’t find any so we took the lovely house on this drive.

It began snowing yesterday and snowed the whole day, didn’t stop, the 1st snow on many to come, winter coming, way too soon, so this morning I went to see how the house looks with the 1st snows, and the street was all white, and serene, I took some photos of the house with the trees ready to hibernate and not a single apple on the tree.

One of the neighbors stopped on the way to introduce herself, which was nice and friendly, I live in this apartment for over 2.5 years and don’t know a single name, but here I have not moved in and already met 2 (too bad I forgot the name of the 1st). Tammy said that 3 house away there is another Israel couple. Boaz somebody, so that is a very nice to know, she pronounced it like boeeez, but they can’t say my name right either.


It is amusing to sign the house contract, other than the transfer of the check. You have to pay courier fee, survey fee and a bunch of other crap fees and you hear terminology that you never hear elsewhere like funds in escrow and encroachment, which makes you feel dumb that you don’t understand these terms to the fullest, I will try to learn them by our next house purchase, somewhere around 2038.


Today we went to a short nature hike with a naturalist (also known as a park ranger) in the part of the metro park closest to our new home. The purpose of the hike was to learn about animal signs and hopefully see some wild life. We learned about the various nuts and the crazy squirrels that eat them. We spotted several squirrels, a wood pecker (that was busy packing against a tree), deer poo, signs of buck (male deer) rubbing against a tree, deer tracks, deer trails, a beetle, understood the two main kind of oak (did you know that black oak is actually a red oak), squirrels nest (did you know squirrels nest?), and heard an interesting cries of a young owl or hawk, we couldn’t make out the exact species (we meaning the park ranger, I cannot tell the sound of a hawk from a panda bear).

We also learned a bit about mushrooms, and learned to spot the most risky one. If you eat it, you get sick for 2 days, then you get better for 2 days, then you need a liver transplant! So not worth massing with. I don’t like mushrooms in either form so I am quiet safe here (and yes I did try mushrooms lately and bhhhhhhh)


Went kick boxing yesterday, and this was the 1st real active lesson I took since the surgery. Kick boxing has some kicking, but I am not allowed to kick high yet with my left, so I kick high (high for me means not really that high) with my right , and then low with the left. Punching I am allowed so I did. This lesson is aerobics and fun, but I left it with a cramped (right) leg. The difficult last month and a half took a toll and loss of focus on diet and I quickly gained most (but not all) of what I lost, so now the focus is back on and the avalanche was blocked. It is very depressing to know how easy it is for me to rapidly gain, I must be more disciplined than I am today.


 Not long ago we went to a an funny version of the 39 steps, I was expecting a drama, but this was funny with the best ever use of props. They ran on the train, got chased by a plane and drove a car, and it all looked so real, but with using only a few ladders and basic props, this was truly amazing and the actors changed rolls on stage with amazing speed and grace which was unbelievable.   A most recommended play.

Around the time we saw an Israeli movie in the Beachwood Israeli movie festival. It’s nice living here where ties to Israel are strong. The movie was about a sumo club in Ramle and I found it very original and entertaining, go see (from the video store by now). I have seen several movies lately but not one of them is a must see, too many OKs. We saw the Town, after I heard the story with an audio book. The movie was fun (not a must) but I don’t understand why will you change the ending of the book for such a drastic change, I want give out spoilers here, but the ending is completely different.


Recent events in my family (I will share on those at some point) and work (I try not to tell about work stuff here) on top of getting married, buying a house, having a surgery seems to make me more serious. Alla today was thinking about a party here and I was telling her to focus on the house first, this kind of thought would never cross my mind before, it troubles me , but am I growing up? Scary!!!


This summer and fall went by too fast and without too many interesting things, I couldn’t do much with the surgery, and I am still limited so approaching dog sledging trips, ski trips and even just running are on hold, but they will happen again as soon as I am allowed. So I have some time to plan other types of event, will tell you about it in 2 weeks. 2 days away  from my 1st wedding anniversary (the 1st wedding…) cant reveal the secrets…


Cheers from the 2nd day of winter


p.s- on the way back from the nature hike we saw about 5 deer…. Not one on the hike itself, go figure.




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