Friday, August 19, 2016

on lists, dreams and luggage

As you know i tend to be slightly... nostalgic.

i wrote about this before, as a kid, I had this 1962 cassette that was lost :( . i listened to it quite a lot and took me years to recover, effort complete to the best of my memory.
The recovery effort can be found in a youtube list- see below

but why now all of a sudden.
this past Wednesday, I got to witness live- one of the songs on this list. Paul McCartney came to town. Inna got us tickets as a birthday gift (thanks inna). I am a Beatles fan, but not a real Paul McCartney fan beyond the Beatles year. still, on that day i was practicing on you tube to familiar with his other songs and he did not disappoint. the man is 74 year old but took no rest and sang 36 songs.... most shows rarely break 20- over 2 hours, he swapped guitar several times, played on the small guitar thingy- ukulele I think, keyboard and piano both and was very good on each of them. it is not a hard day's night when that is your opening song. I think he had fun out there as well, enjoying the adoring crowds.
he Sang Love me do, the one from my list, my favorite Beatles song 'fool n the hill. hey jude, yesterday and many more- i counted 21 songs i knew and could sing along- i think a record for me in a single show. an awesome show.
my throat was having a difficult time, the day before i took Mattan to the flats to see the beach boys!! only 1 original member is still there, but great show none the less and i am happily singing along while a hugged mattan sits on my lap playing pepe pig on my phone. he couldn't care less about the beach boys but i think he enjoyed being out with me. the river is behind the stage and ships both big and small pass behind and even rowing ships. downtown Cleveland is on the other side shimmering in the red of sunset.  this semi open venue allowed mattan to go up and down the stairs with me following and sit each time in a different section, much to the delight of other viewers.
we left the show just before closing to avoid traffic. this was my 2nd time with the beach boys. a great show.

2 days of sing along, the next day my voice was a bit off, but next week includes a possible surprise. the happy together tour comes again, and i can't wait,..  i've seen the show twice-  the turtles are the main attraction - but each time other bands join - i looked up some of the bands this time, i didnt recall the names but was pleasantly happy to see the songs they sing... more on that next week, when live videos will be uploaded and i need selfies with 5 sixties bands.:)

work is not something i often write about, it is clear to me that i am in the wrong profession. though i am good at testing, but it bores me to death. I guess i can be thankful for having a good stable job, but i want more, my problem was always what is this more, what career would make me happy.
when asked by my boss 8 years ago , what i want to do in five years, i surprised him by answering a writer. since then i am actively writing this blog, but never really wrote a book.
earlier this week, i got a facebook post about a couple who does travel blogging. that is probably my dream job, travel and write- what can be possibly better. the problem, there is always a problem, that that couple has no kids. I love my little baggage and suitcase, but i need to find a way to merge everything. smart facebook, probably from the previous mention, i got a sponsored posting for instructions on how to be a travel writer, i signed up and i am super excited.
I noticed along my history, that i can be very excited, very easy, but just as fast i can lose interest. but Travel and writing combined, how can that bore me?  for a long while 'ive been lost in a sense, career wise, but now i need to test myself, to see if i can pursue my dreams, leave the rut. not as easy as it seems. from what i read, you get paid per word, and most articles are short - 300 words, i dont travel this much to justify switching jobs and even when paid to travel (drooling so much....)  , a baby sitter will become an issue

so , can dreams come true?

hope to find out...

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