Saturday, October 24, 2015

on 24601

blog began a few days ago...
in case you missed it, today is back to the future day, very exciting. 
on a trip to universal studio's once, we went to the tourist show and i volunteered, they put me in a Doc brown suit and the stage looked like the final clock scene, and i stood on the clock balcony and shouted "Marty, i am sending you back to the future", this is my only movie credit and it wasn't even the real movie, they do it multiple times a day but i loved it.
today is the date that in the 2nd movie they went to the future, with flying cars, hover board and large screen TV that work like phones. well we kind of have the last one with Skype, but i have not seen hover boards or flying car. well perhaps in 30 more years..

started to work out a bit, went to spinning and had a soar butt in about a minute and exhaustion in 30. it is so hard to return, body aches. next day i tried body sculpt, lots of easy moves that get pain full quick and now i am sore all over, the good kind of sore, but a bit much.

went to see a movie, in the Jewish film fest. dough - kind of funny. 

sometimes i re watch old Simpsons seasons, it is unbelievable how much details was overlooked by me in the past. for example, the prisoner number of Side show bob , where he corresponds withe Selma is 24601. as a kid i missed this reference to les miserable. when principal Skinner find a face mask that looks like -the man from the iron mask, that too had the number 24601 on it. i really enjoy spotting new details.

i spent the day in a toast masters convention. we had several lectures including one fro, a world champion of public speaking. some of these speakers are amazing. many of the speakers state that you can be good, its takes time and practice, but it is a whole new level to be "gooder" as one speaker noted. my vantage point is that i always wanted to be good in many things but i don't know if i want to spend that much time in any one area to be gooder. before i started my role this year as an area governor, i declared a goal and that is to be comfortable introducing my self to strangers. i am too self conscious. with these conferences i am making baby steps towards the goal. i felt more comfortable today.
at one point i stand by the gift raffle bags, trying to see which one to put my ticket on and i begin to talk with this elderly woman on diapers and bottles that were given with this specific gift bag. a few minutes later when the key note speaker of the convention is announced i find that this was his wive, but just a casual conversation is a big step for me. well worth the convention price.
in the convention prizes are awarded, one of them is are Governor of the year, my current role. and the winner is... not me of-course, this is a prize for last years.. is my predecessor in the role. there are about 30 areas in our district, and this year i am in her shoes. funny that she is a teacher and knows Inna's kids from there school. small world (janet wasserman). my goal this year was not this awards, but now that she won it, i feel obliged to try as well. see what happens in next year awards.

it is incredibly beautiful outside. the fall colors are amazing. in the after noon light the red tree glisten and in the morning cloudy days, the yellow trees have a halo. already we can see many trees without leaves, this period want last forever and some frozen-ness will strike again.

i did some yoga yesterday, my activeness cycle slowly kick starts and i can see the symptoms, i googled a trip, i blog more, i have event ideas in mind, the good momentum is here and i need to keep it going....

tomorrow we may even hike ....
beautiful photos will arrive shortly

good night

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