Thursday, October 29, 2015

on records, zombies and rides

a rather interesting week

Tal started crawling... well he more or like pulls himself onward with his hands,still no real crawl but a most exiting moment.

a new bird came to the yard, it was a pack of them, 4-5 together, a bit smaller then a robin and  slimmer, with kind of polka dots on the nets and strange patterns on the wings, took a while to search the book to find it, a Starling i think. i didn't get a snap shot...

We went to boo at the zoo, a non scary Halloween event, still lots of pumpkins, ghosts, staff and many of the guests in customs. I took my crock outfit , fitting for the zoo, but added an extra hand sticking out of my mouth, you know, finger food. for 2 hours or so i chased mattan around and enjoy the great atmosphere. they had a little dance party, hay maze, dancing light show , a fun event but mattan refused his Thomas outfit.

yesterday, an event was held in a university dorms, trick or treating. the students sit outside their rooms and give candy. they also decorate the halls, this is done for charity, the visitors bring used clothing for donation. Elmo (nathan) came as well and Mattan finally agreed to wear a custom and took my crock head. the kids are 5 months a part, share some DNA but are so different. Mattan rushes forward and i have to chase him, while nathan takes his time and enjoys the moment.  we go from dorm to dorm , in each a floor or tow is filled with students and candy. one floor was a scary one with spider webs and students make things rattle. both were scared and i carried them through it, informing the students not to play tricks. but most floors were cheerful and the kids more not then often say trick or treat, say thank you and get lots of Ohhhs. both look adorable. i wore a custom my self, a zombie. well just the pants and shirt. it is hard enough to follow these runaways even without having the mask obscure my vision. but this suit is super hot, and i go up and down the stairs, chase them around and sweat hard, in minutes i smell like a zombie.. mean while mattan asks for candy and i open it for him, then he is eating lolly pops, has them for a while then gives them to me and asks for "new candy". with one student, i hand her the used lolly and have her give it to mattan, but he is not fooled.

on the way back, Tal is crying in the car and mattan says "poor Tal, he wants milk papa "(in hebrew) so cute.

the other day i went to a class at the J. Rip n Ride, its a spin class, but you make "stops" for squats, sprints, lifts , jumps and other forms of torture. next morning i was fine, but now 48 hours later i a a wreck.. so hard returning to shape.

Alla tried to make a cake. i am usually the every day cook, and alla makes the specials.
she got the material, and couldn't find to make it, and on occasion i pilfered materials for pasta, she got more materials and the cycle continued. a month later, last weekend she finally had ingredients and time and create a masterpiece... there is nothing left after two days... we now try to find more time for this cake, you must try it.

i am addicted to words with friends and i do ok. i average 375 points and above 400 is uncommon, over 500 is very rare. a month ago i had a 580 game and thought i would never have a better one and then this week. it started with lazier z on Triple letter and word, 122 points, decorator on a double and triple word 80+, noisier - 7 word bonus score 70+ points. but there was a zap by a triple word score and both of us of hoping for the miracle S. and when it did, i had Aqua with Q on the triple letter. new word record of 153 and new game score of 683. amazing personal best for me. i looked up scores online- someone did 1233 with a single word!!!! . the thing is that before i finished the game, i had 1 i left, i saw a message that i resigned this game. i was shocked!!! the app has some glitches but this, on my best game ever, the pain in the the rip and ride class that followed was not as bad as this. i didn't see it in my games to play or in the completed games, it vanished. a few hours later it appeared again and i was able to complete and have a huge sigh of relief.. 

enjoy some photos

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