Tuesday, November 11, 2008

special democracy edition- the winner takes it all:)

Back when meretz were at the peak of success in Israel (1992)- the Raanana branch had 4 mandates (out of 19)

Last election set raannana meretz with 2 mandates


And now after a brilliant campaign where meretz in Israel maintains its strength

The only major success for the party is in Raanana


Meretz – becomes the number 1 party in the city – with a record breaking 5 mandates (before the soldiers votes are counted)


Hofrey the mayor’s party – is 3rd in the city with 1 yes ONE vote less than the 2nd party and 300 after meretz


#4 in the list is my brother shai – who is now a city council member


And since he ran the campaign – he got the majority of the congratulations- from party members and members and campaigners from other parties alike- and I have the videos to prove it J


In previous emails  I sued the word proud with a smile- never actually meaning it

But today- watching my little brother handling every one and faces a defeated mayor (in the council, he is still mayor ) and manages not to look superior – a very gracious winner

Now I am proud.


Now I can go to sleep its 4 am


p.s waiting for the votes of soldiers to confirm




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