Sunday, June 21, 2009

the last half of 24 hours

What a crazy busy weekend, it is after midnight and now is the only time to update


I have some old updates to update upon


So after the security guy finds something in the bag…

We are pulled aside and he finds liquor in my bag; from not drinking at all, I actually travel with alcohol! Those were 2 bottles of local fruit liquor - something like Schnapps – a gift from noomi.

Since we had our delay, we figured it was best if we checked it in.

So we went to the check in counters and stood in line.

Go try to explain that you have 3 begs from Israel on their way right now and you want to add 2 bottles to that; not an easy task, apparently you need an agent (some counter persons are agents, most of them are just counter employees/ clerks assistances -  the air line counter hierarchy is a complicated matter)for that; the only question is who is that agent; we move a few times between the counters and finally after long  delay ; we get the face J - not this one - the  “you can’t be checking that face”. Apparently the bags dudes like things to be in a bag; so we take the photo album out of our carry on and check in the bag. Now with the booze safely on its way we are notified that our delayed flight is actually canceled. With quick fingers, the supreme agent does whatever they do over there and finds us a place on the next flight – with should only leave 2.5 hours later and at the moment delays are not expected. 2.5 hours later – after we go through security again , booze free, and have a bite to eat; what do you know, delays;  that is the worst part -   because they keep delaying for half an hour ahead and then again and again instead of saying- come back in 2 hours; I would go do something instead of sit and wait -  or more likely lie on the floor and sleep.

We actually went to the continental counter and asked for a pillow to sleep on; the esteem clerk (I don’t think she was an agent) looked around as if to assess from what dream we ascended on her with a pillow request. She sent us back to our gate, promising to dispatch a pillow on the double. Of course as we got there, the gate keeper, knew nothing about it -  I think she promised to check it or something- right as she was finishing her shift and goes home- you can imagine how soft my floor pillow was by then.

To pass the time we looked at Rosetta stone ; I was checking out their English to Russian program; learned the 1st ward and forgot how to say it right; Racer is laughing when I try to say it.

So hours after our original departure time, we finally board, I don’t remember the flight for being asleep most of it. We got in to the car around 2 am, and had a touch choice of crashing in a hotel or driving home for 2 hours more. I guess the floor/plane crash   i.e. sleep crashing on the floor and on the plane (which did not crash) were enough – and we drove on with a rare stop at a non food place (mc something), since it was the only one open (even then I should know better) and made it safely after only 26 hours


Perhaps tomorrow I will update on Israel visit, howl at the moon, east west games and other things in between

For now

Good night




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