Sunday, April 21, 2013

on falling things

it fell off! i am not kidding, it fell off. I am not sure what the purpose of that thing in the middle of my stomach , but stuff is not supposed to fall off, does it? It didn't do much, just sat there, the problem is that my face is now pealing, does it mean my face will also fall off?
last week was hectic, i finally understood why they tried to cut it off. they took my underwear again, a very annoying process, it got cold and it lost control and suddenly i feel a warm stream on my face! it entered my mouth, yuk, i would cut it off myself but i can't get pass these underwear.
Lipstick and familiar took me in the mobile unit to the small research facility. the aliens there did more experiments on me. i am gaining weight and they are happy about it, how strange, usually they want people to lose weight. they also measured my head size, girth, length, width, circumference, diagonal and a whole lot of irrelevant things. it was hectic this week with many new aliens visiting, with my 18 hours day sleep schedule, having to entertain them took all my spare recording activities time, they all want to hold me for some reason, i felt like a freezbee, tossed around.
i keep hearing the list of 100 songs- let me translate another for you, its a classic they say
the little bunny forgot to close the door, he got a cold the poor guy and got the sniffles ,  la la la atchu, la la la atchu . la la la atuch , la la la la.
now if this bunny is little like me, how can he reach the door? i can't . it makes no sense. doesn't he have any caretakers to close the door for him and turn on the heater.
and he got the sniffles, so why are they happy about it singing la la la?
they apparently don't take enough photos of me, now they brought an external paparazzi. they undressed me again, and kept telling me to smile,  would you smile if they undressed you in front of strangers?
i hear my paparazzi passed his citizenship test and he will soon be an American. not sure whats the big deal, all you have to do is be born to one, how hard is that?
how do you stop hiccups? i eat then want to go back to sleep but they keep coming up and wake me.
yesterday was a big day, they dressed me up like a doll and took me to this big place with lots of aliens. they were praying and singing, then this mail alien guy decided to give me a name. what is this the never ending story, i already have a name. Mattan lev.
after that they had lots of food and many many aliens holding me , not letting me sleep, they even had cookies with my name on it. do you think they would give me one oh those? No. I have to settle for more milk
in case you wanted to know how can i write without being able to close the door. well, there is an app for that. cry2blog.
good night for now,
I am now 17 days old.

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