Thursday, April 11, 2013

on lilo and math

how can i trust the caretakers if they don't know any math? I know i am just 8 days old and still i know more math then everyone. I am hungry, I eat 90 CCs, how hard it is to give me this amount, instead of letting me drink it all, they do 15 from this bottle, 30 from that, now they get confused, do they count with the tube inside or without, how much did you give him, why so much etc... in the end i don't get my 90, i tell them again , they are not sure, finally they give in... now i can go to sleep.
I am 8 days old and i heard something horrible was supposed to happen today, not sure what.yesterday they strapped me again, i was nervous and they took me to a new research facility, once again with aliens. they tied me to various devices, one of them told them how much i weigh, then they pulled my underwear off and got my wight again, do you know how embarrassing it is for me to have my underwear scaled. then they tried to figure out my scale in pounds and they didn't know there was a doctor, pharmacist and 2 nurses and they couldn't figure it out? how will I ever get my 90cc?
Paparazzi and familiar are obsessed with my LILO (liquid in liquid out), they register on paper how much i eat and when, this is horrible, no privacy. since i cant do anything against it, I decided to help out. yesterday during another under probing i showed paparazzi exactly how much liquid out i have, too bad his hand was in the way, i also left some on their bad, his shirt, the underwear changing pad and whatever i could reach. for some reason they are still counting.
they keep giving me new beds, one is enough for me, now they have the swing less swing, they call it a swing, but it doesn't move, why call it swing?
by the way, i am gaining weight.

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